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OWH: Riley Faces Difficult Choices with Husker Offense


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It is a damn good thing that there was no message boards during the late 70's and early 80's. Some of you idiots would have run TO out of town. It was bad enough that the papers tried to do it.

Tom Osborne didn't start out 14 and 11 with some of the most embarrassing losses in school history including a losing season.

People need to quit insulting Osborne and stop that comparison yesterday.

The same comparisons were made between TO and Bo. And TO and Callahan. And TO and Frank.

At least the comparisons to Bo and Frank made sense, from a wins perspective.

And the comparisons to Riley make sense if you look at them from a personality and process point of view.

Any comparison makes sense to the person making it.

It's clearly a comparison based on on-field success, and it needs to stop.


It's embarrassing, really.

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The comparisons work because they're rooted in the commonality of the fanbase being ungrateful, hyper-critical, ignorant and lame towards our active coaches.

That is about the only thing remotely that can be compared to the two coaches and situations....and even then, it's a stretch with coaches now having to deal with the internet and social media.

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