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Posts posted by huskerbronco1997

  1. i think that in terms of hitting we are right there with anyone in country, batting avaerage and power. I also agree that as far a defense we are good there as well, we could get a little better range but i dont think we are really too far off.


    I think the big difference is pitching. We have plenty of guy that hit high 80s or 90s on the gun, however they have no secondary pitch that they can locate. It doesnt matter if you are throwing 95mph, if you cant mix your pitching and throw off speed pitches for strikes hitters will get the timing down and tee off on the fast ball. We walk way too many guy and gave up alot of 2 out runs this year. It seems that none of our pitchers have developed an out pitch, they have a fastball and changeup that for the most part they can throw for strikes however that is it, none can locate a curve or a slider that they can throw and get hitters to chase. When Childress was the pitching coach our pitchers were all known to be able to throw a great slider to get hitters to chase with two strikes to get the K or a weak ground out. It seems like all our pitchers have now is a fastball and average to below average change up.


    I think if we can develop the pitching and get them to throw strikes and to be able to loacte off speed pithes for strike we will be right in there next season. I would also like to see us run the bases alot more, i would like us to have between 2-3 guys that have 15 or more stolen bases. I like the idea of stealing second and bunting over to third, similar to what happened early in the Van Horn days.

  2. I would say:

    HC- Tom Osborne (255-49-3) 3 titles and assistant coach for 2 more, enough said.

    OC- Mike Shannahan (What can I say I am a broncos fan and he was a good coach, besides we all know TO would be calling the pays so really my 4 year old nephew could be the OC and we would still make Spurier's face all long and sad with our unstoppable offense and dominating D).

    DC- Charlie McBride


    If we realistically had to change here are some guys that I think we could get that wouldnt be a reach:

    HC- Pat Fitzgerald, I think this guy is a great coach and has a lot of passion he doesnt have resources to bring in the athletes at Northwestern. He out coached us bad, and Northwestern always seems to show up and play hard week after week which is something I respect and wish our team could do.

    OC- Mark Mangino, he has a good offensive mind and works well with developing quarterbacks. I just dont know if he would be the right FIT lol, had to get a fat joke in somehow.

    DC- Kevin Steele, he has a good resume, knows what it means to be a blackshirt and represent Nebraska.


    Guys that would kill the program:

    HC- Any SEC coach would put us on at least 5 years of probation but I would say Ron Meyer, he could take the football team somewhere its never been "the death penalty". But on the positive side we would get some love from RIVALS while we get all the top recruits by paying them.

    OC- Shawn Watson, dont we still blame this guy when we lose?!?

    DC- Jerry Sandusky (pronouced San Doooo Ski) enough said

    Recruiting Coordinator- John Blake, Oh wait we had him lol

  3. whoever is willing to pound the strike zone and not give Purdue the free passes. Purdue has a good enough offense without us giving them free passes. I think Keller or Pierce or both, since whoever starts will need to be on a short leash. Lets just try not to give up runs and the first 2 innings and start off hot. The team should be fired up and I am ready to be at the ballpark with big series on the line with haymarket packed and loud crowd like it used to be, well we arent back yet but winning this series is a step in the right direction.



  4. i bet this took an entire day to shoot. that had to be take 247 or something. They have hours of Niles successfully nailing the backflip but dropping the ball. well that catch and backflip will come in handy about never in what NFL career he has. How about you run some legit routes and catch the ball and not fumble that would impress me more to be honest. Good thing he is big and fast or the NFL would have crapped all over this guy, how does he get a chance on a team and Nate Swift doesnt.

  5. The losses seem pretty bad by simply looking at the score, but you have to watch the game to understand how the scores got there. A handful of simple mistakes in each of those games allowed them to get lopsided. Some act like we just steamrolled like Miami and Colorado did to us in '01. Wrong. Hell, we completely skipped to possessions against Michigan. Wisconsin was turnover bowl and we all still remember monday. Nothing I saw Monday told me that we have any sever talent deficiencies. For most of the 1st half we were doing whatever we wanted to do against a supposed super bowl d-line. Another thing, If I read one more person complaining about Papuchis as Dcoord being a mistake and that we shoulda got stoops or zook or whoever the ___ i'm gonna puke. Bo is the DC, always has been, always will be. That's why he promoted a pawn to fill the "role" Thats just common frickin sense. why should we spend the money on a big time coordinator when Bo has his foot on the position anyway. Watch'em on the sidelines during games when defense is on the field. Pretty obvious Bo mostly involved with the calls if not completely making them himself. Heck, he's the one with a play card.


    I agree, that said thing is this isnt the 1st year were every loss we can blame penalties and turnovers on and poor execution on, that is every game we lose basically. At some point in 4 years that has to change, that is coaching, he is paid to fix that. Lets look back, Oklahoma last year, Texas AM, Texas at 5-7, Washington in the bowl, Iowa St 2009, VT twice. Good coaches dont lose 4 games a year all on mental errors, his team does. I agree the talent is there, or not far off, the development isnt. Bottom line is we werent that good of a team, plane and simple. Listen if Bo wants to just run the defense I am fine with that, matter of fact there is a position of Defensive Co which he can flat out have. But i want this program in the postion to compete for titles and we are not there, and at time we look very far from it. I like papuchis as well, i just think it would have been nice to have a guy with more experience not saying stoops or zook i wanted neither of those. I want Bo to be the head coach and run the team from that perspective, sometimes he has, other times not so much. I will say it again we finished 4th in conference and 3rd in our division, in a conference that went 4-6 in the bowls, which is actually a good year for the "neat" BIG 10.

  6. I actually expected this team to lose 5 or 6 games this year so they did better then my expectations. However this team has a long ways to go to get to the level I'd like to see the Huskers playing at. Yeah I dream of another 90's TO like dynasty but realistically I'd like to see us at least compete for a conference title and finish in the top ten.


    I question if this team and this coaching staff are capable of that in the next 2 to 3 years though.


    I think.... and hope... that they answer that question next year.



    you are exactly right, the win totals have been about on par but lets look at some loses.


    Wisconsin 48-17, lost over 4 TDs

    Michigan lost by 4 TDs

    South Carolina lost by 17

    Northwestern lost by 3, after we beat Michigan St and controlled our own destiny in the division race.

    We lost 4 games by a combined total of 79 points. thats getting blown out.


    Bottom line is we finished 4th in the BIG 10, and this conference isnt exactly the SEC. We are further away then most people thought. I cant blame fans for being upset when the teams continues to play bad at least 6-7 games a year. Now recruiting has turned into a issue, the team is undisciplined, player getting ejected on national TV, it was embarrassing and thats not what we a paying Pelini millions to put out on the field. I think most husker fans have lowered our expectation, but if you think we should except mediocrity and being just another team then thats crazy. How about Pelini turns into "Head Coach" and not a defensive coordinator and goes out an hires more qualified assistants and not just his high school buddies from Youngstown Ohio, this is not Youngstown St. Now yes that was sarcastic but it gets my point across. Like i have stated i will continue to support Bo and hope he can learn from some of the mistakes and turn into a good coach.

    how many youngstown guys do we have now? beck...who else now that carl is gone? honest question... I dont know the answer


    I was being sarcastic, i think now that Carl is gone its just Beck, i was trying to imply it seems we hire alot of guys he has ties to that are not maybe the most proven guys. Turning the offense over to Beck when we could have tried to hire a big name, same with moving Papuchis to d coordinator instead of going after someone more proven and moves like that. I know he is very loyal to his coaches but i think it kind of hurts us at times


    I think that Bo is a very proven defensive coach, and we all know who wears the pants on the defensive side of the ball...


    I agree 100% but it would have been nice to have another guy that has a proven track record with a little different philosophy so they can bounce ideas off each other. I like the idea of having other coaches that have different perspectives so that way you are always evolving and learning as a coach. Otherwise you can get set in your ways and become complacent. But that my opinion, not saying that maybe that doesnt already go on with the current staff we have in place.

  7. you are exactly right, the win totals have been about on par but lets look at some loses.


    Wisconsin 48-17, lost over 4 TDs

    Michigan lost by 4 TDs

    South Carolina lost by 17

    Northwestern lost by 3, after we beat Michigan St and controlled our own destiny in the division race.

    We lost 4 games by a combined total of 79 points. thats getting blown out.


    Bottom line is we finished 4th in the BIG 10, and this conference isnt exactly the SEC. We are further away then most people thought. I cant blame fans for being upset when the teams continues to play bad at least 6-7 games a year. Now recruiting has turned into a issue, the team is undisciplined, player getting ejected on national TV, it was embarrassing and thats not what we a paying Pelini millions to put out on the field. I think most husker fans have lowered our expectation, but if you think we should except mediocrity and being just another team then thats crazy. How about Pelini turns into "Head Coach" and not a defensive coordinator and goes out an hires more qualified assistants and not just his high school buddies from Youngstown Ohio, this is not Youngstown St. Now yes that was sarcastic but it gets my point across. Like i have stated i will continue to support Bo and hope he can learn from some of the mistakes and turn into a good coach.

    how many youngstown guys do we have now? beck...who else now that carl is gone? honest question... I dont know the answer


    I was being sarcastic, i think now that Carl is gone its just Beck, i was trying to imply it seems we hire alot of guys he has ties to that are not maybe the most proven guys. Turning the offense over to Beck when we could have tried to hire a big name, same with moving Papuchis to d coordinator instead of going after someone more proven and moves like that. I know he is very loyal to his coaches but i think it kind of hurts us at times

  8. you are exactly right, the win totals have been about on par but lets look at some loses.


    Wisconsin 48-17, lost over 4 TDs

    Michigan lost by 4 TDs

    South Carolina lost by 17

    Northwestern lost by 3, after we beat Michigan St and controlled our own destiny in the division race.

    We lost 4 games by a combined total of 79 points. thats getting blown out.


    Bottom line is we finished 4th in the BIG 10, and this conference isnt exactly the SEC. We are further away then most people thought. I cant blame fans for being upset when the teams continues to play bad at least 6-7 games a year. Now recruiting has turned into a issue, the team is undisciplined, player getting ejected on national TV, it was embarrassing and thats not what we a paying Pelini millions to put out on the field. I think most husker fans have lowered our expectation, but if you think we should except mediocrity and being just another team then thats crazy. How about Pelini turns into "Head Coach" and not a defensive coordinator and goes out an hires more qualified assistants and not just his high school buddies from Youngstown Ohio, this is not Youngstown St. Now yes that was sarcastic but it gets my point across. Like i have stated i will continue to support Bo and hope he can learn from some of the mistakes and turn into a good coach.

  9. 1. That the entire D line 2 gaping sucks. look at Ingram and Clowney. Pelini please see Grant Winstrom. you do not need 270 plus pound DEs that are stones, get some 230-250lbs that are fast and athletic ad can create a pass rush.


    2. this team takes on the emotions of the head coach. Pelini yelling and going nuts, players getting penalties and ejected. (look at the track record of penalties since Bo has been here)


    3. Beck is terribly inconsistent


    4. Team has no identity


    5. lack of depth at key positions


    6. Poor coaching in almost every area.


    7. in big games we will still kill ourselves


    8. We learned this team has taken a step back


    most importantly I, for the first time was embarrassed for the team i have grown up watching and routing and being an alumni of. I see a head coach losing it all game, yes there are bad call and i know most love the intensity but enough is enough. Bo its not basketball you are not going to get the next call, if anything you are pissing them off. Then all the penalties, then Dennard ejected for throwing punches, then Pelini goes nuts on the blown assignment looked like Antonio Bell messed up not sure, i am trying to forget this game. This was on national TV and that was what recruits and everyone else got to see. Listen Bo is the head coach so I support him, but i question alot he does and this didnt change that at all.



    Oh i almost forgot


    9. you can get rid of Gilmore and Niles Paul and our receivers still cant catch the ball. actually there is a good chance the ball can hit their hands, then facemask, then hands again before it falls to the ground.

  10. 1. That the entire D line 2 gaping sucks. look at Ingram and Clowney. Pelini please see Grant Winstrom. you do not need 270 plus pound DEs that are stones, get some 230-250lbs that are fast and athletic ad can create a pass rush.


    2. this team takes on the emotions of the head coach. Pelini yelling and going nuts, players getting penalties and ejected. (look at the track record of penalties since Bo has been here)


    3. Beck is terribly inconsistent


    4. Team has no identity


    5. lack of depth at key positions


    6. Poor coaching in almost every area.


    7. in big games we will still kill ourselves


    8. We learned this team has taken a step back


    most importantly I, for the first time was embarrassed for the team i have grown up watching and routing and being an alumni of. I see a head coach losing it all game, yes there are bad call and i know most love the intensity but enough is enough. Bo its not basketball you are not going to get the next call, if anything you are pissing them off. Then all the penalties, then Dennard ejected for throwing punches, then Pelini goes nuts on the blown assignment looked like Antonio Bell messed up not sure, i am trying to forget this game. This was on national TV and that was what recruits and everyone else got to see. Listen Bo is the head coach so I support him, but i question alot he does and this didnt change that at all.

  11. What does it matter, i am a die hard husker fan. But its basketball, neither team will ever be relevant when it comes to national title talks in my life time, so if nebraska wins great and if creighton wins great. Until someone does anything in the NCAA tournament it wont matter to anyone, Crap i will pull for UNO basketball if they become relevant and contend lol. Its like arguing between which ugly chick to take to prom, the one in red or blue, what does it matter at the end of the day you are known as the guy that look the ugly chick lol

  12. Well to start we dont recruit nebraska and havent really done that in years, hints the reason we have walks on. Also i could care less about how we cant compete with other schools in recruiting, we have always had a disadvantage in that area due to location, climate ect... And i will take a coach that can develop and teach talent any day over a great recruiter, look at TO and other good coaches. Are you saying Mac Brown is awesome because he gets all the talent, becuase Mac Brown is terrible?? We were a top 5 class in recruiting before, remember Billy boy, he got alot of big names and couldnt develop anyone. And to say memorial stadium isnt anything impressive is an absolute joke, is it the best in the nation no but its in the top 10 or 15. Here is the thing with Bo, STOP PLAYING BAD 6 GAMES A YEAR!! Stop letting the fans label you as a defensive genius when you have one scheme and if you dont have the players you cant adapt. I have realized that most coaches are basic gym teachers that know one scheme and if you can beat that one scheme you beat them. The great coaches like TO are typically a very intelligent person and no how to adapt and counter act. I am by no way saying Bo isnt intelligent, i am sure he is, but we keep running the same base d and keep getting ran all over and on offense we have about 3 to 5 basic plays that we run 95% of the game. Also please stop hiring high schools buddies of yours, this isnt youngstown st. To say Nebraska isnt a top job is way off base, there are alot of good coahes we could go after, however everyone cringes if is isnt a quote a "NEBRASKA GUY",


    Bo and Carl tried more complicated and complexed schemes, but you know what happens when you have the youth we have this year? Do you? How's about Missouri 08, Oklahoma 08, Washington, Fresno, and Wisconsin of this year. It was publicly said by a coach that things were simplified simply because these young players were being overcoached and were just not sure of themselves anymore. Complex schemes are great when you have 3 NFL seniors in the secondary, or Suh on the d-line, but we dont so they manage with what they got. I dont see what was so bad about the D yesterday for NW gives every D they play fits. Our D was tremendous for the 2nd qtr but our offense didnt take advantage of opportunities.



    I never said we needed to be more complicated on d, just i would like to see us mix up the blitzes more. I would like to see David and compton coming up the middle and cb blitzes from the outside a bit more often, also when NW went on the 12 play drive where they ran on every play i would have liked to see our safeties up almost where the lbs are. Yes i agree we are young but we are also 3/4 of the way through the season, just because a team is young everyone gives them built in excuses to play bad.

  13. Well to start we dont recruit nebraska and havent really done that in years, hints the reason we have walks on. Also i could care less about how we cant compete with other schools in recruiting, we have always had a disadvantage in that area due to location, climate ect... And i will take a coach that can develop and teach talent any day over a great recruiter, look at TO and other good coaches. Are you saying Mac Brown is awesome because he gets all the talent, becuase Mac Brown is terrible?? We were a top 5 class in recruiting before, remember Billy boy, he got alot of big names and couldnt develop anyone. And to say memorial stadium isnt anything impressive is an absolute joke, is it the best in the nation no but its in the top 10 or 15. Here is the thing with Bo, STOP PLAYING BAD 6 GAMES A YEAR!! Stop letting the fans label you as a defensive genius when you have one scheme and if you dont have the players you cant adapt. I have realized that most coaches are basic gym teachers that know one scheme and if you can beat that one scheme you beat them. The great coaches like TO are typically a very intelligent person and no how to adapt and counter act. I am by no way saying Bo isnt intelligent, i am sure he is, but we keep running the same base d and keep getting ran all over and on offense we have about 3 to 5 basic plays that we run 95% of the game. Also please stop hiring high schools buddies of yours, this isnt youngstown st. To say Nebraska isnt a top job is way off base, there are alot of good coahes we could go after, however everyone cringes if is isnt a quote a "NEBRASKA GUY",

  14. My opinion on Bo, is that he is not a great "Head Coach". Like previously stated we will continue to blame players (Taylor) or assitant coaches (Watson/Gilmore) instead of pointing the finger were it belong which is at the man in charge. Other than the first year here, i dont think there has been much inprovement over that last 3 years. I could care less how he acts on the sideline, JUST STOP PLAYING BAD 6 GAMES A YEAR!!! Penalties, turnovers, have been an issue since he got here and not a one of those have ever been resolved. I dont like how he hires well payed assistant coaches that are basically his buddies, this isnt Youngstown St. Some of the assistants that he has i think are great but some such as (Cotton) i dont understand how they earn a check, Now like i stated this is all my opinion, i dont see practice, nor do i claim to know anyone areound the program personally. But i am sure this will get people all mad and sad. With all that being said I do think Pelini is a good defensive minded coach, and do think he can get the job done in time. However i would just like to see him develop more as a head coach.


    GO BIG RED!!!!

  15. i have been saying since day one he needs to fix the foot work and throwing motion. The frustrating part is that is seems we are too enamored with him being neat and fast that we just tend to over look it. And i hate hearing that its too late to change it, thats not true at all, it means someone needs to do the job and just flat out coach him to do it. There is a reason why he cant hit any sort of timing route, his throwing motion takes forever. Now i do think he looks a bit better when he throws the ball with some zip, looks like he isnt trying to aim the throw and just lets it go.

  16. the only thing i dont like about rolling Taylor out is it eliminates one whole side of the field that you cant throw to. The other reason i am not a huge fan is i dont believe Taylor can really throw on the run. If the coaches would have taken time over the last couple of years to fix his throwing motion and foot work i think rolling him out would be deadly.

  17. bottom line is the ball hits your hands you catch it, i understand Taylor hasnt helped out with the throws but just catch the ball. He is a great blocker but it does us no good to have him out there if he isnt really a threat to do anything. He has about one more week to show me he can start contributing otherwise get Jean-Baptiste in his spot with Bell coming in as well. One bright spot i think has been the play of Enuwa, he catches everything with his hands away from his body unlike Kinnie who pulls the old Niles Paul and tries to trap it against his body.

  18. i seem to remember a lot of people saying the same think about Matt O Hanlon. Everyone needs to take a step back and look at his play overall not just one game, he did have a huge pick six last year against ISU. He is a very solid safety will he make the great play probably not but he knows the position better than anyone we have. Lets not forget Stafford, although great in run support had some blown coverage as well, Fresno just didnt take advantage of it. As for PJ i am hoping once Dennard is back they move Evans to nickel and PJ can maybe play some dime because i do think he is the best coverage safety we have so he could possibly help out as the dime back, but that probably wont happen.

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