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About Huskerfollower4life

  • Birthday 05/14/1983

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    Sports in general

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  1. It doesn't appear that he will be coming this weekend but I hope he does.
  2. Oops I mean to attract kids to the school
  3. What Im saying is instead of making them and trashing them every year just make multiple's and keep the ones that attractive kids today in this day and age.
  4. Another point is why come up with an alternative jerseys that look cool that @SWIHuskerpointed out just to trash them the next year? There is a lot of money wasted.
  5. I think its bc people in the athletic department don't like to let go of the past when they should be looking to the future. I never understood the point of coming up year after year for a alternative jersey when they could make multiple's like Oregon does and keep them around.
  6. And the updated names too!! I was completely thrown off who Keona Davis was.
  7. Do you think he comes in their and starts the first game?
  8. If you really look at him as a offensive tackle he has quick feet which you love but he needs work on blocking and to of course add weight. If you look at him as a defense end then he is quick but needs help with hand placement as well but he has upside on both sides. Just whatever side is better for him and the coaches who knows
  9. Im not expecting anything from a highschool kid. Im saying by downgrading your roster it forces kids to grow up faster that's all. I'm for kids to be kids and not to grow up faster. College football is turning into pro football bc of money.
  10. If they do change the roster size doesn't that force kids to grow up faster and try to be more prepared going into college? Someone stated that college football is a development league earlier and I agree but if they do change the roster size then it forces kids to grow up faster at a accelerated rate. We gave you a scholarship so we expect that you produce instead of well give you a scholarship your not ready quite yet and in a year or two we will see where you are at. Me personally I feel like 85 is to low bc injuries and having depth but I do understand why others don't mind that number.
  11. Any new news on him? Heard it was between us and BYU but don't know if their are any new teams that are in on him? Figured since he was in the transfer portal that he would want to join a team right away to get to know his new teammates and to have a spot on a roster. Basketball rosters are very limited.
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