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Posts posted by Sub-Husker

  1. I'm sure at some point Michael Moore has said something that was actually factual, and probably would be useful to know. But frankly, I tuned him out after watching excerpts from Roger & Me where he basically attacked the guy in an effort to make a film; I had seen enough. I don't care how well-intentioned his motives were (and I don't think they were that well-intentioned), but I just don't dig that kind of "journalism." Wrote him off then and there and haven't missed a second of sleep over it since.


    To be honest I have not seen any of his movies either.


    But I did watch Bill Mahr's anti-religion film Religulous on NetFlix.

  2. Really???? Are you sure???? On one hand you agree that in a documentary he completely was biased and put out a complete fraud of a "documentary". Then, on the other hand you act like another of his "documentaries" is truthful.


    You used used the word "completely" twice, I did not use it at all.


    You used used the word "fraud" once, I did not use it at all.


    I never used the word "documentaries" to describe his films, as you said I did. I identified them as "mocumentaries".


    Nor did I use the word "thruthful", or any form of it.


    Please re-read what I wrote, then reply to that.


    Thank you.


    To me, this is about like if I caught my wife banging the entire team of Dallas Cowboys and then the next month she stayed in the same hotel as them and I'm supposed to believe she's being faithful.


    Analogies only work if they are remotely proportional.


    This one is not remotely proportional.


    In the media, burn me once that bad and I have a really difficult time ever believing you again.


    If dishonesty is fire, they you must really fear getting burned by Fox News. And Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan as politicians.

  3. We failed by effing up multiple nations, so we should kill millions of people we already screwed because a few fanatics can't be controlled by the instability we created?


    What? Ok, being serious now, how is this our fault? You honestly believe that throwing money and guns at Gaddafi, Mubarak, and Bashar al-Assad to put down indigenous uprising would have created a more desirable outcome?


    First of all; Mubarak fell in Egypt without external military aid. Gaddafi fell only because of large scale NATO and GCC involvement. The same strategy is favored in Syria by many.


    Fact is, there's a large group of people from Morocco to Pakistan that will only be happy riding in the back of a Toyota Hilux with an AK-47 shouting "god is great", killing anyone who doesn't shout "god is great". That's about all I can surmise. We stood aside and tacitly helped overthrow the oppressive dictators that were the ostensible source of all their problems...


    Where does that happen, other than in a region that we (or a proxy) have either destroyed the civilian infrastructure or threaten to do so?


    We helped deposed Gaddafi because he had resources we wanted and was a threat to introduce an African currency that would be a rival to the dollar. There are worse dictatorships in that region (especially the Gulf), but they are our allies.


    … and we shouldn't spend another drop of American blood or treasure trying to help as long as it's mob rule or militant in back of Toyota Hilux rule.


    We only spend a lot of blood and treasure to keep neoliberal leaders in place who are our friends, which is why there are “militants in back of Toyota Hilux” who want to kill us.

  4. am proud to say I've never seen a Michale Moore film. I'd rather watch four uninterrupted hours of Dora the Explorer than his drivel. And you won't catch me watching this hatchet piece in the OP, either. I have too much self-respect to watch this kind of garbage.


    I will say this... that the Moore film Sicko did do a service to this nation by highlighting the abuses by a very greedy industry. Sure, many facts were triaged for the movie.


    "Lefty Fiction" will usually be more popular than "Righty Fiction", because it is more likely to poke fun at people in power.


    Fox News tried to recreate a right wing version of the Daily Show, but it was a complete disaster.




    Edit: I would watch Atlas Shrugged over Dora.

  5. No film is made to be an unbiased presentation of facts, they all have an agenda.


    Michael Moore makes 'mocumentaries' that have a basis in reality but are loose with facts to mostly expose abuses of power.


    The Obama 2016 movie was made by a conservative filmmaker to give his opinion of what America would look like after four more years of Obama.


    If you think that a film will entertain you, then by all means go see it. But do not go with the intent of seeing a neutral documentary.

  6. Nuke the middle east from orbit, it's the only way to be sure.


    We failed by effing up multiple nations, so we should kill millions of people we already screwed because a few fanatics can't be controlled by the instability we created?


    . . . maybe krill needed to include the "insert sarcasm here" emoticon . . . I didn't think that anyone would actually take that seriously.


    Maybe, but I have heard many people who were serious about their nuk'em attitude.


    Regardless, I will let my statement stand on its own.


    I had been against the NATO invasion of Libya from day one, and there has been almost a complete media B****** of the disaster we had helped create there.

  7. The cost of employer health care adds about $5 to $7 to the loaded cost of American labor. We are the only nation that saddles our domestic companies with that burden.


    Isn't that why there is a tax credit to give incentive for companies to provide health insurance and lower the burden on them?


    Maybe for some small businesses, but that is only a miniscule drop in the bucket.

  8. Fortunately we still solder with good ole 63/37.


    I think you're smart enough to know the difference between hand soldering and billions of mass produced PCBs that go into landfills.


    I had managed quality for SCI (now Sanmina), who had more SMT lines than any other company in the world at the time.


    Yes we are hand soldering now, and still use the good stuff.


    There are other things we could do that would make much more of a positive impact than banning lead in solder.


    I don't trust the Chinese to comply with bans that other nations choose to comply with.

  9. RoHS compliance with low and no lead solder was tricky at first, but part of the problem was also due to Taiwanese companies circa 05-07' building new, larger factories in China that had quality control issues to begin with. In consideration of the exponential growth of electronic waste it was essential to move to stricter standards with hazardous materials to create a recycling model that is remotely sustainable. It doesn't matter if it was manufactured in China, Taiwan, Japan, the US, or Germany...everyone complies with the same standards.


    Stoopid Europeans... lets add cost while reducing quality and reliability.


    Fortunately we still solder with good ole 63/37.

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