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Posts posted by Seriously?

  1. "It looks like they wanted to schedule a bunch of wins," Jamrog said. "We can't do anything about it. We can't do anything about the guarantees that were set, unless you want to cancel the contracts. But we aren't interested in doing that."

    Jeff Jamrog


    I guess Pocatella High needs some cash somehow eh Jeff?

    • Fire 1
  2. Seriously (I cant help, I easily amuse myself), Dobson has won awards for the job he is doing. We are not losing games because we're wore out in the 4th qtr. Go back to 2009 and the amount of time and plays our defensive starters had to play and were still able to perform at a high level deep into the 4th quarter of very tight games. Dobson is the least of our problems. In fact, he's not a problem at all and we're very fortunate to have him. No, Boyd Eppley is not coming back, neither is Osborne.

    So you're talking about Suh? Not only did we fall apart and quit ( Michigan and last years Bowl game) but we got shoved around like rag dolls, either bad recruiting or bad strength training or both, you pick


    yeah, youre right. I'm sorry. I guess it was only Suh chasing down the quarterback AND chasing 5 wides and a RB all over field for 90 plays, week in and week out. As far as falling apart and quitting, maybe the quitting part, but the falling apart part-no. Sure it's hard to stay mentally tough in the 4th qtr when youre down multiple scores and theres no sign of anything about to go right, esp during the mentally draining season those guys went through last season. They are not excuses, they are reasons.

    Come on accountability you're a very bright person, are you expecting me to believe our team ( mainly both lines) are in good physical shape and not getting manhandled by top 10 teams?


  3. Seriously (I cant help, I easily amuse myself), Dobson has won awards for the job he is doing. We are not losing games because we're wore out in the 4th qtr. Go back to 2009 and the amount of time and plays our defensive starters had to play and were still able to perform at a high level deep into the 4th quarter of very tight games. Dobson is the least of our problems. In fact, he's not a problem at all and we're very fortunate to have him. No, Boyd Eppley is not coming back, neither is Osborne.

    So you're talking about Suh? Not only did we fall apart and quit ( Michigan and last years Bowl game) but we got shoved around like rag dolls, either bad recruiting or bad strength training or both, you pick

  4. Watching the UCLA game and seeing the glaring issues isn't rocket science. If you take all the spin and rosey red pump out of the equation I guess it makes you a bad fan


    I belong to one other Husker message board and I cruise through a few others just for fun and to see if there's anything I'm missing. I can tell you without question that the best news, insight, information and conversation I've found is right here.


    Opinions vary, and I'm not going to tell you you're wrong about this other board. But I wouldn't leave HuskerBoard for anywhere, and there's only ever been one other place I've even considered signing up at. And I've probably seen them all, or most of them.


    Have you seen this? Its a little offensive so be warned Mod Edit


    What, some dude's blog? No, and I don't care to see it, either.


    Honestly, do you know how many hundreds of blogs there are out there, focused solely on the Huskers? All those blogs are are verbose versions of posts here. They're just opinions, and we have plenty of them right here at HuskerBoard. Ours are typically more well-informed, too.

    Actually it wasn't a blog at all, it was a thing some fan puts together after every game in a slideshow format. It's a humorous take on the weeks events which is actually well informed, not opinion but facts. When was the last discussion of Dobson here since our players seem to fall apart in the second half, not to mention get shoved around by freshmen if "yours" is more well informed?

  5. I disagree with the title of the thread you pulled those quotes from. Dobson isn't the problem.


    Sir, due to the fact I'm exhausted, and should be sleeping right now, i'm going to put this simply....


    Who the hell is "Dobson"?

    Ummm the Nebraska Cornhuskers strength and conditioning coach


    Sorry I was tired, and not as a good a fan...

    Apology accepted



  6. Watching the UCLA game and seeing the glaring issues isn't rocket science. If you take all the spin and rosey red pump out of the equation I guess it makes you a bad fan


    I belong to one other Husker message board and I cruise through a few others just for fun and to see if there's anything I'm missing. I can tell you without question that the best news, insight, information and conversation I've found is right here.


    Opinions vary, and I'm not going to tell you you're wrong about this other board. But I wouldn't leave HuskerBoard for anywhere, and there's only ever been one other place I've even considered signing up at. And I've probably seen them all, or most of them.


    Have you seen this? Its a little offensive so be warned Mod Edit

  7. What?! There's other Nebraska Cornhusker message boards?!



    Heh, actually there are quite a few Husker boards, several were formed during the Solich deserved/didn't deserve it days leading up to the Callahan hiring. Some boards take a more comical approach to try and ease the pain of what we now call Cornhusker Football. Watching the UCLA game and seeing the glaring issues isn't rocket science. If you take all the spin and rosey red pump out of the equation I guess it makes you a bad fan

  8. Yes, the '99 season we were screwed out of, but the the title opportunity in 2001 was not deserved, and was quite frankly the biggest embarrassment of the BCS.


    I can agree with this. Though, in spite of the Colorado debacle, I dare say we were still a Top-15 team. BCS worthy? No. But still Top-15--Oklahoma was no slouch that year.


    Texas screw job? Can you elaborate please? I seem to remember us fumbling the ball like 5 times and our defense not being able to stop Applewhite ( sack or pressure) when it mattered


    You also seem to forget that on our final comeback drive, when we had Texas on their heels and DoNU was at the Texass 35 or so, we had two complete passes ruled incomplete--one to your precious Bobby Newcombe, the other to Dan Alexander. IIRC, the pass to Newcombe would had given us a first and goal, the later a new set of downs. Even Brent Musberger said on the broadcast were whiffs by the officials, in so many words.



    I would say a legitimate top 5 team even after that. There's not doubt in my mind. The ONLY reasons we didnt deserve to play for the title was 1)ugly loss to Colorado, and 2) Not winning conference title, or division, for that matter. Fact is, no one competes with Miami that night. It was a hungry and extremely talented bunch. Another thing is, we probably beat Colorado 7-8 times out of 10, and that blowout loss is obviously a 1 in 100. It was just one of them gloomy days that just didnt feel good from the start, and where nothing could go right. And that mentally carried over to the Rose Bowl. We were play for play with Miami for a while, but once one little thing went wrong, the snowball got rollin.

    I think I have to disagree, Colorado wasn't a fluke, it was the new Nebraska or what we had/have evolved into. It was the beginning of the end, Solich had finally used up his Crouch card and you are right the snowball roared down the avalanche from that day forward. It wasn't even a surprise to many that had already seen it coming long before. I think beating the Sooners and ole choker Bobby Stoops was more surprising than the CU game for many of us.


    Miami coasted against us, Crouch showed heart as always but that game was never going to be close, Oregon........maybe

  9. Sadly Mark, I have been FORCED into playing the role of me vs. everyone else, simply because anytime I say something critical of the team, I get chastised. I just don't understand why people can't accept criticism. When I said I predicted 8 wins or less this season, I was called crazy, retarded, etc. Why? That's my perspective and viewpoint, and a win total that I think is realistic. If you don't agree, fine, but at least respect my opinion as I respect yours. That's all I ask for, but apparently, for some, that's too much to ask; thus I always find myself on the defensive.






    Don't worry, you have thousands right there with you. Anyone that pays attention to reality and doesn't have concerns in every single aspect of Husker football as it sits, I would question their sincerity moreso


    You guys are so funny. Do you even enjoy watching Nebraska play football or are you so worried about living in the real world and fretting about every single aspect of the football team? If to you reality is fretting about whether people are crazy for thinking that NU may or may not have 3 tougher games than UCLA left, I don't do want to live in your reality.


    Watching your favorite team is suppose to be fun, isn't it?

    It's supposed to be fun yes, watching Suh was fun, watching Zac Taylor was fun, if they don't kill Burkhead he could end up being fun......



    Wow so basically you havn't had fun watching Nebraska since 2009. I can't believe you think Zac Taylor was fun. Nebraska lost just as much with him at qb as now. :sarcasm I just don't understand it. I guess it makes you and others feel better if NU loses and you can say "See I told you they would". I don't like to see Nebraska lose any more than the next guy, but I never go into a game thinking they have no chance of winning.


    So many of you guys are so worried about NU being what ever you think is an elite team, but you don't seem to understand that it is really cyclical anymore. Lets look at the elite teams from say 1995. Nebraska, Florida, Tennessee, FSU, probably KSU, Michigan, Penn St? Where is Alabama, LSU, Oregon, USC, Oklahoma? None of these teams were elite in 1995, they are now, but they will come back to the pack and someone else will take there place.


    I'm just going to enjoy watching my Huskers. It's still a big deal that UCLA beat NU. When it is not a big deal that is when you can really worry.

    It goes back a lot further than 09, if going into a game not worried the lackadaisical uncoached looking team shows up then you could go back to 97. Sure, even in 96 you had ASU and Texas but you didn't expect seeing it every week. Now you know you have a / last 2 bowl games / Texas in Memorial / Northwestern in Memorial / Michigan / Wisconsin / UCLA / Iowa State there's so many complete meltdowns you can't even keep them straight. And yes I liked Zac Taylor, I would say he might even be in the Top 4 favorite Husker QBs

  10. Sadly Mark, I have been FORCED into playing the role of me vs. everyone else, simply because anytime I say something critical of the team, I get chastised. I just don't understand why people can't accept criticism. When I said I predicted 8 wins or less this season, I was called crazy, retarded, etc. Why? That's my perspective and viewpoint, and a win total that I think is realistic. If you don't agree, fine, but at least respect my opinion as I respect yours. That's all I ask for, but apparently, for some, that's too much to ask; thus I always find myself on the defensive.




    Don't worry, you have thousands right there with you. Anyone that pays attention to reality and doesn't have concerns in every single aspect of Husker football as it sits, I would question their sincerity moreso


    You guys are so funny. Do you even enjoy watching Nebraska play football or are you so worried about living in the real world and fretting about every single aspect of the football team? If to you reality is fretting about whether people are crazy for thinking that NU may or may not have 3 tougher games than UCLA left, I don't do want to live in your reality.


    Watching your favorite team is suppose to be fun, isn't it?

    It's supposed to be fun yes, watching Suh was fun, watching Zac Taylor was fun, if they don't kill Burkhead he could end up being fun......

  11. I disagree with the title of the thread you pulled those quotes from. Dobson isn't the problem.


    Sir, due to the fact I'm exhausted, and should be sleeping right now, i'm going to put this simply....


    Who the hell is "Dobson"?

    Ummm the Nebraska Cornhuskers strength and conditioning coach




    Maybe not as much of a screw job as we make it out to be, sure. But, on top of giving the game away, there were many very controversial calls, one of which even Brent Musberger lashed out about, and it was a game changing no call (pass int. on Texas on a 4th down late?, wasnt called). It shouldnt've mattered if we dont fumble at the goal line twice, no. Youre right, we had plenty of opportunities with the D dominating in that first half to have a 21,24-3 lead instead of 13.

    I guess watching Husker football for a half a century, I stopped blaming officials and their "screw jobs" shortly after the FSU- Husker National Championship game. I will say the Texas A&M a couple of years ago was certainly a contender in game stealing officiating.

    • Fire 1
  13. Can

    FLU is your man he has all the answers


    Can he tell me why I have a Bobby Newcombe jersey still??


    Also as a side note - the studio is at the CT School of Broadcasting near New Haven, CT. Just in case any interested Husker fans are in the CT area, the studio has extra microphones.

    A Bobby Newcombe jersey marks the beginning of the end of Nebraskas dominance and competing with top 15 teams in Div1 football?


    Yes, that's right, because it's not like we were a Texas screw-job away from the title game in '99 or actually played for the title in 2001 or anything... :rolleyes:

    Texas screw job? Can you elaborate please? I seem to remember us fumbling the ball like 5 times and our defense not being able to stop Applewhite ( sack or pressure) when it mattered

  14. Can

    FLU is your man he has all the answers


    Can he tell me why I have a Bobby Newcombe jersey still??


    Also as a side note - the studio is at the CT School of Broadcasting near New Haven, CT. Just in case any interested Husker fans are in the CT area, the studio has extra microphones.

    A Bobby Newcombe jersey marks the beginning of the end of Nebraskas dominance and competing with top 15 teams in Div1 football?


    Yes, that's right, because it's not like we were a Texas screw-job away from the title game in '99 or actually played for the title in 2001 or anything... :rolleyes:


    Just some simple facts to throw out there. Newcomb's final season was 2000. McBride's was '99. Don't really know what Newcomb has anything to do with the downtrend of Nebraska football.


    Yes, the '99 season we were screwed out of, but the the title opportunity in 2001 was not deserved, and was quite frankly the biggest embarrassment of the BCS.

    Newcombe had nothing to do with the down trend, the guy asked why he still had a Newcombe jersey and since he's a fan of Wisconsin.......I figured I would give him an idea of what I instantly think of when I hear Newcombes name. Other than Frank chasing tantrum throwing Crouch to Omaha.

  15. There's probably a good reason for that, maybe not so much here, but elsewhere where people pay attention to details. Examples of what someone discussing the real problems would look like and taken verbatim from a discussion elsewhere


    If that's your idea of a board where "people pay attention to details" then by all means, stay there. Nobody's begging you to come to HuskerBoard.

    You disagree with it? Any of it at all? It's not "my idea" I'm much more critical than that but IMHO there's only one person holding us back from returning to legitimacy and he should be retiring this year and maybe the new AD can get to work, maybe Pelini can actually start trimming the dead weight as well, if he doesn't then we know he is the "entire" problem

  16. Can

    FLU is your man he has all the answers


    Can he tell me why I have a Bobby Newcombe jersey still??


    Also as a side note - the studio is at the CT School of Broadcasting near New Haven, CT. Just in case any interested Husker fans are in the CT area, the studio has extra microphones.

    A Bobby Newcombe jersey marks the beginning of the end of Nebraskas dominance and competing with top 15 teams in Div1 football? Actually that's not completely fair, McBribe stuck around for awhile. I guess it signifies the beginnings of Buddy hires gone bad
  17. Sadly Mark, I have been FORCED into playing the role of me vs. everyone else, simply because anytime I say something critical of the team, I get chastised. I just don't understand why people can't accept criticism. When I said I predicted 8 wins or less this season, I was called crazy, retarded, etc. Why? That's my perspective and viewpoint, and a win total that I think is realistic. If you don't agree, fine, but at least respect my opinion as I respect yours. That's all I ask for, but apparently, for some, that's too much to ask; thus I always find myself on the defensive.


    Don't worry, you have thousands right there with you. Anyone that pays attention to reality and doesn't have concerns in every single aspect of Husker football as it sits, I would question their sincerity moreso

    13. 3/4 of the Husker Board population still thinks they know more about coaching than our staff



    There's probably a good reason for that, maybe not so much here, but elsewhere where people pay attention to details. Examples of what someone discussing the real problems would look like and taken verbatim from a discussion elsewhere


    the guys are fat, but at least they look weak too!



    God do they ever. At the snap, the expectation is a well conditioned team will show it both in the legs and in the upper body. I watched Rome, who is doing some karate sh#t with his hands and looks like he is chained to a f'ing fire hydrant in his legs. It looks like the guy could squat a tomato and that is about it. Baker-forget about him, he has the leverage of Gumby. Randle looks like a slob I mean, you can see these guys are weak and have absolutely no drive power. Do we even squat anymore to go along with all of this explosive motion stuff? Also, where is the quickness? The players look freaking drugged. Snap..........Oh sh#t the guy moved, I better move. WTF is that? Quaaludes? The other thing I see is stiffness. They look like they have boards strapped to them crotch to chin. Scarecrows in motion. No flexibility at all. I wtched Meredith try something akin to a swim move and it looked like he fell off a balance beam. Arms flailing around, all freaking crooked and gangly. He lowered his center of gravity about 1/2 a freaking inch. What is he swimming in, a thimble? I mean, has anyone seen a defense look top to bottom as unathletic as us?



    I also think you have to put some blame on the players. If they were motivated and dedicated, they would have worked harder in the off-season, eaten better, etc. It's also possible that the staff is setting expectations far too low, which is exactly what happened prior to 2002, when we had one of the worst conditioned teams I've ever seen.


    what it boils down to is complacency. From the top down, no one in the program seems like they give a sh#t. Bo is mellow now. he's content to shoot for 9 wins and cash his check, and that attitude has infected everyone else. Can you imagine players voting to just cancel the spring game in they actually cared? they either didn't want to compete and show what they can do, or they know nothing they show will affect their standing with the staff, so why bother?


    the entire program is soft and indifferent. the culture needs a radical change


    followed by actual pictures in the locker room of fat, flabby, manboobs everywhere and trying to come up with a reason why Dobson is employed at Nebraska or anywhere for that matter. All you have to do is look at Jamrog and Cotton (the list could go on but why?) and all the answers are right in front of your face.



    Well beyond a decade of not mattering in the top 10 or having examples of last years bowl game, UCLA game to truly see where we now perch in the ranks of Div 1 football, why would you question the staff?

  19. Wow!


    I finally watched that clip after reading all of the posts, and I'm kinda disappointed. If people are getting worked up over that, and calling it "lashing out", how do they stomach to actually watch a football game.


    Football is intense and emotional. Generally coaches, at least good coaches, share these traits.


    Sack up! It's GAMEDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Well, that is not true. TO did NOT share these traits and he was one of the best. At least not when talking to the media.

    You are right, Osborne is a special person. You said yourself, one of the best (coaching & dealing with people). The same could be said for Tony Dungy and other good coaches. This is why I chose the word "generally". I nowhere compared our current coaches to Tom Osborne and I don't ever plan to.


    However, for every Osborne and Dungy there are two or three Parcells, Pelini's, Saban's, Harbaugh's, Les Mile's, Mike Gundy's, and the list goes on. Nebraska was BLESSED with one of the greatest coaches and great person in Osborne. No one denies that. People differ with the question, "should we hold Pelini (and staff) to the same social standards as Osborne?"


    I wish we had another Osborne, I truly do. But so does USC, LSU, Florida, Texas, Oregon, Alabama, and every other team in the country. But you know what, they won't find one. You know why, because there is only ONE Tom Osborne.

    I'm pretty sure LSU, Bama and Oregon are just fine with who they have, not sure those teams want to wait around 22 years for results, well, other than Oregon maybe, but now that they have tasted success they are just fine with their head coach.
  20. Not only was he better with the media, he recruited much better and other than one DUD buddy hire, seemed to bring in pretty decent staff members and produced a fun offense. Now that Bo is producing Cosgrove type defenses since Callahans recruits dried up, we should start noticing few similarities like Callahan coaching against tough schedules in a good conference while Bo, well...............

  21. After getting schooled by a bunch of freshmen for 650 plus yards, he should have been standing there like he was BLESSED to still have a job. Instead, he pulls an Al Bundy and starts reminiscing about long-past endeavors.

    Agree, JP is starting to show the hate for the fans and boosters of sustenance that cut his check, just like his supposed boss, unfortunately the guy he just acted like a school yard bully with is both, not to mention the events organizer. With Osborne retiring this year we can finally get someone in here to fire these duds. The only chance this staff has at sniffing any championships is if someone recruits and places recruits in proper positions during training camp, even then they will have their yearly Memorial meltdown to a crapper team to show their appreciation to the Fans and Boosters.
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