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Posts posted by mcrooks7

  1. SO NU was lucky to beat Baylor then??

    Sorry Former, we won by 9 points. And we were ahead by two touchdowns at one point before the end of the third quarter. Baylor managed another touchdown before the end of the game, and Nebraska managed another field goal. No luck involved. Just another win. Sorry, man.

  2. Ha! I could get into a whole side arguement about the nature of this country needing to find someone to blame when something goes wrong. But I wont. All I will say is this: blame time. Or history. There has never been a supreme dictator in all of human existance, and as much as football can, it mirrors this on the field. I know we always want to win, but we can't. Time brought down the Romans, and the British Empire, why are we so suprised that it brought donw us too? That isn't to say that the sport of football isn't more forgiving than that of historical civilization. Just try to focus on that aspect: there will come a time of comeuppance. Who knows, maybe we are just about to start some more streaks. I for one am excited to see.

  3. Both Bush and Callahan aren't doing a great job at this, yet Browbeating either of them isn't going to help. We all realize there are problems. We all want to win. But, we can't always win. There comes a time for everything to come to an end. Or at least a lull. Frantically trying to amend the situation with "quick-fixes" will never solve anything. Not in Iraq, and not on the football field. Support the small changes, try to find the specific problems that our team has, and discuss those. But overarching "fire Callahan" lingo will only cause animosity within the fan base. Try to find a more susinct group of changes before you support the scrapping of an entire system. God Bless. GO HUSKERS!!!

    I honestly never meant to start a political debate. Especially over the ineptness of Bush (Where to begin, and would take to much time).


    I never expected a quick fix, but I did not expect 40-15 either. How does the 109th ranked offense score 40 on NU or anyone? IMO, NU has been one of the poorest prepaired teams for games this season, and from what I have heard MANY agree with me (not just NU fans either). I am not expectiong to win every game (I said this in the last post), but how many games must we watch the chosen NU schemes completely fail. It is not necessarily how the players are playing, but simply the wrong scheme for any given formation. Like I said before POOR game planning.

    Wasn't trying to start one either. Yet you mentioned it, and I found it to be an effective metaphor. No they are not the same. But there are similarities. The bottom line is not giving up and leting tempers flare when there is no point. There might be one when it involves true deaths, but not when it's a football game. All your doing is making the players feel worse about something they already feel bad about.

  4. My my Former, you outdo yourself again. Take a closer look at both Devany's and Osborne's first couple years. Their records were much nicer to look at, but still bespeckled with losses, and they weren't overhauling a system. Whether or not BC should have the "audacity" to update the O, this is a big step. And the fans at the time? Demanding both of their heads. They were good coaches, and other than your "Idiotic, nonsensical diatribe" there is no true proof that Billy C isn't either. Are there problems? Yes. But the great coaches of the past were not perfect either. Change doesn't always have to be a bad thing, big guy. Sometimes it brings new and wonderful things, though maybe not immediately. Think of puberty, if you've been through it. ;) Change will occur, but recinding your status as a fan wont make it happen any faster. I for one am ready for this week, and the next, and the bowl, and spring practice, and on and on. I want the team to win, but I can be patient too. Try some Buddist techniques, realign your chi, and move on.


    Lots of love.





  5. Wow Former. That is new. Telling someone that he isn't arguing correctly because he refuses to place blame. Interesting choice of tactics. Dave is making sense by honestly looking at the situation and just talking about facts. You seem to simply be interested in finding any way to place blame on someone. Maybe you should think about this yourself, man.

  6. And let's just by into the opinions of the wonderfully intellegent and rational Lee Corso. What he says is law. He is the man. :sarcasm


    Yeah, there are problems. Callahan wont be gone anytime soon. The huskers will snap this cold with time. Corso can say whatever he likes, but it don't make it gospel.

  7. i think a defense that spends all it's time on the field, while the O goes 3 and out, is going to give up points......anyone have any stats of TOP for all the games played so far? i would be surprised if we are holding the ball for more than 35% of the time.........




    Time of possession Opponents: 278:50 minutes


    Time of possession Nebraska: 261:16


    Difference: 17:34 (quarters are 15 minutes)

    yeah this doesn't sound good, but remember, that is stretched out over 9 games. So it isn't that telling. The 3 and out number, however, is.

  8. DO NOT GET ME WRONG!!! These last three games have been horrible to watch! I have been angry and ashamed, but that doesn't mean that I am not able to look on the bright side of things occaisionally.

  9. mcrooks7 Posted on Nov 7 2005, 04:44 PM


    Never mind the first safety I can remember since ASU dropped Frost to end the streak. At least ASU was good that year.




    To be fair, the KU defense is one of the best in the Big IX. So yeah, ASU was good, and KU has a big ol' question mark on it, but the defense is the only one who scores the safetys. GO HUSKERS!!! 


    yea their D is pretty tough inside the key........ :wtf

    HaHa!!! Are you being sarcastic? They really are. Take a look at the stats if you do not believe me. But they end up losing a lot because their D isn't capable of always making up for really, really crappy offensive progression. Well ... that is ... until we played them. :) Oh well.

  10. So whose fault that we are "not" running the west coast now? Our offense hasn't been good all year imo. Them short passes don't work against the okie/kansas's of the world. They might work against poor defenses. WCO=pitiful imo.

    Umm... no. They work against all defenses. Unfortunately the coaching staff hasn't been employing their services in the last several games. I must admit I have no idea why that would be. No, our offense hasn't been horrible all year, it has been improveing. Improveing in the style that Callahan came to introduce. Arguements about whether or not we like this offensive scheme at Nebraska aside, the truth is that the scheme works. It delivers. Against all kinds of defenses. Look to the schools who are running it with not only skill, but great success. Like USC. You can "IMO" about the WCO all you want, but if you intentionally close your ears and eyes, you'll only observe what you truly want to see, and apparently that is the failure that you have convinced yourselves that our team has become. I refuse to look at it that way, and I am going to believe that we are improving for next year. Take out the last three games, and there was nothing but steady improvement week in and out. We'll see what happens next week. GO HUSKERS!!!

  11. Never mind the first safety I can remember since ASU dropped Frost to end the streak. At least ASU was good that year.


    To be fair, the KU defense is one of the best in the Big IX. So yeah, ASU was good, and KU has a big ol' question mark on it, but the defense is the only one who scores the safetys. GO HUSKERS!!!

  12. Benard originally posted this messege:

    What improvement have you seen on offense? Personally id take our offense last year over this years. Our offense looked good maybe one or 2 games against poor defenses otherwise it has been god awful. The defense is equally bad.


    Ok. I'm not entirely sure numerically what has happened over the past two years on offense, and I really don't care. What I have seen is a signifigant improvement in the running of the WCO. Callahan has made no secret of the fact that this is the style of O he wants to run no matter what. Yet, last year, the true WCO was not to be seen on the field. Yeah, there was a bit more passing, but for the most part Huskers fans were just privy to watching an inept QB in Dailey try to make long pass plays to players that weren't recruited to do so. The WCO is mainly button-hooks and short to intermediate slant routes. We didn't see very much of that last year. The players on the field now are much more talented than last years', and when the actual WCO is run, we see better execution (for the most part). In the last three games, it has seemed like Cally, against all reason, has decided to go away from the true WCO into one of utter predictabilaty. There were games earlier in the season where the Huskers would set up a center screen, or the middle slant, or something creative, but recently it has either been a run up the middle, or a intermediate to long pass to the sideline. I was amazed to watch in the KU game a KU offense that was using the WCO weapons against us. How many times did they run the center screen? I even called it several times. I knew it was coming, but the NU defense wasn't, and I think there might have been two scores off of that one play. The point is, the play on the field, when coupled with some creative play-calling has been of an exceptional rate, at least when compared to last year. I agree that the offense hasn't been putting up what they need to, but I saw signifigant improvement until the MU game. I don't know why the offensive scheme started to morph, but it didn't need to. Bring back the hard-nosed quick short pass plays and the Husker offense might start racking up the score again. Were we to regress into last years theme, though, I think we would find ourselves at a loss to make anything happen offensively on the field. GO HUSKERS!!!

  13. In my opionion cosgrove needs to go....i have seen improvement with the offense and granted it is not much but it is a new offense all together....but the defense should not be giving up plays like it does.  we looked great early in the season but when you are playing patsies like we do that isnt hard...and that is a whole other subject in itself...but the past few games we have gotten killed with the run up the middle...i am not a football genius but it seems to me if that is your problem maybe you should put a linebacker in the middle ....play 3 linebackers not 2 that are spread out...


    this guy is making the same mistakes as last year....that is not acceptable....he is easily an expendable guy...maybe make coach blake the defensive cord and keep him happy and here for his recruiting as well he has experience as a head coach so he would understand many more things...what you think

    What improvement have you seen on offense? Personally id take our offense last year over this years. Our offense looked good maybe one or 2 games against poor defenses otherwise it has been god awful. The defense is equally bad.

    I'd like to respond to this in another area, it doesn't really belong in this thread.

  14. to pick our Huskers to lose to Kansas, I believe I was


    I had a bad feeling all week long about this game

    I didn't do it on the forum. But I was pretty certain (and told my friends, etc) that BC would finish off our last streak.

    Hey, man. It's not our last. Keep goin' to the games! Keep the streak the fans have control of alive!!!

  15. so nameless, you claim to be close to the team.....stick your nose in and tell us what is really going on inside.......




    Not sure where you got the idea that i said i was close to the team. Having a couple of contacts doesn't mean you are close to the team.


    Other then several key starters on both the defense and offense getting riped a new one by the coaching staff during film breakdown, nothing else is new. Film breakdown i heard was really ugly and not something you wanted to see. If anyone goes to the game this weekend and has a good view of the field, you will see several guys being replaced on and off depending on how well they do.


    Rumour has it that the coaching staff has threatened to pull ANYONE out who isn't giving a 100% on each play.

    That seems to be a better modus operandi than what we have been seeing. At least it seems like the coaching staff cares every once in a while. No one is playing exceptionally, thus NO ONE is safe.

  16. Dave, other than the drunk students, was the rest of the crowd decent toward the Husker fans?





    Hey, I am a Kansas student and was sitting in the student section watching the game with an extreme internal conflict occuring throughout. I wanted to be able to cheer for my school, but my love for the Huskers is just too powerful. That, and the fans at KU struck me as poor for no reason. Not to say that the entire crowd was rowdy and rude, but the student section was not shy about lobbing a "F**K YOU HUSKERS!!!" every once and a while to the players on the field. Yet, there were a number of chants going on that the entire student section was participating in that I found to be in incredibly poor taste, such as: whenever the Jayhawks scored and were kicking off to the Huskers, the entire student section screamed at the top of their lungs after the typical crowd swell, "RIP HIS F*****G HEAD OFF!!!" or whenever a singularly horrible thing would happen on the Husker's part, most of the student crowd would chant, "YOU LET THE WHOLE TEAM DOWN!!!" I realize that this A. probibly doesn't really answer your question, and B. is typical of the student section no matter where you are, but it frustrated me to no end. Yet, the feelings that I was given from this side of the spectators was a general disdain for the Husker fan. Explitives and heckling abounded, and I must say, I was dissappointed to be a lumped in with the Jayhawk population after that win. Just my two cents. But at least I can say that the KU fans are better than either KSU or MU. So there is that. :) GO HUSKERS!!!

  17. Are you one of these "if you don't support the war, you don't support the troops" type of people? I love NU, always have and always will. I will never apologize for high expectations, nor will I lower them. I supported Lord and I supported Dailey. I support all of the players that are on the field. It is how they are being used, coached and prepaired that I question. I think criticism lets coaches and players know how important NU football is to Husker Nation, and that we will not take losing lightly. They ALL new the high expectations coming into their positions and should have been prepaired to receive some scrutiny. It comes with the territory. If they do wish to be in the spotlight, they should get off the stage.

    I am not one of those people. Yet, I must say that I do not consider Callahan to be anything but a soldier. Unlike Bush, Callahan is actually there trying to help our team win. I can not and will not believe that Callahan is so incompetent that he cannot make a football team win. Yes our offense was horrid, yes our defense was horrid. I blame Callahan for looking ahead of Kansas. It was an expected win. I mean, we've done it for 37 years! That was Callahan's problem. I do not think by firing him, nor by calling for his resignation we will solve anything. Same with Bush. I do not support the war, but I'm not talking about the war. I am talking about standing by the person in charge of seeing that we come out of this alive. Both Bush and Callahan aren't doing a great job at this, yet Browbeating either of them isn't going to help. We all realize there are problems. We all want to win. But, we can't always win. There comes a time for everything to come to an end. Or at least a lull. Frantically trying to amend the situation with "quick-fixes" will never solve anything. Not in Iraq, and not on the football field. Support the small changes, try to find the specific problems that our team has, and discuss those. But overarching "fire Callahan" lingo will only cause animosity within the fan base. Try to find a more susinct group of changes before you support the scrapping of an entire system. God Bless. GO HUSKERS!!!

  18. that's bs.....several of my best friends are ND fans, and that fan base bitched like hell when they were going through their down turn and hiring new coaches, until they got Weis.......they were loyal fans, but they were upset with th direction of their program too.....complaining, wanting a change is not a loyality issue, it is an issue of believing the program and leader is wrong for the team.......christ, if no one cared, DO YOU THINK ANYONE WOULD BITCH AND COMPLAIN?? hell no!

    we all care and are disturbed by what we see and hear from Callahn and his coaches....




    Man, I know you care. Hell, the entire board can see you care. The fact that you are posting inflammitory remarks, though, wont. help. s**t. You should realize that. And, oh yeah, calling for the head of one of the only people who truly realizes what is going on is s**t too. Sunday morning QBs have always pissed me off. There is no way someone can claim retrospectivly that they knew what was wrong when. There is always something to look forward to. I just hope you remember that. Yeah, it sucks we lost. I am REALLY upset. I go to KU, and have to deal with the s**t that I am gonna get about this loss for a long time. You know what, though? It is just a game. It is just an enjoyable thing that we love to watch. I'll admit that during the game I get mad. I am mad at the playcalling. I'm mad at the play level. I am mad at the relative calm that it seems Callahan is taking it all in with. But, in the end, I realize that it isn't the end of the world and that a slump in our Husker history was bound to happen at some point. The arguement that "THIS IS NEBRASKA!!!" just doesn't fly. I am going to continue watching the team with the faith in what is happening and what will happen in the future. Sorry, man. But your attitude just isn't gonna solve anything. I suggest you take a seditive and just cool down, man. Peace out bro! GO HUSKERS!!!

  19. I've posted this elsewhere, but that was before I saw this thread!


    My God! How pathetic do you want our Husker Nation to look? Yeah, we look pathetic right now, but everyone around the country already makes fun of us for firing Solich in the first place. Let's be honest with ourselves, Solich came in, took a strong TO team, and started making Nebraska look like a joke. Should we have fired him? No. Absolutely not. Yet, at least his program was a rapidly declining team. Solich was unable to recruit solid players to come play even HIS style of offense, whereas at least Callahan is improving this aspect of the team. Even after the last several games, Callahan is improving this team. Yes, it is a new system, and yes, sometimes it looks like we are having monkeys writing the play calls, but give it time (as I am sure many of you hate hearing ... again). We, the fans, often like to think of ourselves as knowing everything there is to know about our team, and that we know how our program should be run, but let's face it: none of us know what is going on better than the coaches. It is really easy for us to sit in our "Ivory Towers" and complain about what is going on in our Husker Nation, but ultimately we A ) have no real tangible power to change it, and B ) no real knowledge of the situation. I know at this point it sounds silly to ask people to just trust in the system, but the system is brand new and we aren't even giving it a chance. Heck, when America was first created we had to go through some changes to our Democracy until we found the right system. Right know, we are transferring power from the Monarchy to the Democracy, otherwise known as the I-Formation O to the WCO, and we'll have to re-write the Articles of Confederation to be the Constitution before we can truly see the system come to life. Let Callahan re-write the mode of play, and the mentality of the people. 'Cause let's face it folks, all of this constant nay saying is not going to help our players, nor our coaches. Every week, even when we win, Callahan feels like he has to defend certain aspects of his coaching in order to appease the hunger Husker fan base. We pride ourselves on being the best fans in College ball, but recently, I haven't seen many fans sticking with OUR team. We are supposed to be the shining example of what makes a college football fan, but all of the negativity lobbed towards Callahan and the rest of the coaches only proves that we are elitists who don't deserve the title of fan. Some people who post on this board who come out and proudly declare themselves fair-weather fans aren't the fans that we should want to represent. I for one do not cheer for the Huskers because of their dominance in past years, I cheer for them because I am a Huskers fan, and always will be. I am proud to say that after attending the KU game and watching some fans start to leave at the start of the fourth quarter, there were many, many more fans that stood by their team even though there was no hope of victory. These are the fans that I think should be represented. These are the fans that matter so much to this program and will ensure that our team will rise again. To those of you who are calling for Callahan's head: you are not going to help your team. This will not bring back power to the Nebraska football tradition. All you will succeed in doing is ensuring that the Nebraska fan base is ridiculed for once again for not being patient enough to see something through to the end. Please, please stop harming your football program, and start finding other things to bash. Try Hollywood, or the Government, just leave college kids who are trying their best out of it. They are more upset that we are playing poorly than you will ever be. Stop rubbing salt into their wounds. Thank you for your time. Let's be prepared for happier times ahead! GO HUSKERS!!!

  20. My God! How pathetic do you want our Husker Nation to look? Yeah, we look pathetic right now, but everyone around the country already makes fun of us for firing Solich in the first place. Let's be honest with ourselves, Solich came in, took a strong TO team, and started making Nebraska look like a joke. Should we have fired him? No. Absolutely not. Yet, at least his program was a rapidly declining team. Solich was unable to recruit solid players to come play even HIS style of offense, whereas at least Callahan is improving this aspect of the team. Even after the last several games, Callahan is improving this team. Yes, it is a new system, and yes, sometimes it looks like we are having monkeys writing the play calls, but give it time (as I am sure many of you hate hearing ... again). We, the fans, often like to think of ourselves as knowing everything there is to know about our team, and that we know how our program should be run, but let's face it: none of us know what is going on better than the coaches. It is really easy for us to sit in our "Ivory Towers" and complain about what is going on in our Husker Nation, but ultimately we A ) have no real tangible power to change it, and B ) no real knowledge of the situation. I know at this point it sounds silly to ask people to just trust in the system, but the system is brand new and we aren't even giving it a chance. Heck, when America was first created we had to go through some changes to our Democracy until we found the right system. Right know, we are transferring power from the Monarchy to the Democracy, otherwise known as the I-Formation O to the WCO, and we'll have to re-write the Articles of Confederation to be the Constitution before we can truly see the system come to life. Let Callahan re-write the mode of play, and the mentality of the people. 'Cause let's face it folks, all of this constant nay saying is not going to help our players, nor our coaches. Every week, even when we win, Callahan feels like he has to defend certain aspects of his coaching in order to appease the hunger Husker fan base. We pride ourselves on being the best fans in College ball, but recently, I haven't seen many fans sticking with OUR team. We are supposed to be the shining example of what makes a college football fan, but all of the negativity lobbed towards Callahan and the rest of the coaches only proves that we are elitists who don't deserve the title of fan. Some people who post on this board who come out and proudly declare themselves fair-weather fans aren't the fans that we should want to represent. I for one do not cheer for the Huskers because of their dominance in past years, I cheer for them because I am a Huskers fan, and always will be. I am proud to say that after attending the KU game and watching some fans start to leave at the start of the fourth quarter, there were many, many more fans that stood by their team even though there was no hope of victory. These are the fans that I think should be represented. These are the fans that matter so much to this program and will ensure that our team will rise again. To those of you who are calling for Callahan's head: you are not going to help your team. This will not bring back power to the Nebraska football tradition. All you will succeed in doing is ensuring that the Nebraska fan base is ridiculed for once again for not being patient enough to see something through to the end. Please, please stop harming your football program, and start finding other things to bash. Try Hollywood, or the Government, just leave college kids who are trying their best out of it. They are more upset that we are playing poorly than you will ever be. Stop rubbing salt into their wounds. Thank you for your time. Let's be prepared for happier times ahead! GO HUSKERS!!!

  21. Haha. Right. Not drunk, right. Just high on grass? Well, I am not an expert on this, but it seems to me that there was a lot more there than just grass playing fields. Perhaps not. Yet, I think our boys should be ready to simply deal with any environment. Until we do that, we still aren't a great team again.

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