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Posts posted by bale

  1. If a person could not take positives from yesterdays game, you were not going to if we won. Tough loss, but that builds character normally. We have to give coach Riley time, and for that matter the kids to adjust to the offense and defense. We played what some say is a very good team. Older, stronger, maybe ore focused due to longevity in the program.


    Still see a silver lining in this change, will not make any decisions until after this year at the earliest, but most likely want him to have a full recruiting cycle. Relax and have fun, it is not like we have been winning every game for the last 15 years.


    Completely agree with this. And, I can hardly understand where most of the negativity is coming from. There were certainly negatives - lack of a pass rush, not very good coverage (at the very least, it was sporadic), the run game was not what we needed, first down gains in general needed to be much better, etc - but the least of our problems is 'hail mary coverage'. We lost on a hail mary, it's awful. But if your opinion on the game depends on a fluke hail mary, then your opinions are just misguided. We played pretty well in most aspects, and very well in a few. There's room to improve in almost all aspects, and considering the improvement made in all aspects of the game after half time, I'm optimistic we can continue to make changes and move forward. This weekend's loss will not affect the season /at all/. Time to win next week.


    It could be one of the bigger football rivalries now.




    Are you implying the whole country isn't looking forward to USU v BYU's annual thriller???? I've got it circled on my calendar through 2020.

  3. Here is the thing. If the DLine is a force, that opens up a whole new slew of potential for our LB's, and DB's.


    IMO, we have two DT's that can potentially need double teamed. The way I envision our DL is that opposing offenses will have to bring in help from backs to protect the QB on throwing downs. Taking more routes out of the equation downfield. Which, gives our LB's and DB's in coverage less stress.


    Gotta watch for screens but if we can occupy 6 guys with 4 upfront, on just 40 percent of the time. We'll be alright.


    In Banker's defense, if the RB stays in to protect, the LBs are blitzing.


    You know they call plays, right? Like, there are set routes? This isn't backyard football where players are running around aimlessly. I actually cannot tell if you are joking or not. Tommy indeed knows exactly where his receivers will be going without looking by the design of the play. If not he needs to read his playbook more.


    let me see if I'm following this correctly: guy suggests it would be much easier to read WRs if they ran predefined routes - you respond that the routes can't be pre-determined because defense dictates route - guy responds if they are running all over the place it has to be more difficult to read - you now respond that they do in fact run pre-determined routes because it's not backyard football and TA knows where his receivers are going. did you just lose an argument w/ yourself?



    ...no. Having options does not imply that they are running around aimlessly. They have set routes with multiple options. These options are determined by the coverage. They then run a specific route based upon the coverage. The QB can understand where his receiver will go if he is also reading the defense the same way.


    I suggest learning how to tease through an argument before turning into an arrogant prick.

    • Fire 1


    I have a question on QB play.


    The constant complaint of Tommy staring down receivers or not going through is progressions has been a constant complaint with Nebraska QBs for a very long time.

    So, my question is, if the WR has options as to what rout they are going to run and the QB is expected to look one way and immediately turn and throw to the receiver, wouldn't that be much more difficult if you don't know exactly what rout the receiver is running on the side that you aren't looking at but eventually going to throw to?


    In my mind, it would be MUCH easier having confidence going through progressions if WRs have set routs they are going to run and the QB should know where each WR is on each play.


    I obviously have never played QB or WR but...is my thought process on this correct? If the QB has confidence in knowing where the WR is going to be, he is more likely to look off a safety and then back quickly and release the pass. Instead, if the WR has options, the QB has to either watch the WR or at least turn back with enough time to realize what is happening on that side of the field.


    Not totally correct. The defense is what determines what route the WR runs, so the QB should be able to say, if they are in a 2 high look, the WR is running this route or if they are blitzing from this side and playing cover 3 over the top they run this route, etc. That's a major simplification but the idea is that you shouldn't ever have to stare down receivers to know where they are going. You read the defense, you know where your receiver 'should' be going.


    Okay, so when the defense moves?.................then what exactly?



    I think you're wrong on this. I don't care if Tommy's aunt is Miss Cleo, there's no way to read a guys mind and know where he's going to go. Even if they were on the same page, Tommy is still going to look to make sure he's there and he's not gonna be able to let the ball go until the guy gets there. I'd love to hear the fans complain after hearing that. "Tommy, how did you throw 8 interceptions tonight?" "Well, the receiver was supposed to be there, so I just go ahead and throw it where I think he "should" be heading."?


    Also, think about the times we have four wide receivers. You're telling me Tommy has to read the defense and know exactly where all four guys are going to be going according to how the defense is lined up? Then, again, when the defense shifts before the snap, you're kind of SOL aren't ya?


    No way this is a plan for success.



    You know they call plays, right? Like, there are set routes? This isn't backyard football where players are running around aimlessly. I actually cannot tell if you are joking or not. Tommy indeed knows exactly where his receivers will be going without looking by the design of the play. If not he needs to read his playbook more.




    I have a question on QB play.


    The constant complaint of Tommy staring down receivers or not going through is progressions has been a constant complaint with Nebraska QBs for a very long time.

    So, my question is, if the WR has options as to what rout they are going to run and the QB is expected to look one way and immediately turn and throw to the receiver, wouldn't that be much more difficult if you don't know exactly what rout the receiver is running on the side that you aren't looking at but eventually going to throw to?


    In my mind, it would be MUCH easier having confidence going through progressions if WRs have set routs they are going to run and the QB should know where each WR is on each play.


    I obviously have never played QB or WR but...is my thought process on this correct? If the QB has confidence in knowing where the WR is going to be, he is more likely to look off a safety and then back quickly and release the pass. Instead, if the WR has options, the QB has to either watch the WR or at least turn back with enough time to realize what is happening on that side of the field.


    Not totally correct. The defense is what determines what route the WR runs, so the QB should be able to say, if they are in a 2 high look, the WR is running this route or if they are blitzing from this side and playing cover 3 over the top they run this route, etc. That's a major simplification but the idea is that you shouldn't ever have to stare down receivers to know where they are going. You read the defense, you know where your receiver 'should' be going.


    Are you sure that is what we were doing the last couple of years? It seemed like they were doing more than pre-snap reads particularly on some of the longer routes. It appeared that they were reading the position of the defenders relative to the receiver. Watching other teams I never saw an obvious miscommunication on long routes. They were always shorter routes. I was too late to ask that JM-whatever guy, that supposedly attended some of Beck's seminar's, what they were trying to do.



    Oh yeah they definitely do lots of pre-snap reads as well. I think with Beck's offense it was definitely more pre-snap, but it can go both ways. If you go back and watch, some of Tommy's interceptions/awful looking throws last year would be when a WR would check into a route based on the pre-snap coverage (by signaling, let's say '2', with his hands) but Tommy wouldn't see it and Tommy would in fact throw to a spot expecting the receiver to be there where instead there was only grass. Or worse, a defender.


  6. I have a question on QB play.


    The constant complaint of Tommy staring down receivers or not going through is progressions has been a constant complaint with Nebraska QBs for a very long time.

    So, my question is, if the WR has options as to what rout they are going to run and the QB is expected to look one way and immediately turn and throw to the receiver, wouldn't that be much more difficult if you don't know exactly what rout the receiver is running on the side that you aren't looking at but eventually going to throw to?


    In my mind, it would be MUCH easier having confidence going through progressions if WRs have set routs they are going to run and the QB should know where each WR is on each play.


    I obviously have never played QB or WR but...is my thought process on this correct? If the QB has confidence in knowing where the WR is going to be, he is more likely to look off a safety and then back quickly and release the pass. Instead, if the WR has options, the QB has to either watch the WR or at least turn back with enough time to realize what is happening on that side of the field.


    Not totally correct. The defense is what determines what route the WR runs, so the QB should be able to say, if they are in a 2 high look, the WR is running this route or if they are blitzing from this side and playing cover 3 over the top they run this route, etc. That's a major simplification but the idea is that you shouldn't ever have to stare down receivers to know where they are going. You read the defense, you know where your receiver 'should' be going.

  7. I'm getting more and more worried listening to all the negative pass info on Armstrong so far this off-season. Not that I'm completely surprised, but I wish it was more positive.


    Just like how positive talk year after year with Bo's team meant nothing, negative (or positive) talk with Riley's team means nothing.








    Here is what they are saying about Stevenson to Nebraska over at a Wisconsin board "Buckyville dot yuku dot com"




    As I understand it. Nebraska has been trying to improve it's academic reputation since joining the B10. Doesn't this scream 'We care less about academics'?




    Just awesome, we'll be going against him every year and possibly this October in Lincoln.





    If there's one good thing about this, it's that him and his talent will be shoved in our face every time we play them and maybe more people will get pissed off about it and request that we give kids the same chance other "like minded schools" are giving. Let's stop playing with one hand tied behind our back while throwing at a moving target that has the scoring lines drawn on after the darts are thrown.





    Ugh. Alabama would almost have been the lesser of two evils. The thing that really chaps me is that Jordan so badly wanted to be a Badger. He committed when we didn't have a coach. I believe he even got a Motion W tattoo. And now he's going to...Nebraska. A team we play every year. It's going to suck REALLY BAD if he becomes the next Montee Ball or Melvin Gordon.





    Maybe he will only be A mere Abdullah when Nebby plays Sconnie!


    I was over on buckyville reading some of this also. I usually only go to there leftover board the have some funny stuff on it. Anyway, some of them are kind of upset he didn't get into Whiskey while others are saying they won't lower their standards to let him in. etc. It is pretty well split from what I can tell. Whiskey grads to tend to think their degree is of a greater value than most and the definitely look down on Nebraska in that respect.


    Growing up in the heart of Big Ten Country I never heard one person that I grew up with or older people say anything like "Wow, I can't wait to attend Wisconsin, what a great education"



    You being clueless about the academic merits of an institution has nothing whatsoever to do with the academic merits of that institution.


    OOOh, snap, things gettin' personal. He called you "clueless", teach!



    If he thinks Wisconsin is not a stellar institution for academics, yes, he is indeed clueless in this particular instance.


    If you think you read his statement correctly, you are indeed clueless as well. Or illiterate.



    ... lol. This board is awful.






    Here is what they are saying about Stevenson to Nebraska over at a Wisconsin board "Buckyville dot yuku dot com"




    As I understand it. Nebraska has been trying to improve it's academic reputation since joining the B10. Doesn't this scream 'We care less about academics'?




    Just awesome, we'll be going against him every year and possibly this October in Lincoln.





    If there's one good thing about this, it's that him and his talent will be shoved in our face every time we play them and maybe more people will get pissed off about it and request that we give kids the same chance other "like minded schools" are giving. Let's stop playing with one hand tied behind our back while throwing at a moving target that has the scoring lines drawn on after the darts are thrown.





    Ugh. Alabama would almost have been the lesser of two evils. The thing that really chaps me is that Jordan so badly wanted to be a Badger. He committed when we didn't have a coach. I believe he even got a Motion W tattoo. And now he's going to...Nebraska. A team we play every year. It's going to suck REALLY BAD if he becomes the next Montee Ball or Melvin Gordon.





    Maybe he will only be A mere Abdullah when Nebby plays Sconnie!


    I was over on buckyville reading some of this also. I usually only go to there leftover board the have some funny stuff on it. Anyway, some of them are kind of upset he didn't get into Whiskey while others are saying they won't lower their standards to let him in. etc. It is pretty well split from what I can tell. Whiskey grads to tend to think their degree is of a greater value than most and the definitely look down on Nebraska in that respect.


    Growing up in the heart of Big Ten Country I never heard one person that I grew up with or older people say anything like "Wow, I can't wait to attend Wisconsin, what a great education"



    You being clueless about the academic merits of an institution has nothing whatsoever to do with the academic merits of that institution.


    OOOh, snap, things gettin' personal. He called you "clueless", teach!



    If he thinks Wisconsin is not a stellar institution for academics, yes, he is indeed clueless in this particular instance.




    Here is what they are saying about Stevenson to Nebraska over at a Wisconsin board "Buckyville dot yuku dot com"




    As I understand it. Nebraska has been trying to improve it's academic reputation since joining the B10. Doesn't this scream 'We care less about academics'?




    Just awesome, we'll be going against him every year and possibly this October in Lincoln.





    If there's one good thing about this, it's that him and his talent will be shoved in our face every time we play them and maybe more people will get pissed off about it and request that we give kids the same chance other "like minded schools" are giving. Let's stop playing with one hand tied behind our back while throwing at a moving target that has the scoring lines drawn on after the darts are thrown.





    Ugh. Alabama would almost have been the lesser of two evils. The thing that really chaps me is that Jordan so badly wanted to be a Badger. He committed when we didn't have a coach. I believe he even got a Motion W tattoo. And now he's going to...Nebraska. A team we play every year. It's going to suck REALLY BAD if he becomes the next Montee Ball or Melvin Gordon.





    Maybe he will only be A mere Abdullah when Nebby plays Sconnie!


    I was over on buckyville reading some of this also. I usually only go to there leftover board the have some funny stuff on it. Anyway, some of them are kind of upset he didn't get into Whiskey while others are saying they won't lower their standards to let him in. etc. It is pretty well split from what I can tell. Whiskey grads to tend to think their degree is of a greater value than most and the definitely look down on Nebraska in that respect.


    Growing up in the heart of Big Ten Country I never heard one person that I grew up with or older people say anything like "Wow, I can't wait to attend Wisconsin, what a great education"



    You being clueless about the academic merits of an institution has nothing whatsoever to do with the academic merits of that institution.

    • Fire 1




    WOW, what a complete non-story and crusty old white guys blow it up..!! tattoos are a story for most.. the clue is in his text.. "THIS JOURNEY IS A MARATHON, NOT A SPRINT" which may reference his football career or his understanding and healing of a "mental" issue..!! the star, rosary and the words "this journey" are obviously the start of a story. As for "corporate" America not excepting tattoos, what a bunk.. I have front line guys working for me that have complete sleeves, yes there is a line (ie. facial tats, racial or in poor taste) but most accept it as a norm, the fact that someone stated earlier that tattooed people cant get "real world" jobs is in my opinion completely misinformed and bias.


    edited for punctuation...and probably still wrong :facepalm:

    What do "white guys" have to do with this?

    not just white guys, crusty old white guys... and what it has to do with it is that, that is who is making the fuss about it...here.... on this webpage... about this article..!!!

    LOL...you're reading a message board where the membership is very heavy on white men and you all of s sudden think this is an age race and gender thing.


    News flash. Not everything is about those things.


    who said anything about age, race or gender...



    you did, twice actually.





    I had considered making a thread discussing this at some point.

    Honestly, I'm a little surprised at the type of QB Riley and his staff appear to be seeking. I understand them altering the offensive system to suit the QB we have in the program now, but I was actually looking forward to moving more toward the type of offense that Oregon State had been running in recent history. Maybe a nice mix of both styles will be good, but I'm a bit disappointed. I want far less spread, far less outside zone, and a whole lot more running behind the guards and center and between the tackles. I am sick and tired of the zone read, personally.

    Now maybe they move away from these things, but the type of QB they're recruting makes me think it will be a part of the offene for their tenure.I wanted to see Nebraska move away from this mobile QB mentality. I want our offense to start resembling NFL offenses. I'd like to see the Huskers put a Quarterback into the NFL someday soon. We need a pass first type of guy. A guy that throws it great, and if he can run, that's good. To me, mobility is secondary and honestly not all that important at all. Not in my ideal offense anyway.

    I've been on board with this staff and their vision, but this may be the first disappointment I have. I liked the offense we saw in the spring game for the most part, but I sure wish the passing game looked a hell of a lot better. I couldn't care less if the QB can run the damn ball or not. We have four or five RB's on the roster who can handle that part of it.

    Gross. I hate the typical NFL offense. True, me and you could never be friends after reading that.


    I LOVE the zone read, you can run it so many different ways. Understanding that is when the spread/zone read gets fun. For me anyway.

    Second bolded (edit): It's not about having RB's to tote the job. Having a QB being able to run the ball gives you a numbers advantage when a play is executed perfectly. Most plays are designed to give the ball carrier a one on one with an unblocked corner/safety. When using the QB as the ball carrier, for example, on QB Iso, the tailback becomes the lead blocker etc...


    I could talk scheme for days but I won't bore you with that.

    Fullbacks make great lead blockers. I formation all day long.

    Are you just purposely not understanding what he's saying? In a typical I formation when the FB is the lead blocker for the RB, there is an inherent numbers disadvantage for the offense because the QB does nothing besides hand the ball off. In the zone read, the QB acts as the RB, allowing for more overall blockers and an easier way to get a numbers advantage.

    No. I get what he's saying. Its not a complicating theory.



    f#*k, when I come to this place anymore, all I wanna do is punch somebody in their f'ing mouth.



    Intriguing reply, chap! Your threat of violence has convinced me the error of my ways! Have a great day! :cheers



    I had considered making a thread discussing this at some point.

    Honestly, I'm a little surprised at the type of QB Riley and his staff appear to be seeking. I understand them altering the offensive system to suit the QB we have in the program now, but I was actually looking forward to moving more toward the type of offense that Oregon State had been running in recent history. Maybe a nice mix of both styles will be good, but I'm a bit disappointed. I want far less spread, far less outside zone, and a whole lot more running behind the guards and center and between the tackles. I am sick and tired of the zone read, personally.

    Now maybe they move away from these things, but the type of QB they're recruting makes me think it will be a part of the offene for their tenure.I wanted to see Nebraska move away from this mobile QB mentality. I want our offense to start resembling NFL offenses. I'd like to see the Huskers put a Quarterback into the NFL someday soon. We need a pass first type of guy. A guy that throws it great, and if he can run, that's good. To me, mobility is secondary and honestly not all that important at all. Not in my ideal offense anyway.

    I've been on board with this staff and their vision, but this may be the first disappointment I have. I liked the offense we saw in the spring game for the most part, but I sure wish the passing game looked a hell of a lot better. I couldn't care less if the QB can run the damn ball or not. We have four or five RB's on the roster who can handle that part of it.

    Gross. I hate the typical NFL offense. True, me and you could never be friends after reading that.


    I LOVE the zone read, you can run it so many different ways. Understanding that is when the spread/zone read gets fun. For me anyway.

    Second bolded (edit): It's not about having RB's to tote the job. Having a QB being able to run the ball gives you a numbers advantage when a play is executed perfectly. Most plays are designed to give the ball carrier a one on one with an unblocked corner/safety. When using the QB as the ball carrier, for example, on QB Iso, the tailback becomes the lead blocker etc...


    I could talk scheme for days but I won't bore you with that.

    Fullbacks make great lead blockers. I formation all day long.



    Are you just purposely not understanding what he's saying? In a typical I formation when the FB is the lead blocker for the RB, there is an inherent numbers disadvantage for the offense because the QB does nothing besides hand the ball off. In the zone read, the QB acts as the RB, allowing for more overall blockers and an easier way to get a numbers advantage.

  14. The Beadle Center isn't especially close to the Campus Police.


    I think the main Campus Police station is in the parking garage at 17th & R. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.




    Yes, the campus police station is at 17th between Q and R (on the first floor of the building named '17th and R Parking Garage' in your picture). The parking lot they got caught in was presumably on the West side of 19th, just north of S (the grey area next to the Vine Street Fields). So the campus police station is about 2-3 blocks away, give or take. Pretty damn close. Honestly a 20 second drive, at the most.



    73% of the time, Gregory is being used to contain the run.


    73% of the time, I could drive my lawnmower to work. It'll get me there, but it's not best designed for commuting, and I have a better tool for that job.



    Nebraska had a better run stopping DE than Gregory on the roster last year? Yeah, I don't think so.

    melvin Gordon just trotted around the end for another TD.


    Minnys former-te-statue-qb just galloped around the end for 20 more.



    ... That's the point exactly. Most of Gordon's TD runs and all of Minny's QB runs were to McMullen's side, the only DE who would even be in the running for best run stopping DE besides Gregory on the roster last year. Thanks for proving my point brethren



    Big Cities are great:

    "A revitalized [Columbus] downtown offers more to do than most typical college towns."

    "If you like big cities, few places in the world compare to The Windy City."

    "East Lansing could be one of the quicker developing cities on this list."

    "The Twin Cities offer plenty for visitors and residents alike."


    OTOH, Small cities suck:

    "State College isn't easy to get to..."

    "Bloomington has a time-capsule feel."

    "There isn't a lot to do in Lincoln..."



    Seems like the judges gave bonus points for campuses in big cities that have more to offer outside the campus than smaller and midsized B1G cities.



    When a school is in a smallish/medium sized citysay, a quarter million or sothe activities of the city center around the university. But in a city of a million or more the college scene is just an afterthought.




    What? No they didn't.


    Chicago, the largest city in the conference, is 7th. Columbus, the second largest city in the conference, is 4th. Minneapolis is 9th.


    Further, there are 9 cities in America with a million or more people, and none of them has a blue-blood college program. That's pretty obvious and also reflected by this list.



    Yeah but there are 58 metro areas with more than a million and those have tons of blue-bloods (if considering all sports). And just considering football, Texas, Ohio State, Miami, and USC are all blue-bloods, and tons more of them have great history (Tennessee, Washington, UCLA, etc)



    I like the guys we have as well but I'd take two more Mitchells without hesitation.

    He was VERY hit or miss during his time and unlike Dennard, didn't play well against taller receivers imo. It was him getting burned by Lippett whereas Dennard I for sure had faith in in coverage against anyone. I think guys like Mosley, Lee, and Kalu will end up regarded as better cbs by the end of their time here.



    So you're going to focus on one play? Corners are going to get beat from time to time, especially by guys who are going to get drafted in the NFL. Lippett had 65 catches for 1198 yards last year. He had three catches against us while being targeted nine times. One was a big one but if you win two out of three against an NFL receiver, that's pretty good.



    Yeah and the TD catch by Lippett was against J. Rose (on his first play in after Davie went down)

    • Fire 1


    If there was a game tomorrow...


    1.) Newby (Only critique is that I think he's looking for the big run too often, instead of just running for positive yards. The big runs will come.)

    2A.) Taylor (Need to catch those screen passes. But looks like a solid RB.)

    2B.) Cross (No doubt a hard runner. Just not as quick as the others.)

    3.) Wilbon (Lacks experience, but he could be a very good RB in 2 years.)

    What does that mean? He's looking for the big run too often?


    So on runs where he ony gains five yards, he wasn't looking for the big run?


    When he runs fifty yards, then he must've been looking for it?


    Running backs should try to make the most of every carry they get. End of story. Now if they arent hitting their gaps, hesitatiing, or running sideways far too often instead of north and south, that can be a problem. Always look for the big run. The offensive line and WR's should block like it's going to be the big run also.


    You know exactly what I mean. Frankly, I think your looking for a fight.






    What Nebraska fans think they would say to a player who chooses to follow Bo to YSU: "Sorry it didn't work out here, good luck to you on your new home."

    What is actually said: "Doesn't matter anyway, probably would have played like crap on purpose. Damn Bo brainwashed you. We are better off without you. Some players just don't know whats good for them. Good riddance."

    largely anonymous internet forums are quite indicative of the way real life fans act in person, you're right

    If you wouldn't mouth off to the guy in real life, don't do it behind a keyboard.


    He probably isn't leaving Nebraska anyway so getting pissed at him is premature and immature.



    Exactly. People wouldn't do it in real life. but they do on the internet, on every site, since its been around. This is not a nebraska fan thing, this is a people thing.

  20. What Nebraska fans think they would say to a player who chooses to follow Bo to YSU: "Sorry it didn't work out here, good luck to you on your new home."


    What is actually said: "Doesn't matter anyway, probably would have played like crap on purpose. Damn Bo brainwashed you. We are better off without you. Some players just don't know whats good for them. Good riddance."


    largely anonymous internet forums are quite indicative of the way real life fans act in person, you're right

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