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Scarlet last won the day on March 2

Scarlet had the most liked content!

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All Conference (12/21)



  1. Trying to prevent meemaw from stepping in the voting booth without her wife beater wearing husband and voting for Kamala by scaring her about a country being led by someone who once partook in the devil's lettuce.
  2. Of course this tracks for a sociopathic, malignant narcissist. Imagine finding the need to defend such trash.
  3. "He never supported an abortion ban " - MAGA https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/353533-trump-administration-backs-20-week-abortion-ban/ "The Trump administration formally backed a House bill Monday that would ban abortions"
  4. So why are the Republicans running such a frail, senile, old sociopath on the verge of a massive and very painful coronary? Isn't this elder abuse to hasten his very public demise?
  5. Waiting for the "that's not Biden it's a body double. Check out his earlobes" takes.
  6. I take it with this witty nickname he came up with for Harris all by himself, he's all in on debating her in September. No excuses
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