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commando last won the day on June 16

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About commando

  • Birthday 05/25/1962

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    Ashland, Ne.

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Defensive Coordinator

Defensive Coordinator (16/21)



  1. maybe it's just me but when i order something i kind of expect to get what i ordered.
  2. so if my wife serves the kids in her daycare chicken nuggets....and 1 of the kids chokes to death on a bone......it's the kids fault? or stated another way...your kid goes to daycare and get's served chicken nuggets for lunch and he/she chokes to death on a bone....it's your kids fault?
  3. lol....there are literally videos of people getting arrested yesterday at the riots. i posted a link about 200 people being arrested 2 days ago for their pro hammas protest. maybe some people don't want to see those arrests and just say that only right wingers get arrested...but it's not true and most people know it.
  4. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/hundreds-palestinian-protesters-arrested-capitol-hill-ahead-netanyahu-rcna163368
  5. lol at all the maga idiots trending bidendead on twitter. what a bunch of morons
  6. i wonder how many were arrested today. i know a couple hundred were arrested yesterday.
  7. doesn't matter what trump says...as long as he puts that disclaimer in there somewhere he never meant a damn thing he said.
  8. imagine you are sitting on top of a super volcano when this happens https://www.cbsnews.com/news/hydrothermal-explosion-yellowstone-national-park-biscuit-basin/
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