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Red Snow Sword: Husker Sentinel

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Posts posted by Red Snow Sword: Husker Sentinel

  1. All hail the incredibly inept, god-damned total f'ing embarrassment, total f'ing sham, 90f'ing6th ranked, yep you read that right sports fans, the ranked in the entire land, totally f'ing laughable Nebraska offense:

    Edited for unacceptable wording-Rawhide









    Uh....... this isn't the best way to shake off a hangover man.


    Michigan's a great team, and that doesn't change in one or two games.


    There's no need to troll

  2. ALRIGHT, PHOTOS! I'm glad they're online already



    Thanks a bunch for the links, everyone/


    (does anyone have any reccomendations as far as who to have announcing it? Or are they all with the radio guys (who I don't mind - I like them, to be honest) Or should I look for some sort of way to get the ESPN version of it or whatever? I don't buy game DVDs often, so I don't know.)


    thanks again

  3. Controversial calls should be expected by now.


    They've happened to every team.



    This game could have been won by either team - it was a solid, close matchup. One team won, the other didn't. This is the way that has not changed, nor ever will (with exception to ties, of course).


    Basically...... If MU won the game, NU supporters would be able to say just as much. (personally, as far as those time outs MU took to try to get an instant replay in their favor.... that's your own risk. It would be very hard for me to even consider doing such a thing, if I were coaching. Play on, and have faith in your team.)



    And lastly.... it's over now. I really hope that poor officiating doesn't take away from the win. It was a game for the history books.

  4. I talked smack, I said Michigan would thump Nebraska, and here I am. I'm true to my word to show up. Regardless of how or why Michigan lost, they ended the game in the same fashion as the rest this year. 4th quarter lead evaporated in no time just like OSU, Minn, and Wis. The officials were horrendous, Nebraska's D was tenacious, and both offenses were nothing more than error prone with a mix of good plays here and there.


    So to your Huskers I wish you the best, although I hope if we meet again it's for a bigger prize and no outside influences affecting the outcome.







    I'm all for playing MU in January.

    Take care

  5. So, how does it feel?






    I remember hearing the radio commentators talking about Devany (sorry sp) thought beating Michgan was his turning point.......



    Michigan played a very good, very close game.

    I respect that.




    ........... I can't wait to buy the DVD for this game.

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