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But only one of them is a felon, has been known to cheat small businesses, cheat municipalities, and is in bed with Russia. And the Americans who are constantly both-sidesing these candidates helped elect this guy - twice! - even though the second time he had already been an impeached president, had led an attempted coup on the 2020 elections, and was working with the architects of Project 2025. These may be four bad candidates, but they are not equally bad. One is by orders of magnitude worse than the others. Both-sidesing is one of the things that landed us here.13 points
LOL...the President your party put in office literally is doing everything Putin tells him to do....which is tearing apart our country, our economy and our long time relationships with allies around the world. And it's the libs fault. Got it.12 points
This series was originally scheduled for 2016-17, but Tennessee requested that it be moved back because of their scheduling needs in those years, and Nebraska was willing to accommodate them. Now when the shoe is on the other foot, Tennessee decided that they weren't willing to return the favor.12 points
Just you aren't willing to answer why you are ok with a nazi billionaire taking a dump on the constitution12 points
First attack the media so the masses don't know what to believe. Then attack the courts so there is no accountability. Right out of the "take over the world" playbook. Thanks for pointing this out. Glad to see you're starting to recognize the problem and the threat.11 points
There's no both-siding a situation where an administration has been willfully infiltrated by a foreign regime that wishes to destroy the United States from within. This isn't a liberal/conservative dichotomy. This is those standing on one side of the fight to save our democracy vs those that, for whatever reason, could give two s#!ts less. It takes an inordinate amount of naivete to believe Putin has any intentions of being besties with any democracy especially ours. Posters noting and taking umbrage with this unprecedented and destructive turn of events are comically labeled as far-left when not so long ago the likes of Reagan was leading the war against Russia's attempts at destabilizing our system of government and that of our allies. Now our current administration has flipped sides in the most open example of Putin's expansionist intentions and the MAGA tact is to blame Zelensky and the Democrats. Trump never had any intention of making a deal for minerals that no US company is going to try to extract in the middle of a war zone. Clearly there are only two options to explain why someone would regurgitate Russian talking point in the guise of "it's only my opinion" . One is willful ignorance of Russia's past actions and future intentions. The other is full support of the current fascistic element rising around the globe. There are no other options. We're literally now considering giving Putin one of his long standing goals..the breakup of NATO. How much clearer does it need to be?10 points
You guys are much more measured in your responses than I’m going to be. Trump and Vance can rest in piss for that pathetic display of gutless bullying of someone with the stones to stand up to Putin instead of choking on his balls. We’re the bad guys here.10 points
I do not buy the home games excuse. This reeks of chickening out.10 points
The gaslighting red herring continues. Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that: A) Elon and Trump aren't doing this to find "waste, fraud, and abuse" because they care about anything other than themselves and unabated power B) it is illegal and unconditional C) any data coming out of this regime about "waste, fraud, and abuse" cannot be believed. That's the problem with being caught out as a disinformation regime.10 points
10 points
This is a shameful disgrace. Never in my lifetime have I been ashamed to be an American citizen. Trump is berating our ally, a country full of people that have weathered 3 years of a terrible war, for fighting for their country against an invading army, as if he was Putin himself. It's amazing Trump can even speak with Putin's member so far down his throat. And Vance? What a cowering little b****. Captian bone spurs talking down to a president that put on a uniform and fought alongside his people like he's a big brave man. What a joke. I am a proud American. My ancestors came on the Mayflower, starved in Jamestown, survived Salem, signed the Declaration, fought alongside Washington and later Grant, were in Pearl Harbor and Nagasaki, stormed the beaches of Normandy, and built the Panama Canal. They are all rolling in their graves seeing what thier sacrifices have been diminished to. They have sullied our once great nation and in so short a time destroyed all that we have stood for. May anyone who voted for or attempts to defend this abomination of an administration reap themselves the fate of the Ukranian people they have turned their backs on.9 points
Rhule has never worked with Ekeler before. He's only known Butler for about 8 months. Holgorsen he only knew via meeting him in coaching circles like the AFCA - they'd never worked together before. That's all three coordinators. But sure, he's all about the buddy hires.9 points
So now were just making s#!t up I see. These citizens who we dont even know their name, where they live or who they voted for are really left wing lunatic activists. Its true because the slimy congressmans staff said so. And Erick believes everything without actually doing any research himself. Damn you people are gullible. Come back to me with facts. Addresses, names and voter info and then maybe Ill believe it was all a setup to make the congressman look bad and not at all that people see through the BS and lies and use their own eyes and ears to see that this is the most incompetent administration of people our country has ever had. But lets pretend for a second they were all democrat plants. I know you hate to hear this, facist sympathizers usually dont, but this is the United States of America and everyone on the political spectrum has the right to address their grievances with their govt whether they live in the district or didnt vote for the person. He is supposed to represent everyone, old/young, left/right/middle, black/white/brown. Its a great thing isnt it! Where were his supporters to back him up? Didnt care enough to show up? Town halls are open for them to come participate and let their voices be heard also.9 points
All Trump had to do to help Ukraine was to pretend during negotiations that he was willing to have the US continue providing them weapons. We didn’t actually have to keep spending the $ if he didn’t want to. We just had to pretend to so that Ukraine could get a better deal out of negotiations and Russia wouldn’t get everything they want. This would not have been ideal as I would prefer we just continue to truly support them, but Trump could have gotten what he wanted (peace), by doing what I’m suggesting above, without helping an adversary. There is no benefit for the US to Trump acting like he has. He could get the minerals from Ukraine without giving Russia what they want. None of that had to be aired out publicly for Russia to hear. The only possibility here is that Trump is a Russian asset. Either through collusion or unwittingly through sheer stupidity.9 points
By pretty much anyone's definition, Bernie Sanders was the Progressive wing of the Democratic Party. Joe Biden was the beneficiary of the anti-Sanders Democrat coalition, which went with Joe precisely because he was a non-threatening moderate that many Republicans, like Linsdsay Graham, had already praised as a reach-across-the-aisle guy. Their utterly transparent strategy was to lure independents and wavering Republicans. Biden and the Democrats were feckless and misleading on the immigration issue, but they were following electoral calculous, not a pandering to the party's left. You're stark raving mad if you think the Progressive Left considered Biden one of them. Maybe we need to redefine the American Center. Most Americans preferred keeping Roe vs. Wade, support more common sense gun laws, are willing to consider single payer health care, and don't want Social Security and Medicare touched. Most would like to see immigration reform, but perhaps something less than mass deportations conducted without any cost/benefit analysis. Likewise they have opinions on trans women playing women's sports, but they may not be comfortable with all the LGBT anger being spread. They may get tired of all the race and misogyny debates, but they aren't about to deny race and misogyny problems still exist. But our current discourse detests the squishy middle and sticks everyone in one of two silos. The silo operated by the current President of the United States is probably the most extreme in the history of our country.9 points
The Path Toward American Authoritarianism This article is long, but it does an excellent job of explaining not only what I feel like is a likely path, but also one that is inevitable. Unfortunately voters are simply not equipped to deal with what's coming and, frankly, don't really care. The future is Chinese-Authoritarianism competing with American-Authoritarianism.9 points
What Archy fails to understand is that one can be a conservative and still recognize that the greater threat at this point in our nation isn't from the left, it is from the far right. But conservative politics has been redefined by Trump and his ilk whereby alt right nationalism is now considered conservativism. Ronald Reagan would have recognized it for what it is - a threat and not a complimentary policy difference. Those of us who were Reagan conservatives would now be considered very moderate by today's GOP party. Therefore we are without a party. Regarding the left leaning politics of the Dems, I believe we can survive and repair any short term bad policies. The left in the USA isn't the socialist/communist left of Europe. However, the alt right nationalism we are facing now, is very much growing towards the fascism of the 1930s in Europe. Besides, If we are to error one way or the other, it is better to error towards a more humanitarian left, then towards authoritarianism on the right.8 points
If people ever wondered how the original nazis came to power, it's exactly like what's happening with the conversation you're having. All it takes is for enough people to give them enough space so the nazis can do their thing. You don't have to be a nazi to allow the nazis to take power. You just have to be willing to look the other way.8 points
I haven’t seen and don’t receive “talking points”. I watch a bit of news, am aware of what Trump has done already and watch some video clips of things he says and does. I remember him flat denying any knowledge of Project 2025 only to then appoint the architects of it to government positions and then begin following it to a T. This isn’t a talking point, Trump is a lying, grifting piece of s#!t that can’t be trusted (unless you happen to be for everything he has and will do.) I feel sorry for you. You’ve been duped. Wantonly, willfully or by accident, it doesn’t matter at this point. You are on the wrong side and won’t or don’t want to see things for the way they actually are. You are a waste of my time. Buh bye.8 points
Those are future threats. Russia has obviously infiltrated the White House and is a present existential threat.8 points
hi ivan. how is the weather in moscow tonight? or is it morning over there now?8 points
I think there is a case to be made that Nebraska could very well be teeing up for the worst year under Coach Ruhle. We have new coordinators for all three phases. We have to replace a lot of our players due to transfers We are not going to have super seniors on the defense and that was key last year. We haven't been good at the logistics of the game (timeout, third and fourth down decision making, poor ball security, etc) And, despite hiring a new special teams guy, it seems that Coach Ruhle doesn't plan to put a larger practice emphasis on Special Teams. It is year three, and that's when Rhule's teams make progress. But he isn't following the model he did at Temple and Baylor. Here's the only sunshine I can provide. Coach Matt Rhule seems to be good guy at heart and he is easy to cheer for and support as he presents an excellent face for the program. Coach Saban coached for short stints at Michigan State and LSU, then went to Miami where he failed and went to Alabama where he flourished. Matt Ruhle had success at Temple and Baylor followed by a short stint with Carolina ... is he about to flourish? Nebraska beat Colorado in one score games for a number of years and then Colorado blasted NU in 2001 Iowa has beaten Nebraska in one score games for about the same number of years. Is Nebraska about ready to blast Iowa? GMs don't win games. Crazy numbers of coaches don't win games. Good players empowered by good plans win games. We will find out if that equation is taking shape at Nebraska but the jury is definitely out on that question.8 points
10 years ago - I was the 'archy' on HB. I didn't pout, take my ball home & I didn't live in an echo chamber. I listened, considered, and looked at facts. I changed my mind on a lot of things. I was proud and arrogant and thought I knew what was right as a Rush, Hannity, Levan, Beck tea party activist. However, due to other things in my life, I learned that I needed to be more humble and realized "I can be wrong." Which meant I needed to be open to more voices than just the hard right. America is America because there are good voices on the left and on the right. When we cut off one side, we become far less. I would say I am moderate to slightly right of moderate. I learned to once again appreciate the voices of my youth - Hubert Humphrey, Robert Kennedy and the heart of compassion towards others. While also maintaining the Reagan conservative principles of smaller efficient govt, peace through strength and basic compassion. Trump is the opposite of Reagan. He isn't conservative. His cuts have no humanitarian regard (humanitarianism is what set the USA apart from all other countries). His petty, childish resentment of Pres Z of Ukraine (remember his PERFECT aka NARCISTIC phone call that led to his 1st impeachment ) is moving the USA into our enemy's camp. The guy is a totally despicable, self-centered, narcistic person and an even worse president because of his mental issues. To give a basic answer on some of your questions: I'm ok with needed cuts for efficiency, I'm ok with stronger borders, I'm ok with asking Europe to do their fair share. I am not OK with making cuts that destroy 80 years of good will built up through our humanitarian outreaches (yes remove the funds for Transgender education in some far away country or other such "WOKE" programs), I'm not OK with deporting illegals who have now made a real life here in the USA - deport the criminals and find a path to citizenship for those contributing to our society, I'm not ok with anyone who sides with our enemies and abandon's our friends. Trump has betrayed our values. He isn't fit to be president. You might consider the walls (echo chamber) you are surrounded by.8 points
I remember why I had you on ignore. Anyone who is a constant apologist for Trump isn't worth having a discussion with or worth my limited time on HB. I'm not sure how others have the patience to deal with your posts. Let's see if you come up with an intelligent defense of Trump's UN vote.8 points
Not to you. Youre too far gone so its a waste of my time and energy. Now go on and type in some stuff to a search engine of your choosing and find it yourself if you really care. Im not asking people to believe me based on my word. They are perfectly capable of looking it up themselves also and then they can determine who is telling the truth and who isnt.8 points
Is it possible that liberal fear-mongering didn’t go far enough? I’m old enough to have been accused of TDS when I worried that Donald Trump might want to bypass all democratic norms and just run a revenge-driven grift out of the oval office in his second term. Let’s pretend it’s just a few months ago, October 2024, and a Democrat whines something like this on social media. Are they considered prescient or dismissed as paranoid drama queens? If Donald Trump is reelected he’ll follow the Project 2025 playbook he denies knowing about, and probably appoint its author director of the OMB! If Donald Trump is reelected he’ll let Elon Musk run wild! Musk will bring in teenage computer hackers to take over federal data bases without any oversight! If Donald Trump is reelected he’ll give Vladimir Putin everything Putin wants! If Donald Trump is reelected he’ll probably bring up his weird obsession with Greenland again! If Donald Trump is reelected he won’t lower inflation as promised, he’ll do something stupid and inflationary like tariffs! If Donald Trump is reelected he’ll threaten Canada (Canada?) as a way to make them America’s 51st state! If Donald Trump is reelected, he’ll probably appoint RFK Jr. to run America’s health care system! If Donald Trump is reelected, he’ll fire the board of the Kennedy Center, make himself the artistic director, and probably appoint Lee Greenwood! If Donald Trump is reelected, he’ll do something performative and racist like award refugee status to wealthy white South Africans who are being oppressed for being white! If Donald Trump is reelected he’ll slash all the benefits to poor people and give trillions in tax breaks to his fellow billionaires! If Donald Trump is reelected he will fire federal employees so recklessly he’ll have to hire them back when he learns what they actually do! If Donald Trump is reelected, he really WILL go after Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid! If Donald Trump is reelected, he’ll just reverse his position on Tik Toki, suck China’s dick, let them steal private information, and try to make money off it! If Donald Trump is reelected, his solution to the Gaza War will be something nutty like shipping all Palestinians to some other country and making Gaza a U.S./Israel resort, with his son-in-law as a potential profiteer! If Donald Trump is reelected, he’ll dance to the song “YMCA” by the Village People poorly and without irony!8 points
8 points
Missed the point again I see. There was no “accuracy” component at issue. The issue was you diverting from the subject being discussed. And you’ve managed to do it yet again. I mean we get it. I can’t imagine how tough it must be to have to constantly deflect and cover your tracks while trying to defend this un-American s#!tshow of an administration. Yeoman’s work you’re putting in on their behalf. And whatcha got to show for it? No real doge savings yet and about the same number of illegals being deported as was happening under Biden. Just a whole bunch of authoritarian bulls#!t, kissing Putin’s ring and f#&%ing over our real allies. But please continue defending it lest one of us die from shock.8 points
Trump has betrayed: FDR, Eisenhower (as general and president), Truman, Churchill and others from the WW2 time frame as well as Reagan, Pope Paul 2, Margrett Thatcher who basically ended the cold war era. He is a narcistic coward who would sell his mother down the river in order to be liked by unlikeable, despicable men like Putin. He is a man without a sense of history or place only a sense of what makes him look good IN HIS OWN EYES. We have a fool for a president. Thank-you GOP voters for allowing us, the American people, to be sold down the river in order to boost this child's weak ego. This will not end well.8 points
8 points
Nazi scumbag is going to be tweeting German flags once he rigs the AfD victory and their leader starts saying this same crap. He doesn't give 2 s#!ts about saving this country.8 points
And he should get roundly criticized for this by everyone. Probably the dumbest statement I’ve heard from him. https://www.mediaite.com/trump/profoundly-disturbing-trump-blasted-by-left-and-right-for-post-declaring-he-who-saves-his-country-does-not-violate-any-law/8 points
Or we could help Ukraine, build a strong relationship with them, and have access to these materials like we normally do. Instead, we risk letting Russia have it and losing out all together. We are the guy willing to beat up the bully stealing the nerds lunch money, but only if the nerd gives us his lunch in return…..8 points
Doesnt matter when it started. What is he doing to contain it? I never blamed Trump for covid starting. I blamed him for his response to it.8 points
We shall see how long America falls for the con this time. Took longer than expected last time. A lot of people are fine being lied to all the time if it confirms their priors and makes them feel good. Lost me a lot of faith in my fellow Americans.8 points
8 points
Just reflecting for a second on arguing that we’re a merit-based society when Donald f#&%ing Trump is president and Elon has a bunch of children holding the federal purse strings hostage. 🤣8 points
What insane world do we live in? "If you don't agree you just call them a nazi" no I'm calling them a nazi because of all of the nazi s#!t they do. Like wtf?7 points
Perhaps @Archy1221 is just a paid Trump agent who gives cover for all of the other GOP / MAGA supporters by being the front man arguing the MAGA cause so that the others don't have to expose themselves. I mean, not many others are speaking up on behalf of the trump chaos. It is hard to defend the undefendable but Archy charges on. I for one, have placed him back on ignore as it is too depressing to read his posts in light of the obvious fact that he supports perhaps the slimiest, least qualified, president ever who also happens to be a convicted felon and convicted rapist and very likely a Russian agent (most likely unwilling because Putin has the goods on him). If not an agent, then he's just a narcistic idiot, emotionally weak and self centered child who craves the admiration of strongmen worldwide.7 points
That whole thing was f$%^ing embarrassing and sad to watch. JD and Trump wanting thank you's when Ukrainians are dying. Trump will sacrifice anyone else for himself. The free world is f$%^ed, folks.7 points
Ummm how was it staged? I assume you watched all 49 minutes. Because up until minute 40ish, some sort of a deal was agreed to and the press conference was cordial and tense at times. Then the last question is about to get asked and Zelensky decides to go at it with Vance. if Zelensky doesn’t say anything at that point the press conference ends and some document gets signed. Seems far from staged7 points
Russia state media was given access to the oval office and in there in person during the conversation. TRAITOR!7 points
And I'm pretty sure Zelensky has literally said thank you while speaking to congress. These people are absolute pieces of s#!t.7 points
Boo-f#&%ing-hoo. Given the difficulty getting Republicans to face a camera and answer direct question about their President King and morally paralyzed party, my strategy would be the same. We all live with Rich McCormick's votes. If the Republicans in Rich McCormick's district think the budget cuts are fine and Trump is being unfairly maligned, they can speak up, too. A lot of us believe what has happened in Donald Trump's first month is an appalling over-reach, even for him. The data itself bears that out, which may give a clue why the national press sides against a bald-faced coup pretending its not. If you're truly worried about a party using amplified anger to bully the opposition into surrender, you'll need to delete most of your social media sources. We need more "nervous nellies" among the GOP to admit the reckless Trump/Musk purge is not what they voted for. When you're not in water-carrying mode, even you agree. What's happening now may end up being akin to the people who flooded the town halls in 2008/09, questioning surprised congresspeople with their sudden concern over socialized medicine and the Obama agenda. Some of that was organic. Some was not. The media gave that movement tons of play, and it turned into the Tea Party.7 points
the current administration is too dumb to ask for fired employees to turn in their keys?7 points
Boy I'd love to hear the MAGA case for how this helps America. It's a bit much to ask before they fire out the talking points later but I'm here for it. I know the resident sympathizer was a big proponent of Russigate being a big farce. At this point, does it matter? Trump keeps falling a$$ backward into decisions that are wonderful for Putin. He remarked today that "Ukraine should never have started it." At some point Russiagate is a distinction without a difference if the president is such an idiot or a coward (both, actually) he may as well be surgically grafted to Putin's nutsack. Nice of Rubio to confirm he's officially an invertebrate, though.7 points
If you think a Republican is going to connect the dots between "high rates of vaccine skeptics in Republican counties" and preventable disease outbreaks, you're barking up the wrong tree. Cognitive dissonance will not allow them to make that connection. Go explain theoretical physics to your dog instead. You'll get the same level of incomprehension in response but at least it'll include a tail wag.7 points
Yeah our allies wont be sharing any intelligence with us for the forseeable future. Very dangerous situation we are in now.7 points
Except I don't view things through a left to far left lense. I just don't like authoritarian rule. I would take your non partisan government waste thing seriously if it wasn't just a thinly veiled excuse to turn a blind eye to the egregious violation of the law that is going on to "expose" this fraud coming from a guy who has received over 15 billion in government contracts himself.7 points
The term concentration camp doesn't only exclusively refer to Nazi Germany and the holocaust, though that is the most notorious example. They've existed in Russia, China, Kenya, the United States, and plenty of other places throughout history. You're the one struggling to be able to understand a difference.7 points
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