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warren buffet and nu

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(Oh, and trust me, I can crush you in any debate. I'm trying to be polite in addressing your ignorance. The only one that will think your right is you.)


I suppose if yo' momma is the referee, you may have a point there. BTW, your boy Scott Walker of Koch Bros fame and in true Ayn Randian form--not satisfied enough with his(and his Koch Bros sponsors) union busting efforts--recently cut the educational budget for UWiscy by ~$250 mil--this, after the UW had requested an increase of $95 mil., UW being one of the more affordable state U's in the country. Libertarians, champions of education--for the rich--and enemy of the working man. Which reminds me, I assume you went to NU, which is a socially(gov't) funded university, right? Well, anyway...
I see you have conceded because you realize your feeble mind couldn't engage in any rational discussion.


What do you do? Call names like a little baby. How mature and enlighten if you, and how to best make your point. Never engaging in the discussion, instead ALWAYS changing the subject to simple parrot taking points (republicans bad, Fox News bad, Koch bad, U.S. Bad, any rand bad). Your elusiveness is present because you can't confront the points I have made.


Indeed, you think by dropping names and quotes, your points have credence. Instead it highlightless your inability to address the issue. Almost all of your references and quotes are off point and reveal your lack of understanding what they and I are saying. I don't have to use quotes, reference or other people's words to defend my position. It is easy.


It is clear that you don't understand any of the people you have quoted, nor the subjects you have addressed. You simple are blind in your partisan talking point and can't see logic or the world as it is. Rather you see it how some people want you to see it, becoming a puppet to them. Blinded by partisanship and without any real understanding of their side, you continue in your posts to shovel bs.


Let me clue you in - I have never said anything about Ann rand and Scott walker. This isn't a discussion of whether walker addressed the unions in his state fairly. It is about capitalism (and, as a result of your diatribe, a country that allows such discussions without fear of retribution). It is apparent that you don't even don't know how people in other countries, who embrace your communist themed points, live. They long for freedom, prosperity and justice. You, who have the incredible comfort that this country provides, bad mouth it. Go live in other countries in the world, and then, tell me about their problems. It will make you realize how wrong you are.


Aha, your playing of the 'commie' card is quite Pavlovian and therefore completely predictable.


I already dismantled your ideas of 'capitalism = prosperity' and other fantasies as to the 'free market' many posts ago, but I might as well be, and it wouldn't surprise me if I were, debating an evangelical Christian... You're clearly in way over your 'pay grade; here, so maybe it's just time to run along...


As to 'comfort':



“The comfort of the rich depends upon an abundant supply of the poor” — Voltaire

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