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Everything posted by BigRedBuster

  1. I can’t stand the guy. The only reason he is as big as he is, is because he’s a mouth piece for the conference ESECPN promotes. The whole comment about, well they need to know their place, is so BS no matter what program he's talking. Every program is striving to be good. If the sport is healthy, every program has a chance to do that.
  2. This is exactly why I'm voting for Kamala. It doesn't mean squat in Nebraska. But, if everyone who doesn't want Trump just writes in someone random, we never will get anywhere close to a purple state....which I wish we were. I wrote in in 2016. I won't make that mistake again.
  3. I guess the party of "law and order" doesn't think rules apply to them.
  4. I stand corrected. Boneless "wings" are chicken strip bites.
  5. So, I'm corrected. Boneless "wings" are chicken strips.
  6. It's very simple. Wings without bones are nuggets.
  7. The lies these people come up with and say with a straight face is amazing.
  8. And one party wants to do everything to undermine that public education.
  9. Good post, but I wanted to discuss this point. It’s not just that our immigration laws need updated. They do, and I’ve been saying this for a very long time. But, on top of that, if you want to stop immigrants from places like Honduras from showing up, help them fight the cartels and corruption that is causing their countries to be unsafe. These people don’t want to leave their countries. Help make theirs better and it helps solve the problem.
  10. Good for him. Now, what are you going to do with the people?
  11. Was one of the coolest torch lighting ideas.
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