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  1. I learned Indiana still hasn't played anyone.
    18 points
  2. 15 points
  3. To be fair, those are teams that a Scott Frost squad would've struggled against, if not outright lost to. We're better. We're not back, but we're better.
    14 points
  4. I’ve never seen anyone perform this poorly and keep their job for so long.
    13 points
  5. We beat an undefeated team, and Alabama lost to an unranked team. I’ve had worse days.
    13 points
  6. Trump getting an audience full of Trump-loving women to laugh at a bad joke about a woman who is dead because of Republican policies is the perfect encapsulation of what he's done to his party and the millions of people who support him. They've become so brainwashed and callous in their support of this man they've lost their humanity. The party of Trump doesn't value human life if it doesn't support the magical R. Honestly f#&% this version of the GOP. Burn it to the ground and start over for the good of the nation.
    12 points
  7. Yep. Fans are known for being rational and objective.
    12 points
  8. This is the best team we’ve had in a long time. But our offensive coaches often lack common sense.
    12 points
  9. Raiola's footwork isn't good. He's been getting away with it. But he's not taking the easy throws and not driving the ball.
    12 points
  10. One other thing - Gunnar Gottula started at LT and you never heard his name once this game. Good game, young man.
    12 points
  11. I would hope you could put up great numbers when playing against teams that all rank #100+ in passing defense Pass yards allowed per game ranking FIU #58 205.8 yards/game W Illinois #104 in FCS 255.6 yards/game UCLA #125 280.2 yards/game Charlotte #108 252.8 yards/game Maryland #121 269.4 yards/game Northwestern #110 254.2 yards/game The only halfway competent pass defense Indiana has faced (FIU) held Rourke to 180 yards with a QBR of 45.4. FYI Nebraska is #36 at 188.3 yards.
    11 points
  12. Bo has this team at 7-0 right now. But he scared fans. Good job dorks
    10 points
  13. In those two games, there were six total holding penalties called. Four were on Nebraska. Three of those were on our defense. One was on Jamal Banks. Of the two called on our opponents, none were called on their offensive line, or in a pass-pro situation. Both were called on Special Teams - one kickoff return, one punt return. We've generated nine sacks and 18 tackles for loss in the last two games, but our opponents aren't holding at all against that furious pass rush? Sus.
    10 points
  14. I'm gonna open a sandwich shop and call it Bo Paninis. My slogan will be "Husker fans can't keep them out of their mouth"
    10 points
  15. After the Cheney endorsement, we're back with another long-standing, staunch Republican endorsing Kamala Harris. Which begs the question... what the heck is going on? How did we end up here? This is a pretty decent explainer from the Reddit about where this mess started and where we stand today: From /u/moorhound It all started with a clerical error. In 1991, a literary promo company made an error in a pamphlet for the first African-American president of the Harvard Law Review; it mistakenly said he was born in Kenya and raised in Hawaii. They copied and pasted this bio on their website, and didn't catch the error until 2007. This was first noticed in Democratic circles. In 2004, one of Obama's Illinois opponents noted it in a press brief, where it gained little traction until the start of 2008, when Hillary Clinton's supporters, who was running in the Presidential primary against Obama at the time, started circulating anonymous email chains containing the rumor. And from there, it hit Breitbart and then the mainstream media, culminating in Obama eventually releasing his birth certificate to disprove it. While the Presidential race was drawing to a close, Republicans were waiting in the wings, and watching the data. They were surprised how many Americans actually believed this s#!t. Over half of Republicans surveyed bought this unverified nonsense even after the birth certificate came out. A particular outlier was a certain demographic; the now-rudderless supporters of Ron Paul's failed campaign. Here's a short video showing his last rally, which gives an interesting view of his supporters and how they felt at the time. For mainstream GOP operatives, the campaign gave them usable data. The bid had wrangled all of the "fringe" voters into one measurable group, an anti-establishment block of normally unenthusiastic conspiracy-minded voters that were quite loud and ended up taking the reins on the birther movement. They were mostly far-right on the spectrum and some would believe almost anything you'd tell them; these were the 9/11 truthers, the chemtrail guys, the shadow government crowd. You didn't have to provide a lot of evidence, and they'd come up with their own once the fire was started. They thought, why was no one using these guys? So Republican strategists came up with a plan. The Koch Brothers, through their SuperPAC AFP, set up and funded a bunch of shell organizations to capture this crowd, and start an "organic, grass-roots" campaign called the Tea Party movement. The end goal, of course, was the constant Republican aims of tax and regulation cuts, and the plan initially worked beautifully for them. But then, this anti-establishment group they had cultivated started being a thorn in the side of their own GOP establishment, forming voting blocks to stall GOP-backed bills. So they pushed them back to the fringes, cut funding around 2010 and left the Tea Party to starve off, cutting it's national chapters in almost half by 2012 and relegating them to local elections instead of national ones. But this group didn't just go away. They were still in the wings, self-sustaining themselves on conspiratorial controversies like Benghazi and growing their base through the rise of online networking. Left on it's own the group grew more conspiratorial, more hateful, and more anti-establishment after being cast aside by the Republican establishment once again. Aside from 2A and moral panic uses, the GOP didn't know what to do with them. Their nominee was Mitt Romney. So they kept them on the shelf for 4 years. What could be done with this loud, non-compliant, anti-government, kinda racist, far-right group that will believe and run with almost anything you tell them and had been viewed as outcasts by the Democrats and Republicans alike? A long-shot Republican Primary candidate that had never been involved with government and had a penchant for lying figured it out. Early polling showed some of Trump's first major supporters were Tea Party groups. They ate him up because he was preaching what they wanted to hear, and despite being a life-long 1% billionaire that had just flip-flopped back to the Republican party 4 years earlier, they followed loyally and didn't question a word he said. It was a perfect match. He provided the showman bluster to draw more mainstream Republican voters bruised by 8 years of Obama, and the far-right underbelly got to push their conspiratorial anti-establishment message and gain more converts by using the outrageous Pizzagate conspiracy. This eventually led to the birth of the QAnon and MAGA movements, a culmination of the fringe right-wing outliers and big Republican financial backing, and against all odds it worked. Trump was elected President. At this point, no one knew what to do. Trump and the GOP were just as shocked that they pulled it off as anyone was, but they had to run with it now. So they tried to work Trump into the traditional GOP framework, and it didn't work all that well. He didn't follow the rules; he didn't want to listen to longtime GOP operatives, he bashed and name-called fellow GOP members, he didn't tamp down the extremist messages that propped him up in the first place, and he didn't want to learn how government works, he just wanted it to do what he wanted. Around a year into his campaign, Republican think tanks started to ponder, "if we can't get Donald Trump to work for the Government, how can we get the Government to work for Donald Trump?" So the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society started drafting ambitious plans on how to change the legal landscape to funnel power towards the Executive branch, and the best method they could see to doing that was to use Executive judge appointments take over the Judicial branch first. The Federalist Society started pointing out scores of vacancies for judicial appointments that years of Republican stonewalling had left after the Obama years, and giving him lists of Federalist judges to fill them. All of the Conservative members of the Supreme Court are Federalist Society members, as well as around half of the 231 other judges that Trump put in place. The plan was working well, until it was thrown off when Trump lost the election in 2020. But with the legal framework in place and the conspiratorial wing working it's magic against Biden, Heritage Foundation kept working on the plan to use this new-found Judicial power to radically rework the rest of the Government towards Executive control, and the result was Project 2025. So that's how we're now standing at what I'm sure will be one of the most pivotal and historically impactful elections in US history. The GOP is along for the ride; to show you how off the rails this has gone, the Koch Brother's SuperPAC has dumped $10 million against Trump this election cycle. They're not in control anymore; I don't know if anyone knows who really is.
    10 points
  16. Yeah but we could be 8-0 right now if it wasn't for him...
    10 points
  17. Eh this seems like classic over reaction. The OL can’t run block. They didn’t protect DR as well today either and so he can’t get away with sloppy footwork and bad throws. We need OL, recruit it, NIL it, whatever it takes. We should be putting lineman in the NFL. Fans expect us to run it like the powers in the B1G but their lines are far superior.
    10 points
  18. Apparently middle schools in Indiana were out today.
    9 points
  19. And if one person does 99 terrible things and one person does one kinda crappy thing, you shouldn't give 50% of your negative coverage to each person.
    9 points
  20. I seem to remember way back when people here were warning about Trump's slide into dementia and were quickly met with "but Biden". Now that Biden has bowed out and Trump's dementia free fall is on full display are we going to see those same posters expressing their concerns about handing the nuclear football over to a malignant narcissist who also wants to use the military to attack US citizens? A guy who is hell-bent on retribution who by rights should be in an asylum? Or was it all just to score political points?
    9 points
  21. Moronic question imo... (not saying you are one @admo) but I've heard others ask this and it infuriates me. Rhule and company are in year 2 ffs... News flash... the sky is NOT falling!! "Ever Again"... come on people!! Sit back, watch the team get bowl eligible and enjoy watching Rhule and company rebuild the program the right way. How many have forgotten that players that have huge NFL paychecks waiting think enough of this staff to say "Hell Yeah I'm coming back".... No transfers out, total buy in from the players, red shirting again, building depth finally, getting young talent involved... and fans are so caught up in the immediate they can't see past their noses. Enjoy This, Relax and Take it in.. if the shown improvements continue on this trajectory in a couple years we can look back with absolute satisfaction.
    9 points
  22. IU is lame. This is not going to be some "tough" road environment. https://www.stubhub.com/indiana-hoosiers-football-bloomington-tickets-10-19-2024/event/152574535/?quantity=0 There are tons of tickets for sale (cheap) and if NU fans want to travel, it might end up with 45K fans at the game but 10K of them will be Husker fans. They have played the lamest teams so far, none of them are any good on defense. This should look like the CU game.
    9 points
  23. Which, he's totally full of bull s#!t. It's very typical for the VP to participate in calling state officials during these situations. But....he's choosing to play politics and act like he's sooooo.....in control. Little man's syndrome.
    9 points
  24. You would have put in the backup QB in a tight game. The same QB that had turnover issues last year. These takes are idiotic.
    9 points
  25. I know this is going to be "offensive" to the super lame dorks...but James Williams is kind of the white Randy Gregory.
    9 points
  26. This is also his 4th year there. It's weird how people are acting like Rhule is a failure after a 4-1 start in year 2. We're usually 2-3 at this point in the season.
    9 points
  27. A few things the Mueller report says: "The investigation also identified numerous links between the Russian government and the Trump Campaign." "A statement that the investigation did not establish particular facts does not mean there was no evidence of those facts." "Third, the investigation established that several individuals affiliated with the Trump Campaign lied to the Office, and to Congress, about their interactions with Russian-affiliated individuals and related matters." "In sum, the investigation established multiple links between Trump Campaign officials and individuals tied to the Russian government. Those links included Russian offers of assistance to the Campaign. In some instances, the Campaign was receptive to the offer, while in other instances the Campaign officials shied away. " "On June 9, 2016, for example, a Russian lawyer met with senior Trump Campaign officials Donald Trump Jr., Jared Kushner, and campaign chairman Paul Manafort to deliver what the email proposing the meeting had described as “official documents and information that would incriminate Hillary.” The materials were offered to Trump Jr. as “part of Russia and its government’s support for Mr. Trump.” The written communications setting up the meeting showed that the Campaign anticipated receiving information from Russia that could assist candidate Trump’s electoral prospects, but the Russian lawyer’s presentation did not provide such information. " "The presidential campaign of Donald J. Trump (“Trump Campaign” or “Campaign”) showed interest in WikiLeaks’s releases of documents and welcomed their potential to damage candidate Clinton. Beginning in June 2016, (Harm to Ongoing Matter) forecast to senior Campaign officials that WikiLeaks would release information damaging to candidate Clinton." "At the same time, if we had confidence after a thorough investigation of the facts that the President clearly did not commit obstruction of justice, we would so state. Based on the facts and the applicable legal standards, we are unable to reach that judgment. Accordingly, while this report does not conclude that the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him."
    9 points
  28. Not sure BUT I am guessing two things here for the giant increase. 1. Not as much theft. Super easy to pocket 5-10 dollars here and there when it is cash. 2. When you are not paying with physical cash, you tend to spend more. A lot easier to spent 5-10 more dollars when it is not green leaving your pockets.
    9 points
  29. It's a press conference
    9 points
  30. What is up with this obsession Nebraska fans and sports writers have of cutting off any discussion about the officials when we lose? This is one of the most annoying things about Husker Nation. It's like people are so mad at the loss that they have to make sure we suffer all the pain they feel. Any blame given to the officiating takes away from punishing themselves, so every bit of blame has to be on Nebraska. That's crap. There were minimum half a dozen holds that could have been called. We are ONE GAME REMOVED from Nebraska getting a penalty on a hit out of bounds that began with a tackle in bounds on UNI's first possession of the second half. Mitch covers Nebraska football for a living. Did he just forget that call? Did he forget Nate Gerry getting tossed from games so often it's still a meme to this day? Did he forget the entire year where no Big Ten opponent was flagged for holding against the Huskers? Could Nebraska have overcome those penalties yesterday, or the penalties that should have been called but weren't? Sure. But we shouldn't have to, and we shouldn't have to do it almost every game. And when the refs put their finger on the scale, it's perfectly fine to call them out for it. You're not being biased. The penalty difference yesterday was glaring. Illinois: 3 penalties, 20 yards Nebraska: 9 penalties, 89 yards But perhaps what's even more glaring - when those penalties were called. Illinois got 25 first downs to Nebraska's 20 last night. Five of Illinois' first downs were due to penalties. Nebraska got 0 first downs as a result of penalties. One very glaring penalty that could have been called - the late hit out of bounds - would have breathed new life into Nebraska's overtime drive. But the flag stayed in the pocket. I saw one guy comment that a penalty like that wouldn't have been called in regulation, so it shouldn't have been called there. But it has, as recently as last game. Enough with the ref apologia. They're making choices on the field, that directly affect the game. It's fair to call them out for those choices.
    9 points
  31. There is no amount of excuse making that justifies a 49 point loss in the second year of a program to a team that went 3-9 last year.
    8 points
  32. 8 points
  33. In otherwise close matchups, field goals and drive killing/sustaining penalties can make the difference, and that's a weakness for Nebraska right now. If I was forced to step out of my fandom and bet real money, I'd have to go with Indiana. If Indiana is indeed a paper tiger and the Huskers come out with a great gameplan, a two-score victory would really change the mental landscape around here.
    8 points
  34. Melvin Gordon just ran across my lawn untouched.
    8 points
  35. News flash.... this is a message board, and it's fun to talk about both the present and the future. Your opinion isn't any more valuable than his, and it's not a moronic question at all. If things like this infuriate you, an internet message board isn't for you. You can sure sit back and enjoy the ride, while others can talk about the current state of things right this second. There are no rules in fandom.
    8 points
  36. I think at this point, it is beyond apparent that that Trump, Musk, and MAGA are all wrapped up in and are involved in a Russian misinformation campaign. Trump has been groomed for it since the 1980s and has been a useful fool for them since then. Musk is getting stranger by the minute and is bat crazy. Now meteorologists, trying to deliver the message about storms, are the targets of death threats and sheer stupidity by MAGA adherents. Anyone on HB who is still voting for Trump, with all of the information many of us have given, need to have their head examined. Doesn't mean you have to vote for Harris but for goodness sake - abstain from voting for the top of the ticket then. Of course, if you still vote for Trump aka The Felon, perhaps there is no hope for you and you have already given your soul and mind away The article below highlights the issue. My editorial comments in red. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/oct/11/meteorologists-death-threats-hurricane-conspiracies-misinformation Meteorologists tracking the advance of Hurricane Milton have been targeted by a deluge of conspiracy theories that they were controlling the weather, abuse and even death threats, amid what they say is an unprecedented surge in misinformation as two major hurricanes have hit the US. A series of falsehoods and threats have swirled in the two weeks since Hurricane Helene tore through six states causing several hundred deaths, followed by Milton crashing into Florida on Wednesday. The extent of the misinformation, which has been stoked by Donald Trump and his followers, has been such that it has stymied the ability to help hurricane-hit communities, according to the head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (Fema). Katie Nickolaou, a Michigan-based meteorologist, said that she and her colleagues have borne the brunt of much of these conspiracies, having received messages claiming there are category 6 hurricanes (there aren’t), that meteorologists or the government are creating and directing hurricanes (they aren’t) and even that scientists should be killed and radar equipment be demolished. “I’ve never seen a storm garner so much misinformation, we have just been putting out fires of wrong information everywhere,” Nickolaou said. “I have had a bunch of people saying I created and steered the hurricane, there are people assuming we control the weather. I have had to point out that a hurricane has the energy of 10,000 nuclear bombs and we can’t hope to control that. But it’s taken a turn to more violent rhetoric, especially with people saying those who created Milton should be killed.” One post aimed at Nickolaou said: “Stop the breathing of those that made them and their affiliates.” She responded: “Murdering meteorologists won’t stop hurricanes. I can’t believe I just had to type that.” “People have called me a plethora of curse words, people telling me to shut up and sit down, people who think it’s OK to take out Doppler radar because they think it is controlling the weather,”(TG: that is a whole new level of stupid) Nickolaou said. “It is eating up a lot of work and free time to deal with all of this. It’s very tiring.” A wide range of misinformation has been spread as Helene and then Milton gathered pace in the Gulf of Mexico, such as claims spread by Trump that Fema had run out of cash for hurricane survivors because it has been given to illegal immigrants. Violent threats have also become common, with posts across TikTok, Facebook and X (formerly known as Twitter), alleging that Fema workers should be beaten or “arrested or shot or hung on sight”(TG: The jail isn't good enough for those who post such things). More outlandishly, several of Trump’s closest allies have baselessly asserted that the federal government is somehow controlling hurricanes. “Hurricane Helene was an ATTACK caused by Weather Manipulation,” claimed a video shared by Michael Flynn, a former national security advisor to Trump. “Yes they can control the weather,” Marjorie Taylor Greene, a far-right congresswoman, wrote on X last week. “It’s ridiculous for anyone to lie and say it can’t be done.” (TG: She and Flynn will most likely have important roles in a new Trump administration. Let that sink in) This steep rise in falsehoods has drawn a sharp response from Joe Biden, who has blamed Trump for an “onslaught of lies” and told the former president to “get a life.”
    8 points
  37. We're going to win this one...break the top 25 ranking curse and qualify for a bowl 7 games in. Mark it.
    8 points
  38. Bordercrossings increased after *checks notes* a global pandemic which allowed emergency declarations within law to limit Asylum claims. Those are since over. You could, I don't know this is insane, but if immigration was an actual issue Republicans care about (which they totally aren't just using to manipulate stupid voters with) they would pass a massive bipartisan immigration bill, which substantially boosts spending on a vast number of immigration related items. IDK it would be really stupid if they *checks notes* killed the bill to increase the electoral prospects of their historically embarrassing Presidential candidate. Luckily Republicans are totally super duper serious about immigration and they'd never do that. What? Violent crime has been dropping for decades. There was a recent increase in crime in 2020, which was when Trump was President. Even still, crime is low. I'm sorry the right wing media bubble makes you think immigrants are ransacking your local neighborhood (before eating your pets) but that's just not true. Yes, any economic statistics has its drawbacks and may not totally reflect the economic realities of a country with 330 million people. That's basically what this article says. FRED data shows massive real wage gains. The prime age employment is at multi decade highs. The United States is, BY FAR, the best place to be in the world. Look, I'm sorry that the United States beating the s#!t out of other developed countries pierces your right wing media bubble and causes you to reflect on twice voting for an adjudicated rapist. I really am. But instead of spiraling down a habit hole where you live in an alternate reality to make sense of voting for embarrassing morons who are s#!t stains on history, just stop voting period.
    8 points
  39. LOL Crime is down. FBI crime data is extremely accurate and isn't incomplete or lack certain crime data. Their crime data covers 94.3% of Americans, so unless the 5.7% that they don't cover are the most violent people on time planet, you are yet again succumbing to living in a right wing bubble devoid of reality. Real wages are the highest they've ever been. excluding COVID stimulus checks, wages have never been higher after adjusting for inflation. You live in a time where America is, by far, the best place to live and it's not close. You live in a right wing media bubble to rationalize your vote for bad politicians.
    8 points
  40. DB counting on us missing 2 XPs, because god knows we are not scoring 2 TDs, 2 XPs, and 4 FGs.
    8 points
  41. I learned they should just end the season now. Everyone they play the rest of the season is so much better than them that they really have no hope of winning. Every team they play is a top 5 team with no flaws and Nebraska is nothing but flaws.
    8 points
  42. All I hear from yall is that most folks are upset the Neb/Purdue game is on Peacock, and the fees to stream, no pausing, no recording, etc, etc, et cetera. How about instead, we all just pull together and listen to the Husker broadcast with Greg Sharpe calling the game??!!?? How about we listen to a wonderful man in the booth calling the Husker game for you, for us? Put the game on the radio or internet. Play it in the kitchen with snacks. If you have a recliner, sit back with a pop and relax. If you have an imagination and normal listening skills, allow Greg Sharpe to dazzle you and bring the game to life for you to enjoy. We really do not need TV for this game. This is just a suggestion. Please keep Greg Sharpe in your prayers and thoughts and show your support if or when you can. That's all I'm saying. Thanks, and Go Big Red
    8 points
  43. But it is whining about the refs. I don’t think we were called for a holding last night, so did the Nebraska OL never hold? Or are you just choosing to see the Illinois “holds”? I am genuinely curious about how refs are “always being biased against Nebraska” works? Did the B1G put out a memo to the refs to screw us? Is there a ref group text chain where they talk about not giving Nebraska calls? Did Jim Delany come up with this master plan and make sure Kevin Warren and Tony Petitti kept it going?
    8 points
  44. Obvious troll is obvious. Dude hasn’t posted since March, just waiting for the first loss of the year to impart is wisdom.
    8 points
  45. These type of doomsday posts are so annoying. We lost to a good team on our journey to being “back.” So freaking what. Success isn’t a straight line. The trend line is most definitely improving tho, which is all we can really ask for.
    8 points
  46. I learned you can run overtime plays in your own end of the field.
    8 points
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