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Big Ten Legends: Eric Crouch Interview

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Hey guys!


I'm actually a Michigan State media member but I host a radio show called Big Ten Legends that feature former football or basketball players that had great careers. I had legendary player Eric Crouch on my show and he was a wonderful guest! In an in depth interview 35 minute interview Crouch and I discuss his recruiting, career highlights at Nebraska, the invasion of South Bend (He speaks very highly of you guys!), his Heisman Trophy, playing in the national title game, what he is doing now and much more! This was played on over 145 radio stations but I thought HUSKER NATION should hear one of their own legends talk about his career! I posted this in a Facebook Cornhusker fan group and they absolutely loved it so give it a listen and let me know what you guys think! He isn't the last Cornhusker I'll have on my show so if you want to give me a follow on Twitter it's @SethNewman32 for the latest tweets about Big Ten football and guests on my show, go ahead. Good luck this season guys, and I'll see you under the lights in East Lansing very soon!




Above is the link to the Eric Crouch interview! Thanks for your listen!

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