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Quarterback Voting Thread


Starting Lineup  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be HuskerBoard's Quarterback?

    • Redux
    • In the Deed the Glory
    • BigRedBuster

This poll is closed to new votes

Recommended Posts


  • Leader - A take charge kind of guy. He starts a majority of the threads here on the board, being a topic starter.
  • Cannon Arm – The QB has a blast visiting HuskerBoard daily. He has an powerful way with posts (shooting at lot of posts at us daily).
  • Offensive Minded - He makes the offense offensive. He may correct you to his way of thinking. Some of his remarks may offend you but he makes you dish it out like he dished on you.
  • Great Size - The ideal "pocket passer" QB should have great size - 6'2" to 6' 5". This gives them the ability to see over the line and take big hits from defenders. Therefore, this poster should have a good volume of posts. We're not looking for ones that say "I agree" or "That's funny" though... These posts should all have good quality and stand above all other "defenders."
  • Field Vision - He has to see what the defense is giving him and make the best of the situation. That means our QB reads pretty much all of the posts and gives what he feels to be the best answer/comment to the question - and many times it is the most noteworthy comment of the thread.
  • Scrambling Ability - The QB should be able to "scramble when flushed out of the pocket" by an odd question. This poster can quickly answer the question posed from his own knowledge of Husker football or experience.



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