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Question about Coach Riley


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If you need religion and a God to make you be a good person, you are not one.


Since faith plays into W/L was it God's will when TO lost 9 of 11 bowl games? Had he turned his eyes away from God? Did he sin like the ancient Israelites?

And do we want to dig deeper into the behavior of some of his championship players?


HCMR may be a man of faith, he may not. His ability to mentor and lead seems pretty evident.


OP, why don't you admit you had an agenda starting this thread.


I get irritated when Christians seem to think they have a monopoly on morality, faith and God. Especially when they have been on the wrong side of history so many time




Spoken like a true resident of Colorado...you might be breathing too deeply. Continuing to work hard and humbly do so after losing 9 of 11 bowl games was a testament to his faith. His players? Forgiveness and giving them a second chance..yes what a horrible guy. Maybe he should have hung LP from a tree? Would you have preferred that? Get back in the closet Buff fan....



Lolololololololol. Could you explain what a 'true resident of Colorado' might mean there Cletus?


Hang LP from a tree? Dayum! No, my mind doesn't do those things. The fact that that somehow made it into your consciousness at all is kind of scary. You should take a time out, think about what images, stigmas and stereotypes are ingrained in you. Stare at your ugly. Be uncomfortable. Figure out what you need to be a better human being. Grow.


We've been down this rabbit hole so many times on HB but LP was let back on the team bc/ TO knew his championship window was closing. Was he also trying to mentor a troubled young man? Both but can be true but if 3rd string did that, they wouldn't have played again.


Also, I would have done what TO did, but I'm not starting HB threads claiming fake moral high ground.


closet Buffs fan?...psshhh

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Quick, someone pray for me.


I have already been outed as a heathen, "NATIVE AMERICAN LAKOTA MAN".


No, I do not believe in the christian god, a human sacrifice killed by jews and all that stuff.


I DO believe in a higher power.


Whether the Christians (capitalized with respect this time) or the Muslims or the Hindus are right is of no real importance.


What matters to me is this: If YOUR God is the right/correct God, will he/she accept those of us who have lived earnest and good lives though we may be honoring the wrong name while doing good and being humane ethical people? If the answer is NO, you can keep that god to yourself and I will go on doing the best I can.


Best wishes,




I really like this guy.

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Wondering if he is a man of faith? The more I read up on TO the more it appears his faith was the core of his life and shaped his philosophy dealing with student athletes/coaching. I believe this was instrumental in his success as a football coach. Wonder where MR is in the faith department? Not trying to stir the pot, just curious



Sorry to rain on the parade, but this topic reeks of misplaced priorities. Football is game. Division 1-A football coaches are highly paid celebrities. Do they “mentor young men”? Yeah, I suppose to some extent that they do, in the same way that teachers, bosses, parents and other ‘authority figures’ play that role. But ultimately, whether a young man is going to live a moral life comes down to the decisions that they make and what they choose to believe in. Not because of what TO, Mike Riley, or some other ‘authority figure’ tells them how to conduct their lives.


Frankly, it looks like some people are trying to justify their football obsession with religious arguments. Do you really think that Jesus would want people playing a hard-hitting contact sport, like football, in heaven? Sorry guys, I don’t think so. Football is about as ‘earthly’ or ‘secular’ entertainment event that I can think of. Something for mortals to enjoy down here. Not something to confuse with proper spirituality.


Oh, I beg to differ! I have it on VERY HIGH AUTHORITY that football is a an eternal sport in heaven and God always gets to be Tom Osborne in his games.


And good sports coaches can be great role models and teachers of men and women, especially at the ages that most youth are being impacted. For teenagers growing into young adults, there are incredibly difficult challenges and stresses and temptations if you will in today's rather ugly world. The more guidance and counsel and positive examples for the virtues of hard work, dedication, focus, effort, devotion to task, teamwork, etc, etc, etc the better as far as I am concerned. We could all benefit, even in our ripe old 50s, from these kinds of things in our daily lives. Marriages, jobs, families, chat boards, political parties, school boards, and on and on could all use a bunch of that these days I'd say.

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