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  2. I give this less than three months before they get sued and get an injunction because there is zero chance that this is legal.
  3. fyi there's a newish site up where you can personally pledge that $100 right now, and get it totally refunded if Sanders doesn't commit. https://www.fancave.me/david-sanders
  4. So you now admit that you're ok with censorship or in a more passive aggressive way "I'm ok with you not stating your opinion". If someone is bothered by @LP1's posts then maybe that person or persons should do what so many others do. Post a lol emoji and move on!!! Seriously, asking for self censorship? Thin skin much??
  5. Yep. And when you look at his size, quickness and skill sets, who else is in his way? Fidone runs with braces on both legs, and Boerkircher is a Boerkircher. It shouldn't take that long to be in the rotation. I mean, it's not like we are Alabama or Texas or Ohio State for goodness sake. Best man up.
  6. Wouldn't be nearly as necessary if your assessment was paired with a simple, "It wasn't personally for me", rather than, literally, "No. Don't ever watch it." Feeling morose isn't compelling evidence to not watch something. BTW, you're the one coming across bitter here, imo.
  7. Not surprised by your bitter counterstatement. It's right on time too. Like clockwork.
  8. Today
  9. Rumor is he has the biggest NIL offer from 1890 thus far with over 1M. Seems well worth it. He's well spoken, has an infectious smile and just seems like a genuinely good guy. Oh on top of that he's also really really good at football so that's a plus. Really hope we can land him. Edit: If we land him I'm personally pledging $100 to 1890.
  10. You can vote for him to go elsewhere. You don’t have to comment on the fact you think he will go there. You can if you want but it may bother some people if you do it often. Especially if it is for big recruits where people don’t think he is coming but hope he does.
  11. DR has apparently turned Sanders’ head. They are close friends. I know some question Wilson Dittman, but he seems very confident Sanders will be a Husker. I guess we will find out Aug 17. We get him and the coach’s WR son, that would be huge, even if we don’t get Terry.
  12. So that can be taken 2 ways 1. He will fix everything so they won’t need to worry about voting for he will fix all their problems 2. He will fix things by doing away with the right to vote and he will establish an authoritarian government That is how you fix rigged elections in his deranged mind. Either way it is bad
  13. Yes the Brisket and the Fatty (look it up)will create a coming to Jesus moment for sure.
  14. Did he just say “I’m not Christian”??? huh, who’d have guessed?
  15. What is 'stunt', exactly? Apparently it's the hot new thing, with 65 schollys for both men and women.
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