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Red Snow Sword: Husker Sentinel

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Posts posted by Red Snow Sword: Husker Sentinel

  1. The beginning of a new era, one way or another. SOme people like to ride the edge of the frontier, some don;t.......


    But no matter what, it is an interesting time in Husker history. I think just because it IS Nebraska, the fact that such changes are happening, well, it's quite historic. No matter what, these 5 year period or so will live on in Husker history forever.


    countdown is on...............

  2. LOL!! Meeeechigan has been better than NU?

    Again, you can't spell Lloyd Carr without at least 2 L's.

    Hey, beat Ohio State once before you come in here and start blasting away! :rollin

    I'm chalking this one up as another "that's nice......." thread.


    But....... I don't think that's a great strategy, seeing how the name "Bill" also has 2 Ls...... ......



    But, uh......





    ....... :restore2


    Lynn Jamison, Lakewood

    Well, I guess she is a woman, right?



    You know how some of them get emotional about competition. You know what I find interesting? Sometimes it's the ones who can't take savage beatings (in sports or other competition) that actually want to be dominated the most




    Go figure :woo








    I apologize for my overuse of the :woo icon. It's just too fun, and such a great expression.

  4. I wonder why those rat bastards don't want us to see the vote totals.


    Do they think it will make people vote more?

    Or is it a manipulation tool?


    I think congress should look into it :woo





    anyway, GOoooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Herbie!





  5. Okay, I normally wouldn't post this, but, what the hell.



    The only video game I play anymore is a college football game, NCAA Football 2006. And, it just so happened, that I met MU in a bowl game at the end of the season. Of course, it was a little different than now, because Nebraska was #2 in the nation and #1 was Michigan, and both teams were undefeated.


    But, here's how it turned out........




    NU 14

    MU 7

    In the 1st quarter, NU got out to an early lead thanks to some quick strike passing on the opening drive. But then a stalemate occurred for the majority of the quarter, until Michigan broke a big run with it's power running game. NU responded with a TD on the following drive, and that was the end of qtr 1.



    NU 0

    MU 21

    Dryspell for NU, nothing worked very well. An INT was returned for a TD, and MU got several long runs, and used playaction well. Things were not looking so good for NU, and it didn't feel very good, either.


    Halftime score: MU 28, NU 14



    NU 14

    MU 0

    This was the longest quarter of the game for NU fans, because the offense had nothing doing at all. The defense came alive, though, and the blackshirts held MUs running game and passing game to minimums, but NU's offense was self destructive at times. Another INT, and a fumble halted drives that could have at least gotten field goals. In fact, it was the Blackshirts that came to the rescue, within the final minute of the quater. The Defensive end broke through the line and stripped the ball from the the MU QB, and the ball took an NU roll, and bounced up. The DE scampered to get the ball, and then all the way back to the endzone for 6. After a successful PAT and kick off, there was apporx. 11 seconds left in the 3rd, NU still down by a TD. The very next play was another pass, but this time it was intercepted by the CB, and returned almost all the way, to the 5. The next play, NU ran it into the endzone as time expired in the third, and the game was tied at 28 all.



    NU 7

    MU 3


    Another long quater for both teams, until about midway through, when NU's QB threw a dart, which he had only been able to do sporadically since MU could get through the Olineou consistently on pass plays. But it went for 6, despite it being a dangers pass over the middle, but the needle was thread into the endzone between 4 Wolverines, and the catch was made. NU finally regained the lead, but there was plenty of time left. Both teams struggled the rest of the way. After it got down to 5 minutes, NU began milked the clock by taking up all of the play clock, and the ground game was working so we could still get first downs. Another stalemate occurred, though, in terms of field position. With about 3 minutes left, MU got good field position off of another NU turn over, and managed to snag a 30 yrd field goal from the right hashmarks. NU lead chopped down to 4. The following drive was a decent one for NU, but resulted in a punt, although MU was beginning to have to burn TO. Eventually, they were all gone, and NU continued tol milk the clock. With about 50 seconds left, NU had a tough decision to make, because on 3rd and 6 the ballcarrier only got 5.5 yards, and it was tempting to go for it on 4rth, especially with the running game usually yielding desired results, (though there was some overall momentum building for MU since the FG). But having difficult field position to judge by, and NU's defense having some momentum of it's own, the ball was punted. It was a great punt, like most of them throughout the day, and MU started it's final drive on the 15 yard line, with 41 seconds and no TOs. NU had 2. It ended quickly though, as the second play, after an incompletion, the QB threw a fastball down the middle of the field and it was picked off. NU kneeled 2wice and ended the game.



    NU 35

    MU 31





    Post game comments:

    Costly penalties at inopportune times for NU. 3 False starts, and a few delay of game calls on my part. Not too many holding calls, but penalties that occurred hurt NU, especially early in the game. MU was solid in that regard. Both teams capitalized on the turnovers of the other, and that was the flow of the game - that's why MU lead early, and why they lost late - turnovers. Punting for NU was really good, with only one punt completely shanked, and the rest giving NU decent field position on D. MU had good punting, and excellent punt and kickoff return coverage. They played the field position game very, very, very well. MU had a solid power running game, and scored on drives where they could string completions together along with the runs, with exception to two 50+ yard runs by the backs. the D line of NU got several sacks, and frequently disrupted pass plays. Another notable thing was how NU managed to have running success throughout the game, and if it weren't for costly turnovers (mostly INTs as a result of pressure), NU would have probably won by a larger margine. The running game was very important in that it opened up the passing,and kept the D honest at the very least. You could tell when NU passed too much, as it was usually a 3 and out. Or when they ran too much and got the same. Game-ball goes to the D line, and blackshirts in general, because they had a great day, despite giving up 28 points on Defense. And also, the backfield for NU were valuable receivers in the pass catching game, and in general the receivers were doing what they need to do in the WCO - YAC. And lastly, I think TOP was about even, maybe with NU having a little more than MU, which matches up with the close final score pretty well.


    It was a fun and good game to play, and I would have enjoyed watching it in real life, to be honest.







    Fact and fiction


    The major differences between this game and real life are that it takes place next year, and not this year. But no rosters or anything were edited. I run a slightly different offence than BC's WCO, but it's generally the same thing, although I usually have more rushing yards than passing, but a balance number of plays for both rush and pass. MU was the favorite, as the Big 10 was kicking ass this year, and the Big 12 was not. It was the NC game, rose bowl, and as I said, NU was #2 in the nation.




    more comments:


    Personally, I just find it intriguing because some of the similarities between real life and how that game played out. I hope the same thing happens in the real bow game in a few weeks. Or, if not, I'll take playing MU next year in the NC game, he heh heh. I should note, too, that the season before hand (or, as it were, the 2005-2006 season), NU ended up 8-4 winning their bowl game. I simulated that year, and "took over coaching " after the post season.







    Anyhow, I jsut thought it would be a little offbeat fun, maybe.

    If anyone else has any simulation mathups or games they played, they can share them too, if you'd like.


    As allways, Go Big Red




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