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Recruiting Staff Voting Thread


Starting Lineup  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. Who should be HuskerBoard's Recruiting Staff? - Vote for TWO

    • FaithfulHusker
    • Young Grand Island Husker
    • Xmas32
    • QMany

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Recruiting Staff:

  • New To The Team – This is often the first position available to a new member on the staff, but someone whose impact can be felt right away. These posters should be someone who have never held a position in the Starting Lineup before, but whose contributions are unique to the board and whose fresh perspective have put him slightly ahead of the rest of the crowd.
  •  Lots of Hustle – A Recruiting Coordinator Intern has to keep all the pieces moving, keeping the staff up-to-date on all their travel plans, getting whatever is needed as fast as possible to keep the fresh recruits coming in. HuskerBoard’s Recruiting Interns should contribute more than just talk in Husker Football, whether that contribution is providing info in the Recruiting forum, helping answer questions in the Audio/Video forum, providing yummy recipes in Roxy's Recipes forum, or even making helpful and informative Status Updates.
  • High Turnover – Unfortunately, the Recruiting Coordinator Intern is a position with lots of potential for turnover. Interns come, Interns go. This is your chance to give that new guy a well-deserved “attaboy” for his contributions, and make him feel like a member of the team. Who knows, he may stick around.



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