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  1. Can we please stop putting Nebraska as an option in these polls? It’s upsetting LP1.
    14 points
  2. Ummmm...with the exception of Mike R...Husker fans have created TONS of fake s#!t about coaches. The only ones that need to STFU up and chill out...are the fans.
    13 points
  3. Sometimes I don't think coaches realize how much of them is under the microscope, especially at Nebraska. In this case, coach Knighton has to be smarter than that. The timing is really bad and the washing out of a bio on X, along with changing the Nebraska based avatar are moves that are associated with decommitting recruits and players leaving for the portal. It's such a college football thing to do. I don't blame fans one bit for freaking out. It comes with the territory.
    13 points
  4. does his dad need a coaching job?
    12 points
  5. Or pipe bombs at the capitol. My worst fear is that this is some kind of catalyst to push him back in office and spark off the fascist take over. It really feels that way looking back through the lens of history.
    12 points
  6. No, I'm leaning Trump right now because of all the wars across this upside down world. We all know the democrat foreign policy is weaker then repubs and we all know democrat economy policy's are better then repubs. I'm still leaning towards Trump as we know he's the only recent president that never started any war and does have a history of telling the military industrial complex to shut up. I don't support the Ukraine BS, I don't support the destruction of Gaza and darn sure don't support the addition of Ukraine into NATO which would be a violation of the Reagan/Gorbachev accord treaty. Ukraine was then and still is today supposed to be a Switzerland like neutral country because of it's importance to so many other nations. Ukraine is the breadbasket for most of Eurasia, Eastern Europe, Northern Europe and Russia. I don't trust anyone but Trump right now to stop all this wrongful support of death. These wars eventually will result in the US losing our young men & women. That scares me enough to support Trump.
    11 points
  7. Should be a pretty cushy job to be the defensive passing game coordinator at Nebraska. The wind makes it nearly impossible to throw.
    10 points
  8. Uh, you must not watch Trump these days. His dementia is at least as bad as Biden's.
    10 points
  9. So??? They talked him into stepping down. That’s what you have been saying needed to have happen (because that’s what a good Republican would say). Now, you’re trying act like democrats are horrible because Biden is stepping down (because that’s what a good Republican would say). Congrats, you’re making your party happy. And, btw, if you think this is against our democracy, you might need a civics class. I actually find it refreshing that a party is putting the country ahead of cultishly worshipping one man.
    9 points
  10. I'm sure they're as non-partisan as you... She has been a good governor for the state and anyone saying otherwise is kidding themselves.
    9 points
  11. Being the most negative guy in the recruiting section of the forum used to be my deal.
    8 points
  12. It’s worth chuckling that there are still people who claim Trump will be for this or that because they’re just sure based on X or Y he’ll do this or he won’t do that. The core case against Trump is that he’s an irrational, impulsive boob who does whatever he thinks is best for him in the moment. That can swing wildly from moment to moment. Remember when he got tripped up in that interview and proudly stated that there must be some form of punishment for women re: abortions? I’m sure in that moment he felt sure that was an excellent answer and he perfectly threaded the needle. I don’t think it took his campaign more than 24 hrs to realize he f#&%ed up big time and to completely reversed his position. Trump is dangerous because he holds no actual values or ethos beyond what is personally best for him at any given time. Anybody claiming to speak with certainty about what he’ll do or won’t do is either a fool or an idiot. That worldview should be disqualifying for the office of POTUS on its own.
    8 points
  13. Does anyone really listen to Paul Finebaum? He's an SEC shill & doesn't know crap about crap. I'd listen to him about football about as much as I'd listen to him about hair care products.
    8 points
  14. You're wrong but I suppose that props up your flimsy argument.
    8 points
  15. If you care about the border, you should be absolutely furious with Donald J. Trump, who personally blocked the most comprehensive border security reform we'd have had in decades to personally benefit himself.
    8 points
  16. So the "back the blue" crowd will be voting for a convicted felon, and the "all cops are bastards" crowd will be voting for the final boss of dirty cops. This is that pure, uncut irony.
    8 points
  17. coup /ko͞o/ noun 1. a sudden, violent, and unlawful seizure of power from a government. vs
    8 points
  18. LOL…..I see you’ve gotten your talking points. You have spent how long telling everyone how old and senile Biden is and how he shouldn’t be President…..then when he acknowledges that and steps aside, you’re crying about it and claiming how horrible it is. It’s so clear to everyone that all you’re doing is spewing Republican crap.
    8 points
  19. These 3 should stay in the line up consistently imo. Always loved the look of these.
    8 points
  20. It’s why I’m starting to have just a “f#&% it” attitude and just drink. Maybe when I wake up in rehab this will all be over. Majority of Americans want to vote for a rapist, convict, con man, fraud piece of s#!t that motivated an attack on our country and supports project 2025….than a colored woman that isn’t charismatic.
    8 points
  21. Or Nancy Pelosi's husband. Political violence is always bad. Trump is simultaneously an idiot who is bad for America, is a danger to Democracy and his supporters should be embarrassed. All of that is true at the and time.
    8 points
  22. If by "Rhetoric" you man "accurately accusing him orchestrating an attempt to undermine democracy by appointing an alternate slate of electors and then calling the Georgia Secretary of State and telling him to find the votes" then sure. Seriously bro, it's okay to acknowledge Trump is a dangerous anti-democratic moron AND that political violence against him is abhorrent.
    8 points
  23. What good is it to have one of the biggest contingents of sports 'journalists' of any school in the country when they never break actual news lol
    8 points
  24. I dont care what the cult of Trump thinks of me. Im done being nice and respectful to them. This post is for undecided voters that may not know what the plan is. And if you still vote for him knowing what he plans to do, that tells me all I need to know about YOU! I will be voting to secure the future and make sure all our daughters, wives, mothers, etc are looked upon as more than stepford housewives. Now move on Trumper.
    8 points
  25. How could anyone think he wont become a dictator if he gets power again at this point? He literally tells you what he wants to do. He said you wont need to vote in 2028 just the other week! I feel like im taking crazy pills. Project 2025 is readily available to read on the internet and it tells you exactly how they plan on inserting Trump as a dictator. The worst part is the writers of Project 2025 said they didnt even put in the “best things”. Their best thing is the worst possible thing imaginable for normal people. Repealing the 19th amendment? Theres been a lot of talk about that recently. My god, Trumps supporters support him because they want a hostile takeover of the govt. Wake up!
    8 points
  26. I predict the coffee this morning may aide in me visiting the work toilet rather soon.
    7 points
  27. People used to have respect for others even with differing views. I try my best to be respectful. You don't. Other people from your party have destroyed all decency and civility and turned everything into us vs them. It's funny you call me out on using an absolute when your God King Trump uses them in every single sentence he speaks. It's actually insane watching the backflips and mental gymnastics you do. How can you live like that just lying and being divisive all of the time?
    7 points
  28. https://www.newsweek.com/jd-vance-kevin-roberts-project-2025-book-foreword-1929753 Oh wait....we are supposed to believe that Trump has nothing to do with Project 2025....that calls for a national abortion ban. Meh...his VP just wrote the forward for the book.
    7 points
  29. "Democrats who support Harris appear to think that her being a half-black woman makes her a unique and gifted politician." Lesson 101 in how grifters and hacks will prop up a strawman just to argue a point against it. Who thinks that because she's half-black that makes her gifted or unique? Anyone? Bueller? In fact, I'd say many, probably not but maybe even most, people who support or are going to vote for her don't see her as being particularly gifted or unique in any ways deeper than being a woman and a person of color. I certainly don't - she strikes me as relatively uninspiring or average compared to plenty of other progressive political leaders. The only baseline and bar for her to clear is, "Is she better than Trump?", which is a resounding yes.
    7 points
  30. All you have are semantic games. Was Biden forced out? He was certainly pressured. Being forced, to me, implies a lack of consent and autonomy. Biden could have said f#&% off, and didn't. Again, even if 'forced' is the accurate descriptor, this wasn't violent, illegal, or against any internal party bylaws or rules. Not a coup. The will of the voters changed between the primary and where we are now, and a larger percentage of Democrats wanted Biden to step down than citizens that have voted for any winning president since James Monroe. Normal standard operating procedure != democracy
    7 points
  31. This is quite amazing considering that America is currently for the first time in 20+ years not engaged in any kind of war. Not to mention the Republican strategy of starting forever wars without an exit strategy. These are the kinds of low information voters that will decide the election, and why they flock to Trump. Even with the change, this election is Trump favored because he wins on vibes even though reality is much different.
    7 points
  32. I realize MAGA and MAGA adjacent voters have a hard time understanding honor and putting country over self ambition. I mean if they did, they never would have been Trump voters. Joe did the right thing and Democrats don't hate him for it. The whole coup talking point is childish political spin. Biden is throwing his full support behind the Democratic nominee. The reason the Republicans are stuck with Trump is because they were terrified he'd burn the entire party to the ground if they went a different direction. MAGA can't grasp the difference.
    7 points
  33. It took a few hours for the talking points to come out
    7 points
  34. 7 points
  35. Interesting that you're irked more by regulations than rape, infidelity, flat out boldfaced lies, nepotism, racism, and open corruption.
    7 points
  36. Already got a text from a friend about her being the diversity hire Jesus Christ people, she's actually more qualified than Trump ever was.
    7 points
  37. The only thing keeping Ukraine from being sovereign is Russia, and Putin. That's a pretty telling excuse.
    7 points
  38. 7 points
  39. 7 points
  40. 7 points
  41. trump is going to save some money
    7 points
  42. Congratulations Democrats and your “threat to Democracy” Bulls#!t talk. You managed to talk crazy enough to have an assassination attempt on a Presidential candidate. You’re rhetoric leads to shooting of Presidential candidates, congressional GOP members years ago.
    7 points
  43. If better players were attainable we wouldn’t be taking some of these guys. We are because we have to. Not Mooberry in particular but some of this class as a whole. We are going to get mauled recruiting at this level with adding in schools like USC, UW, Oregon, & UCLA. The Big Ten West teams are going to be in for a rude awakening. Especially with smaller roster limits. Having higher rated players doesn’t guarantee that you will be good or elite but every elite team has high rated players.
    7 points
  44. Personally, I am over hiring ex Huskers. I am for hiring someone who can do the job, no matter where they went to school. As for this situation? We aren't getting anyone this late in the game who wasn't hired by any other school already for 2024, so someone unemployed or it will be filled by a GA type. Not great a few weeks before camp. Guess we have a built in excuse for a potential leaky secondary, right?
    7 points
  45. project 2025 is essentially the trumpism manifesto.
    7 points
  46. Convicting people for trying to prevent the lawful transfer of power in a United States election is "a joke." A jury fnding a candidate guilty of election fraud for feloniously burying the story of their marital infidelity is "a joke." 34 felony convictions that you reduce to "a joke" because it affects your candidate. Just be honest. Normal people don't think those are jokes. Only CFDT voters think that. It's OK. We know who you're voting for.
    7 points
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