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[Spoilers] Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens Spoiler Thread

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It's pretty apparent that The First Order is trying to mimic the fallen Empire every step of the way. The First Order uses clones and they even have the giant planet-destroying thing as well, only this time, it's a giant star-system killing thing! So, it'd make sense for the First Order to follow The Rule of Two.


The Rule of Two, if you didn't know, is a rule mandating that only two Sith can exist at any given time. Sidious (and the Sith for that matter) are thought to be dead at the end of Episode VI. So it makes sense that Snoke is Plagueis and that Ren coming in for more training is to make him a Sith as well.

The Stormtroopers in TFA, and the original trilogy for that matter aren't necessarily clones. In TFA I believe most of the troops are "brainwashed" orphans taken at an early age. I think this is why Finn and Rey have a unique bond, both being orphaned young.



Ya. I don't recall hearing in the movie that any of the stormtroopers were clones.


They talked about how stopped using clone army, current storm troopers are children soldiers, kidnapped as children trained to be storm troopers. Think ISIS.

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It's pretty apparent that The First Order is trying to mimic the fallen Empire every step of the way. The First Order uses clones and they even have the giant planet-destroying thing as well, only this time, it's a giant star-system killing thing! So, it'd make sense for the First Order to follow The Rule of Two.


The Rule of Two, if you didn't know, is a rule mandating that only two Sith can exist at any given time. Sidious (and the Sith for that matter) are thought to be dead at the end of Episode VI. So it makes sense that Snoke is Plagueis and that Ren coming in for more training is to make him a Sith as well.

Never bought into or enjoyed rule two. I think this is too much of fan-boys reading into things. Look at the Sith Empire, and the galactic war. One line that every sith has a master and there are always two is referencing just because you flush one out that there are others, I know books etc have expanded on rule two but I think it is hog wash and hopefully disproved. Think about it this way, anyone can have the force if they use the force for good or evil does not matter based upon how many other force users there are. Just my two cents.

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For those primarily looking for "a total sequel about happens next to Luke and company", there's the massive Expanded Universe for that. And (/ducks) that's about as interesting as the typical endlessly sprawl of a comic book/video game universe. I'm sure all the plot developments there are fascinating, new, and worthwhile if you want to dive into it.

The EU is no more though...

The only things they count now are Episodes 1-7 and the Clone Wars animated show as official canon.

Yup. I'm about halfway though Aftermath right now. It takes place a year after ROTJ is "new canon" so I'm gonna try to finish it this weekend.

Not familiar, what is Aftermath?


And they recognize this as official canon? Definitely going to have to check this out.


Yeah, these are the new books that came out. Everything from this point on is canon.

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For those primarily looking for "a total sequel about happens next to Luke and company", there's the massive Expanded Universe for that. And (/ducks) that's about as interesting as the typical endlessly sprawl of a comic book/video game universe. I'm sure all the plot developments there are fascinating, new, and worthwhile if you want to dive into it.


The EU is no more though...

The only things they count now are Episodes 1-7 and the Clone Wars animated show as official canon.

Yup. I'm about halfway though Aftermath right now. It takes place a year after ROTJ is "new canon" so I'm gonna try to finish it this weekend.

Not familiar, what is Aftermath?


And they recognize this as official canon? Definitely going to have to check this out.

Yeah, these are the new books that came out. Everything from this point on is canon.

Awesome, I'll be picking this up asap.

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I saw the movie wed nite and was for the most part entertained. It shaded toward the 3 previous movies and borrowed many if not most of the comedy scenes as well as repeated many of the action scenes. I've not read any of the books written since Episode 6 so I was in the dark about Kylo Ren being the son of Leia and Han or how he turned to the dark side. Some back scenes would have helped at the start of the movie. I would also have liked to know some back round on the new evil supreme leader. I had to spend too much time piecing info together to make sense of the movie. The CG was excellent and the color was great. The new characters and puppets were solid additions. A little puzzled how Rey understands so much of the "Force" without any training. I'll probably see it several more times.

  • Fire 1
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The force is something you either have or don't have control over. When she was face to face with Kylo Ren and put under extreme duress, her strong control of the force was unveiled. Even she didn't understand it. Force sensitive beings have to train to control it and get stronger with it, but think of it like Spidey Senses, it's there but she has to learn to use it properly.

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I saw the movie wed nite and was for the most part entertained. It shaded toward the 3 previous movies and borrowed many if not most of the comedy scenes as well as repeated many of the action scenes. I've not read any of the books written since Episode 6 so I was in the dark about Kylo Ren being the son of Leia and Han or how he turned to the dark side. Some back scenes would have helped at the start of the movie. I would also have liked to know some back round on the new evil supreme leader. I had to spend too much time piecing info together to make sense of the movie. The CG was excellent and the color was great. The new characters and puppets were solid additions. A little puzzled how Rey understands so much of the "Force" without any training. I'll probably see it several more times.

You're as much in the dark as the rest of us. Everything that came out before January 1 of this year (like all of the old books) are no longer are "canon" so it's all new from here. Only the movies, Clone Wars series, and Star Wars Rebels is considered canon now. There has been 2 new books (Aftermath, and Journey to TFA) but those don't shed much light on Ren and Snoke.

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We took the kids to see it today and they loved it. I noticed alot of the little things I missed in the first viewing.


Also saw a blatant flipped shot that bugged me to no end. The scene after Rey escapes from the restraints and runs down a hallway is backwards. The stormtroopers sgt pauldrons are on the left shoulders, and Rey carries and aims the rifle in her left hand.

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Carrie Fisher has mental health issues and has done a lot of drugs in her life.




British icon Fry described his good friend Fisher as 'not mad enough to be committed, but not sane enough to lead much of a normal life.'


I don't know much more about it but she's been bringing her therapy dog to all of her interviews in the past month.

Also, they caked make up on her. I think she looks much better here than in the movie and it was taken 5 days ago:




Her voice really hasn't aged well though.

Let's be real though. If she did her hair up in the double Leia buns, you'd still hit it. We all would.

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Carrie Fisher has mental health issues and has done a lot of drugs in her life.




British icon Fry described his good friend Fisher as 'not mad enough to be committed, but not sane enough to lead much of a normal life.'


I don't know much more about it but she's been bringing her therapy dog to all of her interviews in the past month.

Also, they caked make up on her. I think she looks much better here than in the movie and it was taken 5 days ago:




Her voice really hasn't aged well though.

Let's be real though. If she did her hair up in the double Leia buns, you'd still hit it. We all would.

Only if it was a threesome with Han.

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Tell me which movie this is.


A short cute robot ends up on a remote desert planet carrying vital information the resistance needs. It ends up being taken in by a lonely orphaned teenager and eventually meets Han Solo and the Wookie who are in trouble from old debts to smugglers. The info is the final piece in the puzzle that shows the weakness to the newest ultimate weapon of the bad guys. A weapon that can destroy whole planets. The Resistance can only manage 15 or 20 X Wing Fighters to battle the newest weapon and the best pilot in the end flies his X Wing through tight surroundings while fending off the tIE fighters to send the shot that ultimately destroys the mega weapon.


Not to say I didn't enjoy both movies. Just thought it could have been a bit more original and not a copycat.

  • Fire 1
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All of that was quite intentional. At this point, nearly four decades removed, it has to serve the roles both of a sequel and a reboot. This movie is about re-establishing what Star Wars is, including to a generation of fans that don't know what Star Wars ever was (yes, the prequels were that far away from it!). I guess a little similarly, I couldn't even tell you if J.J. Abrams did the same thing with his Star Trek movies, because I hadn't really seen any Star Trek previously.


It does that, spectacularly IMO. In a lot of ways, this is poised to be a much better execution of The Monomyth than the original. Or at least a more modern one.

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I guess there are two possible extremes to go, with the villains.


After the extremely powerful and sinister Emperor of the prequels, they could go with The Even Badder Dude Behind Everything, or all the way down to a pretender affecting it all. I'm not a huge fan of the former just because there's surely a limit to how many plausible levels you can go with that one, and I don't think it's necessary for a story. The heroes defeat the Ultimate Evil, only to have to defeat the Ultimate, Ultimate Evil later? This is the Final Ultimate, right?...


It would also make this new series dundundunDUN, it was Darth Plagueis!...which could be really cool, I suppose, or a letdown. It seems like too little new discovery to me. Also, too much of building the arc on foundation laid by the prequels.

I watched it again last nite and Snoke has a scar running from the top of his head to his brow and then maybe a connecting scar on his chin. Like someone slashed him with a knife/lightsaber. Also his eyebrows are white so maybe he's old. (But we haven't seen his race before so who knows).


The prophecy about Anakin (who Plagueis probably created) is that he'll destroy the Sith and bring balance to the force. He did that by killing the Emperor. Not sure about the balance part. Anakin helped destroy hundreds of Jedi. But Palpatine probably could have done that without him.


Anyhow, if Plagueis knew about the prophecy it makes sense he wouldn't want to be in charge while Anakin was around and set Palpatine up to take the fall.

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