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Posts posted by mjmartin1970

  1. It seems to me that ever since we have switched to a zone-read type of offense our offense has "lost" it's identity. Well, except for when we had a healthy T-Mart, then the offensive identity was basically T-Mart clicking off long gains. Anyway, back to topic. It seems to me that none of our offensive coaches have any experience in coaching the zone-read type offense. I know I know, they go to coaching clinics, they visit other campuses, etc. But maybe, just maybe we don't have the staff that can do this sort of thing.


    If you were to switch offensive styles, what would it be? I like the power running game, with a lot of play action thrown in, run out of the I/off-set I. To maximize T-Mart's running ability, I'd throw a lot of rollout passes, with about 1/2 of those including the run-pass option.

  2. Yea, I think so. Was OSU any good when Gundy was a man and 40? (I don't remember). Was Leach's team any good when the James thing happened? I think they were struggling bad. As it stands now, we're just a Top 20 team anyway. This is the sort of thing that probably gets attention regardless, and we would be getting more if we were still a top 5 team. If we were irrelevant it would be in a different context but maybe not much smaller. Everyone loves a story about an off-the-wall HC who can't control himself. Even if it's not totally the case.


    To be honest I am disappointed in several aspects of Pelini's actions, but language is probably the one I will never fault him for. It's not a PG-13 movie for crissake. Never had a coach swear before?


    I've heard coaches swear plenty -- I just didn't realize one guy could use the same word some many times in such a short span. Hear and there, fine. Every other word out of your mouth when you are on national TV is another thing in my opinion.

  3. like we were under Callahan, instead of 9-2? Yes, I'm a little upset with Bo's outbursts. But the national media is just having a field day with this, and I'm a little sick of it. Give me a break. Did he grab anyone's face mask (ala Woody)? Did he throw something (like a chair) onto the field (ala Bobby)? Did he lock a kid in a dark room (ala the Pirate)? Come freakin' on, he yelled at the ref's.


    The only thing I'm really disappointed in is the language. He needs to learn to stop dropping the F-Bomb.

  4. I actually don't believe the conspiracy theory on the Big 12 brass, but, in my opinion....


    If we get invited to the CCG (yes I believe it is actually an invite), and If the same officials who ref'd the A&M are the refs for the CCG, and if it is true that these are the same ref's that ref'd the ISU & TX games as I have read, then I would respectfully decline the offer to attend the CCG. Why? It is not like we are giving up a BCS birth because 11 does not beat 14 (its a three man crew right) when the extra three get to make the rules. I definitely believe that crew has it out for us.


    I would support TO 100% if that happened. And, in fact, if someone can show me reputable information that the above were true, I would e-mail TO and ask him to decline (no that that means much).

  5. We are obviously overrated right now. Deserve nothing but ~ 10 - 15.


    We had a bad half, and you want to knock us that far down in the polls? Wow. :facepalm:


    We also got out played 3 of the 4 quarters of the game that got us to this position. It was just that our one quarter was THAT much better than MU's.

    If you're talking about Missouri, no, we were not outplayed three of the four quarters in that game. It was a tight game, but we were not outplayed.


    You're opinion was we were not outplayed, mine is that we were. I don't know how you really judge that but I will respectfully agree to disagree.

  6. Cody Green sucks. period. leave Nebraska, you overrated piece of sh#t.



    A little harsh, maybe?


    no, no its not, we have been making excuses about how oh he really is good, its these factors and these facetors as to why he hasnt played well, sometimes you just have to realize the truth, he is not good, tell me how you feel after we lose this game

    You are entitled to your opinion, but dont call the kid a piece of sh*t.


    +1,000,000 NONE of these kids deserve that one little bit. I really hate the fans that do this. I was PISSED about what I heard about Niles Paul. I personally would rather not have these fans.

  7. This is one of those games where a close win is almost as bad as a loss at this point. If we have a sloppy win, even without Martinez, we're apt to get jumped in the polls. We can't afford that at this point in the season--even with the B12 champion getting an automatic BCS invitation. This game has to be turned around solidly in the 3rd quarter. I wish Martinez could play......


    Really, watching this you're worrie about the polls? We are obviously overrated right now. Deserve nothing but ~ 10 - 15.

  8. Scott Frost for OC (or Gill if/when he gets axed from KU).


    I'm guessing it is fairly obvious the whole snow job we got on how close the QB job was in August. CG is not this bad, but Watson obvious has no faith in him whatsoever.


    Let's face it guys, Watson is a mediocre OC, who is going to have mediocre offenses. Problem is, we have nobody on staff to take his place.

  9. Thanks Eye. Honestly, a couple of those long passes (especially the one where I think we did interfere), and it would have been a very interesting game. Imho, I think we would have responded, but would've been even closer.

  10. The Meredith hit was clearly a helmet to helmt hit, and it was, in my opinion, correctly flagged. Mizzou fans -- be pissed at him. Don't just play patsy to the announcers. What happened with Courtney, is he went in for the hit, Gabbert saw him, and crouched. That is why the hit looked worse than it would've have been. Well, Gabbert's head might have bounced off the turf if he hadn't crouched to protect himself.


    My question is this. What is Courtney suppose to do? Go after his legs? Yeah right, and give him a horrible knee injury.


    This announcer has obviously found a "path to fame". Take the latest thing in football and complain about it.


    Also Mizzou fans -- what about the hit Stoops talked about on the return for a TD. Are you willing to owe up that that guy should have been suspended too?

  11. Classiest fans in America




    Edited by Rawhide: thank you very much. j/k



    Really? Your going to complain about that? Really? I mean, yeah, there are a lot of things you guys can complain about after that game that I wouldn't agree with but could understand, but this???


    After reading message boards after the game, Missouri fans just sank below Colorado fans. I guess we pee'd on their "We finally beat Oklahoma" parade. Sorry, it happens.

  12. Why I like our chances this week....


    I think Compton comes back, giving us David, Compton and Hagg in the Peso (this combined with Gomes playing safety again over some guy who can't seem to figure out how to tackle -- ie WTFU Wrap The F... Up).


    Wats keeps the play book open (God I hope he doesn't piss this one down his leg). We try the run, they stuff it at first, then he opens up the pass plays, they have to play honest, we rack up about 175 rushing in the 2nd half.


    And, it still is freaking close.....



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