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DefenderAO last won the day on May 29 2023

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  1. Can't count on Frost anymore...
  2. He had major fumbling issues too. QB not his position? I'm not sure Football is his sport.
  3. Sounds like we should be chasing 4...
  4. It's about as good s we could've expected given a tight spot. Rhule doubles down on his Nebraska commitment and affinity. We hire a new AD whom Rhule respects and is excited about. We hire a new president. Talk about emotions for fans. All things considered, it landed in a place that can keep momentum and excitement.
  5. Imagine a world where everyone adopts NorCal tenets of belief. Marcus Satterfield [he/him] is not what NU needs for prominence.
  6. "You don't like what I do. Leave!" Lighten up.
  7. If you're in that camp I mentioned, you tell me. I think Satt is really bad.
  8. Careful. The majority of the board thinks Satterfield is a budding Saban
  9. Five win team until they show me otherwise. I've predicted four or five the last few seasons. Sadly have not been wrong.
  10. This just in from On3 - The Shadow a Leaf Casts - Peyton Manning's Travails Amidst Ryan's Triumphs
  11. How much did Frost expense in alcohol for CY '22?
  12. We might scholarship strapped, but having your 2nd and 3rd strings as a True Freshman (who backs another True Freshman) and HH is a terrible strategy. As a sign of the right program trajectory, Haarberg would never see the inside of the QB room except to say hello to legitimate D1 QBs.
  13. Three handoffs, punt or maybe a couple first downs. The moment we have that kid trying to read a D and throw is nightmarish.
  14. HH any better than emergency 4th string QB means we don't like to learn or plan well.
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