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What is the future of the Republican Party?

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1 hour ago, Scarlet said:

This seems like a great way to bring more voters into the fold.  

I’ll never figure out how what we have experienced the last four years shows they are “for the working man”. 

it’s truly an impressive marketing scheme they do what they’ve done and have so many but into it.  

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31 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

I’ll never figure out how what we have experienced the last four years shows they are “for the working man”. 

it’s truly an impressive marketing scheme they do what they’ve done and have so many but into it.  

Obviously working people get a lot out of liberals shaking their heads.


 What else would working people want?


I mean it’s pretty obvious that a solid standing in the global economy, affordable health care, easier access to higher education, and healthy workplaces would be of zero benefit for the working man.

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it's no longer the conservative party.  it is the party of xenophobia, conspiracy theories, and hatred to everyone not inside the new republican party.  everyone outside the party is an enemy to be destroyed.  anyone in the party who doesn't do as told as soon as they are told is a traitor and deserves to be shot.   

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29 minutes ago, commando said:

it's no longer the conservative party.  it is the party of xenophobia, conspiracy theories, and hatred to everyone not inside the new republican party.  everyone outside the party is an enemy to be destroyed.  anyone in the party who doesn't do as told as soon as they are told is a traitor and deserves to be shot.   

Sure.  Sure.  Standard Far Left rhetoric.   I guess what you said is why Trump got the most minority vote percentage since the 60’s and Biden won because white voters left Trump.  

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