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The return: Husker QB Weekly

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Husker Quarterback Weekly:

August 8, 2006



Right now, there’s a young man in Florida who is very upset with himself. He’s in his room, on the corner of his bed, bent over and hands cover his face wondering “What the hell just happened?”


Harrison Beck loved football and he loved Coach Callahan and Nebraska. He truly did. I believe that with everything I am.


We’ve been trying to make sense of who’s to blame. Well here’s who not to.


1) Steve Sipple: The information he obtained from Beck’s mother is like a big, fat, juicy raw ribeye dangling inches above a chained up rottweiler. As soon as it’s lowered the dog will pounce. Besides, if Sipple didn’t report it, there were 1,001 others that would have.


2) Coach Callahan: Aaaaaa…last I thought football was about competition. In practice, for every 100 plays, Taylor, or the starter, will get 80 reps, the second and third stringer will get the remaining. That’s’ the way he does it. Harrison was out most of the spring with an injury.


3) Harrison Beck: I can’t place all of it on him or even most. He had a 100 people coming at him at once on the field and off. He was being fed crap from the media, his family, coaches, and players. I’m sure when he jumped in his car and skipped practice it was for only a few hours until his senses returned. He had no idea what was to be and then said.


4) Harrison’s mom: Not really, remember Harrison’s dad, while he was young was killed. I believe from suicide. She did everything possible, most likely too much to aid her son. How many of you watched your Dad die when you were 6? Of all the parents out there, wouldn’t you try to do everything in your power to give anything to your child after that kind of horrific event?


As a public educator I’ve seen it all and so many of the students I had, their problems, their social negative behaviors could always be traced heavily back to the youngest years. What they saw, what they heard and felt. Would Beck’s mom have acted so immaturely if she wasn’t trying to be so overprotective of her son, trying to give him everything after he had lost so much, so quickly, early on in his life? Wouldn’t you, if you were that parent?

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protecting him is one thing.......helping him grow up is another.......she is not teaching him how to deal/face problems or adversity, the kind of life lessons he needs to be learning now.........



Exactly. And being gay, if he is or not, has nothing to do with this. He made a committment and didn't stick to it. He's not exempt because he might possibly be homosexual, nor is this behavior caused by homosexuality.

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He was just a kid. As mature and put together we all like our players to be, let's be honest. He was a 19-year old kid. Should he have honored his commitment? Sure. He may just have gotten in over his head. And dwelling on him and calling him dirty names behind his back is below us. Huskers (and honorary ones ;)) are better than that.

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Taking a step back and putting it into perspective, I suppose we're all being a mite unfair on Beck. True, what he did was inexcusable - but understandable. Well, a little bit, anyway. What his mother did was likewise inexcusable - but understandable.


But, look - if everything had been settled, if he had come back - we wouldn't be lopping all this hell on him. I bet we all would've welcomed him back with open arms. And made all the necessary counter arguments dismissing or excusing his previous behavior.

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It's amazing to look at other qbs around the country who waited longer. DJ Shockley of Georgia was a high touted Qb in high school, but had to wait behind David Greene for four years. FOUR! He got his chance to make plays as a senior and is now in the NFL. John David Booty of SC had to wait 3 years after leaving high school a whole year early, and is finally playing now. Beck would have waited two years and then been handed the offense on a platter, and whined about it because ZT was "ok", and his mommy thought he was good. Grow a spine, and wait your turn.

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Taking a step back and putting it into perspective, I suppose we're all being a mite unfair on Beck. True, what he did was inexcusable - but understandable. Well, a little bit, anyway. What his mother did was likewise inexcusable - but understandable.


But, look - if everything had been settled, if he had come back - we wouldn't be lopping all this hell on him. I bet we all would've welcomed him back with open arms. And made all the necessary counter arguments dismissing or excusing his previous behavior.

I agree. Although I'm not sure how easy coming back would be. What I have read since yesterday make me believe he did want to come back and did realize he was in the wrong, but he thought he couldn't overcome his mothers comments. If he convinced the team that those weren't his feelings, he could have come back. It would have been hard, but possible I think.

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Is it a fact that he was back in Florida during the call or was that all just speculation?

It was a fact. He made the call from the office of his high school coach. I think Beck's mother's comments were just an excuse. If he really wanted to come back and put in the time and effort required to reconcile and earn respect, he would have. It is probably best that we go separate ways. Parting is such sweet, wait it's just sweet in this case.

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I know a few guys that go to the University and have had a few conversations with Harrison, and well they think he could be ... gay?

what does this have to do with anything?



However, I agree with some points being made, namely that Beck is young and made a very stupid decision that he feels he could not resolve. I think he could have recovered, but I am not sure that an 18 year old kid who is unsure of himself and is overwhelmed by the circumstances would have the resolve and strong character to overcome this and took the easy route. I hope that Beck grows up and puts a muzzle on his mommy. I hope she feels bad for what her son is going through right now, because chances are, no one would have ever heard anything had she not opened her fat yapper.

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