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Danny Bateman

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Danny Bateman last won the day on August 26 2020

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About Danny Bateman

  • Birthday 11/21/1991

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    Approaching the Great White North
  • Interests
    Watching the Huskers tear off the arms of inferior teams and proceed to beat them with them.

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Defensive Coordinator

Defensive Coordinator (16/21)



  1. It’s worth chuckling that there are still people who claim Trump will be for this or that because they’re just sure based on X or Y he’ll do this or he won’t do that. The core case against Trump is that he’s an irrational, impulsive boob who does whatever he thinks is best for him in the moment. That can swing wildly from moment to moment. Remember when he got tripped up in that interview and proudly stated that there must be some form of punishment for women re: abortions? I’m sure in that moment he felt sure that was an excellent answer and he perfectly threaded the needle. I don’t think it took his campaign more than 24 hrs to realize he f#&%ed up big time and to completely reversed his position. Trump is dangerous because he holds no actual values or ethos beyond what is personally best for him at any given time. Anybody claiming to speak with certainty about what he’ll do or won’t do is either a fool or an idiot. That worldview should be disqualifying for the office of POTUS on its own.
  2. To summarize the past couple pages: Trump is great because he offers plausible deniability for any unpopular position he or his party reasonably hold. If you’re already drinking the Kool-aid or just a moron: It makes it easy to slap down concerns based on anything you’ve actually seen him or his party support with their actions because he’s smart enough to not come right out and say he’s in favor of shooting kittens or euthanizing Grandma… most of the time.
  3. This from the party who repeatedly insists their opponents support abortion AFTER birth. Anybody surprised they just make s#!t up when it suits them?
  4. Vance makes such a stupid argument. It seems Trumpworld wants to keep running against Biden even after he dropped out so their arguments have to keep centering on him. For a guy whose brains have been literal mashed potatoes ever since he took over, he sure has gotten some damn good results out of them tater brains.
  5. If you care about the border, you should be absolutely furious with Donald J. Trump, who personally blocked the most comprehensive border security reform we'd have had in decades to personally benefit himself.
  6. He won't cuz then he'd lose access to Peter Thiel and Elon's sweet, sweet money. Techbros love Vance because he's like them. The GOP is completely and utterly bought and controlled by billionaires.
  7. Well, when hardly anybody outside your own party or state even knows who you are and you’ve got the political equivalent of an MLB cup of coffee worth of experience, being a heartless, angry d!(k is certainly one way to introduce yourself to the masses. We should talk more about how utterly unqualified Vance is to lead the country in the event the other guy keels over, not JUST about his heinously unpopular political positions.
  8. Most liberals, like myself, feel that the Biden administration has largely been pretty good. Certainly highs and lows, but certainly legislatively one of the most consequential administrations of our lifetime. That’s not to mention executive actions like rescheduling pot, debt relief, etc. We’d have passed a border security reform bill for the first time in decades if Donald Trump hadn’t decided it was bad for him personally, too. I can’t speak for all of us, but certainly per polling most of us recognized Biden needed to step down. I was among them. So seeing him take that step was a relief. It logically follows that if we feel the administration was largely successful and we liked the policies, but needed a new leader, passing the torch to the second in command is perfectly acceptable. Certainly I feel that way. Also most decidedly we don’t give a rip what bad faith Republicans think about the matter or how much they’ll try to prevent it with legal efforts. The party gets to decide how to nominate it's candidate to on their own accord, so butthurt R’s can simply pound sand.
  9. Seinfeld was wrong and I like him. Any comedian complaining about this didn’t have the chops to be that funny in the first place and just wants a lazy excuse. Bums.
  10. Maybe we could collectively just not believe the intransigent s#!theels as they dance from facade to facade? It’s actually pretty easy to identify who people are and what they’re about, if you pay attention.
  11. If the reaction from Trump supporters is any indication, we should all sleep better tonight.
  12. I just don’t understand the mythical plane of reality on which Trump must exist for people to not be able to make an apples-to-apples comparison of pros and cons with Kamala or any other run of the mill politician. It’s absurd how much of a curve he gets graded on by what I can only assume are absolute morons. He’s a stupid, impulsive, vindictive criminal fascist who loves political violence. Full stop.
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