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2 hours ago, MLB 51 said:

An 0 for 4 day. The Rangers lose. The Raiders lose. The Lady Huskers Volleyball team loses. The Huskers lose to Iowa. What an absolutely s#!t day.

How on earth are you a NY hockey fan, a Husker fan, and an Oakland (they'll always be that to me) Raider fan? What sort of cross country voodoo is that?


You couldn't have possibly expected the Raiders to win though, stop kidding around. 😂

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10 hours ago, runningblind said:

How on earth are you a NY hockey fan, a Husker fan, and an Oakland (they'll always be that to me) Raider fan? What sort of cross country voodoo is that?


You couldn't have possibly expected the Raiders to win though, stop kidding around. 😂

I always expect them to win, but they rarely do. The rest of that is a long story.

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