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Posts posted by thedaythemusicdied11232001

  1. We are getting as much out of this team as there is too get--they are all overachievers, Problem is they are just plain flat out classed, a step to slow, a penalty too many--trying too hard aganist better talent. Bo knows you can't fix what isn't fixable...'beats me', is as good of a reply as he could have given to what has gone wrong which I read as 'we were flat out classed.'


    Our John Blake ***** recruit Suh is long gone with the cubboard as bare as it has ever been what we need is a ***** recruiting coach, I'll be specific a BLACK ***** recruiting coach.


    I'm sure the coach of Idaho St. was getting all he could out of his players *, but again they were just plain flat out classed by us.


    NU is a *** program now, with a good chance of dropping to ** after this year. Enjoy the 4-2 start, as long as we pack in MS we can at least count every year on 4-2.


    Now if that isn't good enough for you well I have a suggestion: let's drop out of the BT go independent and schedule nothing but home games with Idaho St. and other schools in the Little Sisters of Mercy league.

  2. I go back a long-long way from being a freshman at NU in 1967 watching practices after class with Bob D. up on the platform yelling at Wayne Meylan (who he called Wayne-o) to get the lead out of his butt and move the sled. D. was not only a great innovator on the field but off in well in hiring Boyd Epley creating the monster offensive and defensive lines for 35 years that gave us our unbelievable successes.


    D-father leaving bringing in TO changed the NU hook from strength--which everyone was now copying--to 'goodness'. What parent wouldn't want their blue-chipper under the wing of Dr. Tom?



    After TO retired the question in my mind was 'what the heck are we going to do now for our recruiting hook which our population poor state desperately needs.. FS was no hook--it was a managerial mistake to hire the caretaker! I was hoping a African-American assistant coach from the NFL would be given the job to take us to the next level--we needed to take the chance when were a power, but the opportunity passed us by.


    What luck I had following NU football from 1962 and the Gotham Bowl until Nov, 23, 2001 the-day-the-music-died in our loss to Colorado. The day NU football entered into its Depression.


    Hope now comes in the form of firing head coaches--with the Cubs refrain 'wait till next year' or in the case of NU football 'four years from now'. Well we are now at the point where Bo Must Go? Do we need to fire him bringing in another warm body that will give us four more years of hope--that in the end will not turn out any better (and probably worst) than the last dozen years.


    What an incredible run we had, TO said many times that we are spoiled--which we most certainly were. The bar needed to be lowered, the idiot talk of a National Championship let alone a Big Ten at the start of the season was dilusional--lets be happy if we end with a winning season aganist Big Ten foes. Bo saying we have to 'win out' the rest of the games ain' goin' happen--chill out Bo. Give Bo a lifetime contract, deduce the pressure on the poor man, There is no one that at this stage of our Depression that will do us any more good. Today in the WH Tom S. called it a 'sad song that never ends'...and it never will if you think of NU football success in terms of championships for those days are gone. Up until last night we were #22, if we can finish any year #25 or above it will be wonderful!


    Those were the days my friend, we thought they would never end--but they did.

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