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Posts posted by BigRedMachine

  1. Yep, agreed. I too prefer the dynastic era over the parity era. man that sounded pretty intelligent huh?..


    But seriously, I think its important for a team to set the bar like the Yanks, that way other teams have something to shoot for. And like Bob said, when that villain exists, it stimulates interest in the game from all corners.

  2. Thats cool man. I understand the need for a break from the madness every now and then. i havent been on board as much lately either, been busy with "real" work stuff. Blackshirt has been running the show pretty strong lately, so I'll give him a break and be back around a bit more for a while. but glad to see you back D! unfort yur boy WyomingHusker hasnt been around for a while.. Im sure your bummed about that! ;)

  3. Very nice. thnx 2600. So do you know if Nebraska has reciprocated interest? I would assume so, but hadnt heard anything about him, and hes not even listed as someone we were heavily pursuing. is it maybe b/c we thought he was a lock to LSU?


    heres his bio guys:

    Jay Lucas

    Baton Rouge (LA)


    Running back / Athlete

    Height: 5-foot-11

    Weight: 224 pounds

    40-yard dash: 4.51 seconds

    Bench max: 275 pounds

    Squat max: 485 pounds

    Vertical leap: 36 inches

    GPA: 2.83


    A powerful running back that led his high school to a perfect 15-0 record and state championship last season as a junior. He rushed for 2,334 yards and 34 touchdowns, including 4 scores and 257 yards in the title game.

    "I practice hard and lift weights a lot. I have strong legs and run up the middle well. I'm a tough runner. My speed, footwork and cutting could be better."


    BPs 265/SQs 585


    Final SR (14-1, 3A state champs) stats: 1651 yds/24 TDs


    Like LSU2600 said, and tigerrag.com has confirmed that Jay said he will sign with NU.


    Thanks again 2600!!

  4. I saw that presser on ESPN. What a friggin mess.

    Heres the story about barnetts recent foot in the mouth move



    Yes the arrogance we all knew this maniacal freak always had is shining through. its so funny to see the true redneck bigot come out when people are pinched.


    The f'd up part is, CU fan still doesnt get it. My buddy from denver said that today on a sportstalk show they kept comparing CU to NU. and saying how CU dropped down to our level in the matter of 1 week. went from top of barrel to bottom. And this just isnt some jerkoff calling the show. this was actually the hack host of the show in denver who was propagating this garbage. i know we've had our problems, but what major *successful* program hasnt? Thats no excuse for the crap that went on in lincoln, but those were also "off campus" independent acts by a small contingent of bafoons. and at no time did our program support the delinquency like its evident CU has, indirectly or otherwise.


    Heres to CU becoming the baylor of the North!!

  5. p.s.s. I think tonight showed alot about Collier.  It dont take a great coach to get your players ready to play KU, but it does take a darn good coach to get them ready to play KSU 3 days after you beat KU.

    Good point.

  6. Gad dummit. You guys are actually right for once.. http://www.huskers.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB...00&ATCLID=32947


    Figured this would happen after the big win vs. KU. Not making excuses, its just natural to have a let down. but yes you wiped the court with our asses in manhattan so nothing to say about that. I didnt see the game, so dont know about the bags of urine or whatever the hell our jerkoff fans threw. no excuses for that either. Well at least you guys are getting hot just in time for the NIT. so you have to be happy about that. good luck making it to the thrifty 36 in the NIT this year.

  7. Wow. This was a serious statement. Im not the type to read into everything just to get a dramatic twist, but regardless of Tom's true intent of this, he had to know this was going to send a strong message, and he definitely accomplished that.


    This is pretty interesting when you think about it.


    What do you think was the most significant result (regardless of intent) of this move.. Political gain? Personal statement?

    He invariably gained voters for his future run for Governorship - since the majority of fans seemed to be anti-"how SP handled the situation", this was a message that he is dis-associating himself the "higher ups" within the program, and associating himself with "common person" by sitting down with the people.


    Almost as if he's saying "you made it clear that Im not a part of the "program" anymore, and dont have a say in decisions, so I'll make it clear that Im not a part of you guys either".


    I think this was an interesting point by the StatePaper:

    Previously, Osborne made clear that he doesn't want a planned athletic complex to bear his name and that of his wife, Nancy. He said he hoped NU would find some wealthy contributor or company to hang their moniker on it.


    His suggestion that the complex be named for someone who would give NU lots of money was also the theme when he announced he didn't want his skybox.


    Do you discern a pattern? Something like: "It's money you're consumed with, so take this and go get some more."


    What do you guys think?



  8. Im watching Southpark right now and have heard a couple one liners that are so damn good. and you know how you try to remember them a few weeks later but always forget? well heres a thread for good quotes and other shat like that to keep them in.


    I'll start...

    this is from the one when those film festival haks went to southpark to open "hollywood Planet Southpark" & were pushing all those independent artsy films on everyone.


    I think the film was a romantic comedy with Tom Hanks and some chimpanzee..



    What the hell is Tom Hanks doing in this movie?!!?? He couldnt act his way out of a nutsack!!!



  9. Very strong win for the program. Every year we say how important for the program it would be to beat KU, but this year I think it holds more water than in years past. 1) For Collier's sake - not saying SP was itching the trigger, but if he was there would be no way he could get away with it now. There would be outrage, and SP would be viewed as more of a flip tyrant than ever before. 2) It was also good for all the "fans" that only show up for the KU games & during new football coaching intros. Hopefully that type of high energy performance can retain some of these people. 3) And not to mention recruiting. National TV - enough said.


    Great win fellas. Keep playing balls out and the rest will fall into place.

  10. Dave good to see you back dawg! Where you been man? Weve missed your slant around here. What, have you been *working* or something? Likely excuse. :)


    I would tend to agree w/ Dave about Callahans halftime speech. So he doesnt have all of our state's little tag lines emblazoned in his memory into his 5th week in town. I dont know, maybe he's had a few other things going on ya think? Probably been "working" with Dave or somethin.


    Seriously though. He may have gotten a little too excited and rambled a bit with some psychotic flashes of Dean, but hell at least he's showin some personality. Maybe tried a bit too hard from what Ive heard, but he'll get the hang of it. And how can you blame him with all thats been going on. The fact that he has maintained his composure like he has is a testament to his character more than anything else.

  11. This could really come back to haunt us. The word I was hearing around that time was that he just "wasnt fast enough to be a LB at Nebraska". Well we will definitely see first hand if he can play in the Big 12. The guy really seems like a gamer. For craps sake he was the MVP of our own summer camp!! Would think that would mean somethin.

    But then again that was during the Frank era - so my knee jerk reaction would be to think that Callahan had somethin against this guy. You dont get an All State nod in Cali, and earn the highest ranking at your pos at the Nike camp without some serious skills. But we werent the only ones that backed offa him. Arizona, Arizona State and Oregon State all were pursuing but also did not offer. So someone saw something. Whether he uses this as that fire to make him great is up to him. But from the sound of things I wouldnt put it past him. I look for KU to start competing for that 3rd or even 2nd spot in the north every year.

  12. Good points guys. I agree that most of the members around here felt it wasnt necessary to say "Tom had every right", b/c to us it was obvious. The thing with the other boards is that they get so big, and the law of averages says the bigger the crowd the higher the chance of idiots being in that crowd. Not to get cheesy, but this place is more like a small family a la Lincoln NE. All the major topics are still covered, just not 100 times over and like Pile said, posting just to hear themselves post.


    Sure we definitely dont want a completely homogenous environment around here, and want diverse opinions, but like Pile said

    You dont have to agree with what I think but I know almost anyone who post here would not disrespect T.O. and say that he does not allowed to have his opinions heard. I think we all can agree that without this man, are team would never have been near the same...


    Well put.


    The only thing I want to add is that Tom probably felt it was his "duty" to stand up for his guys. Like he said, many of these GREAT coaches rearranged their lives to be a part of Husker Nation and a stable program. And then the rug was pulled out from under em in one year. Not right. Tom would never speak out if he didnt think it serves great purpose, we should ALL know that by now. What he did may buckle some knees around Husker Nation, and appear as if we are a fractured group; however, I think this will do more good for the program in the long term than we will ever realize.

    NU Era wrote

    Would you guys have wanted NOONE to have publicly decried Steve and his shennanigans???

    Agreed. A devils advocate is very healthy for a successful program, and although there were more than enough "devils" decrying Steve, no one of Toms stature ever stepped up. And guess what, this has been a long time coming. Dont you think this has just been brewing inside of Tom for quite some time? What respect and dignity he showed by yes waiting until after our recruits were stabilized, so as not to command attention away from what was important. Yet people still complain. Tom couldve done this a month ago you know. But he put the programs interests over his. As usual.


    So I say its good for HN. Its good for us. And its most certainly GREAT for Steve Pederson. He needs to recognize that there is more to Husker Nation than the superficial coat of gloss he just got done spreading over the woodwork. And he also needs to not forget that there is a very powerful man in Coach Osborne that has the integrity of the program in mind, and has a better grip on tradition than Steve ever will.


    So thank you Tom. I respect you more now than I ever did before.


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