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Wide Receiver Voting Thread


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22 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be HuskerBoard's Wide Receivers? - Vote for THREE

    • GSG
    • BigRedBuster
    • man eating mastadon
    • ColoradoHusk
    • The Murphinator

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Wide Receiver:

  • Fast - This guy has blazing speed and can burn any cornerback that stands in his way. Replies to messages and questions come from this poster at an alarming rate! Able to outrun any Georgia DB for a 99-yard TD when the team's backs are against the wall.
  • Good Hands - When a pass is thrown his way, he always catches the pass where the defenders can't knock it away. Very rarely drops the ball when his vision isn't impaired. So, this poster backs up his content with documented info and normally answers the question very well. If you need someone in that end zone to clutch the Hail Mary, this is your guy.
  • Route Runner - Slants, posts, and hook routes are this player's forte. Using these routes, this poster always finds the soft spot of a zone or gets good separation from tight coverage. This guy has a different "slant" on many topics, "posts" a lot of interesting information, and "hooks" you with his witticism and knowledge.
  • Wily/Crafty - A student of the game. Recognizes patterns and coverage (knows the topics he's commenting on and the other people in the particular debate). Tends to use his skill to get away with things, isn't afraid to fight with the defense. A Maurice Purify type.



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