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teachercd last won the day on July 21

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The Bobfather

The Bobfather (19/21)



  1. Vance is a horrible pick and he came in so hot with his lame bit that it is clearly a huge turnoff.
  2. Yeah, I agree... I love the ease of eating boneless wings though. With that said, try air frying chicken wings, they are amazing!
  3. This is what I thought. Seemed like an art house type movie that made it big because it already had a name attached to it.
  4. Hopefully the pro-hammi idiots (yes, they are real) are all sent to go serve with the hammies.
  5. For the most part, the top 6-10 will be easy to "pick" After that, there will be debate. In the end, this is going to be the most erection filled CFB season ever.
  6. Ha! I coached at a school where the lying got so bad that we had a big old sign in the locker room "DO NOT LIE ABOUT YOUR HEIGHT AND WEIGHT FOR THE PROGRAMS" Hahaha! HS programs for the FB team are like tinder...all of a sudden no one is under 6'0 tall
  7. The fact that abortion is an issue at all is insane and that men have ANY say in it at all is insaner. Everyone knows it should be legal, it should be free, it should be no questions asked, it should be for any age that the female is with zero parent involvement, ever.
  8. There are not many foods where people are so divided. Wings vs Boneless wings...There is almost no middle ground.
  9. 50% ignorance and 50% a$$h@!eness It is sad that the public opinion of those ignoholes has not shifted even more.
  10. All fake...didn't happen, not a thing. Nice try
  11. Okay, help me out here. I have never seen the first one, am I missing out, should I watch it?
  12. I would imagine it is the worst part of all of that stuff...having to ask for help or needing help. This was one HORRIBLE example that I read about https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2018/apr/19/pain-of-acid-attack-led-to-mans-euthanasia-bristol-trial-told-mark-van-dongen
  13. I love when they are literally spray painting Pro-Hammy stuff and STILL people can't admit they were wrong. Yet, I alway admit when I am wrong. Pride...such an ugly sin. Vanity on the other hand...that is my favorite sin
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