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Outside Linebacker Voting Thread


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18 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be HuskerBoard's Outside Linebackers? - Vote for TWO

    • The Murphinator
    • man eating mastadon
    • VectorVictor

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  • Defensive Leader - The LB sets up the defense in the huddle and keeps everyone abreast of how an offense is shifting or motioning. This poster is a well-respected member that keeps all others in line with his comments, while at the same time informs everyone of player news and other happenings in the NFL.
  • Gap Filler - When a play is run and holes are made for the opposing RB, the LB fills the running lane and stuffs the RB from breaking free or stops him in the backfield completely! Our LB's are guys who keep threads interesting by adding their own insight and can stop a thread from running amok with useless info.
  • Blitzer - When the rush is on, you can expect the LB's to be coming fast and furious through the line and get to the QB with blazing speed. When a breaking story hits, these guys rush to HuskerBoard to inform and add good content to the discussion.
  • Team Pleayer - Holds his ground and knows what he's doing is important to the outcome, even if he doesnt get much recognition for what he does
  • Alertness - Aware of the situations and reacts properly.
  • Hard-Hitter - Relentless at the opposition. When he sees something being done wrong, he will take care of it, no questions asked. Not afraid to belt a receiver going across the middle, but isn't the kind of player to make unwarranted cheap shots.



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