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Posts posted by Kernal





    I seriously have no ambition to even watch another football game this season, that's how ugly that was.


    There's not much left for fans to root for this season. And the remainder of the season will be filled with reminders of just how f'ing embarrassing that loss was.




    Possible 12 win season

    Possible 11 win season

    A B1G Championship

    WInning the West

    Finishing the season in the Top 10

    A major bowl appearance/victory


    These are all firmly in front of us to get excited for. I didn't know Nebraska fans were so fairweather.



    If you think we're winning the Big Ten you're nuts. After 15 years of getting Charlie Browned, I don't think it's fair to call anyone still around "fairweather." The fairweather fans are long gone, bub.




    Saying that there is nothing left to root for after you lose is literally what being a fairweather fan is.


    I don't think we're winning the Big Ten. But I think it's possible that we could. I think we'd lose 99 times out of 100, but that still leaves one more time. Much weirder and much more statistically improbable things have happened in the sport.



    I root for championships and the meaningful wins along the way to those. This team will not win a championship, nor will it have any meaningful wins. It had two chances, but it blew them both. I don't care about win totals. Those are meaningless when they depend on the weakness of your schedule. If we had Wisconsin's schedule we'd have five or six losses.



    I seriously have no ambition to even watch another football game this season, that's how ugly that was.


    There's not much left for fans to root for this season. And the remainder of the season will be filled with reminders of just how f'ing embarrassing that loss was.




    Possible 12 win season

    Possible 11 win season

    A B1G Championship

    WInning the West

    Finishing the season in the Top 10

    A major bowl appearance/victory


    These are all firmly in front of us to get excited for. I didn't know Nebraska fans were so fairweather.



    If you think we're winning the Big Ten you're nuts. After 15 years of getting Charlie Browned, I don't think it's fair to call anyone still around "fairweather." The fairweather fans are long gone, bub.

    • Fire 2
  3. After TA went down, and the potential degree the injury looked, did anybody really think the team was there mentally, let alone physically? The two games TA has missed, the entire team has shut down. I didn't think they'd give up and get beat down like that, but TA is the heart of the team.


    The game was already over when TA got hurt. It was 24-3 and we couldn't do anything on either side of the ball. OSU scored all the points they would need with a pick-6 on the third play of the game.

  4. I seriously have no ambition to even watch another football game this season, that's how ugly that was.


    There's not much left for fans to root for this season. And the remainder of the season will be filled with reminders of just how f'ing embarrassing that loss was.


    Nebraska's past is dead in terms of being an anchor for any future success.
    The culture did not die with Solich, it mostly died with Callahan but not completely.
    Pelini was doing a pretty good job restoring it, but then Perlman finally killed it off once and for all via Eichorst and then Riley.
    That doesn't mean there aren't things still worth supporting.



    Pelini is an a-hole and wasn't restoring anything. He served up nights like tonight several times every year.

  6. He's fine. He and Chris Fowler are one of the better broadcast teams and Kirk also does a good job on Gameday. My biggest gripe with him, and it goes for most ESPN personalities, is their constant drooling about overrated SEC teams (Tennessee, Mississippi, etc.,.).


    I think anybody who personally and directly "attacks" someone over football- be it broadcasters, coaches, players or recruits- is either 12-years-old or seriously immature. I also don't think NU fans are more sensitive but we do have a disproportionately large fanbase and a very active online presence and, by extension, more kooks to troll him.


    The very simple solution is to win games. In the early 90s, everybody- particularly the media- didn't give Nebraska much respect after seven years of bowl losses. Tom Osborne "couldn't win the big one." They changed their tune when Nebraska forced them to respect us by winning games and crushing all their arguments against us. It will take the same thing to change opinions now. Nobody is going to give the Huskers anything. If they want it they have to take it. You want national respect? Beat a nationally respected and perennially highly ranked team like Ohio State.

  7. Beck is garbage. Look at what has happened to Cardale Jones and JT Barret under his watch as qb coach. Not simply a mechanics standpoint. I'm talkin from an overall quarterback performance point. Inconsistent. Failure to execute simple things. It's just that as more time goes by, the more i think that Martinez and Armstrong were kinda screwed over in the qb development category. Just my opinion.


    I didn't mind Beck. I always thought his poor attitude, like that of some of the other coaches and players, came from the culture Pelini created and fostered.

    • Fire 2

    Am I right in reading chalk talk that the inside runs were the lowest producer on yards per carry, but we did that 21 times........


    Great stuff as usual, unfortunately it was in a loss.


    Our OL will be in the same boat next year. Little depth, less experience......I hope we plunder the juco ranks. We are going to need it.


    Right now they are in a bad spot where they either play older, less talented guys or play guys that aren't ready yet. Next year could be in a better spot as some of those guys that are a year away could be ready. Gates-Foster-Decker-Farmer-Knevel-Farniok-Wilson-Barnett-Raridon-Brokop-Gaylord-Conrad will all be redshirt freshmen or older. That should give us some more viable options.


    Could be another couple years of recruiting though. I think it's going to take some time to get where we really want to be as perennial contenders.



    Yeah, that's a good point in that we do have a lot of younger, well-regarded guys in the bullpen. If most of them pan out, we'll be in great shape. I guess I'm still a little jaded in that all we've ever heard about is how good the new crop of recruits will be and then for the past decade or so many of them end up never playing or not being more than placeholders on the line. I mean, most of the upperclassmen who aren't starting now were once highly regarded recruits. You'd like to get four or five Nick Gates type of guys. If you listen to the recruiting hype, they're all like that. I guess maybe we have to hope Cavanaugh does a good job of developing them so we don't have to rely on once-in-a-decade hidden-gems.

  9. The blocking in those GIFs :facepalm: . I don't expect every play to work to perfection, e.g. a defender will fight off a block and just make a good play. I do expect our linemen to at least make contact. It's almost like they don't know what their assignments are or never practiced the play against this type of defense. Wiscy didn't appear to be doing anything unusual on those plays. At least these are fixable mental mistakes and not a lack of physical ability.


    Yeah, he does a good job of showing some of those type of things (missed blocks) that are easy to miss when just normally watching a game. (He has also pointed out some good plays we might miss, like a great WR block a week or two ago that I never would have seen).


    There are O-line whiffs like that every week. I'm not sure we have many O-linemen recruited for this cycle, but I hope they add some. I'd rather load up there than have a bunch of WRs and RBs who never get the ball because half our plays are killed behind the LOS.

    • Fire 1

    Wisky may as well not bother to show up here next year because they will be leaving with a loss that they may not recover from for some time. Mark it.


    Forget Oklahoma, forget Texas and their nonsense, forget Colorado, KSU and Mizzou's terrible fans, and forget our fabricated rivalry with Iowa......there is no team I loathe more than Wisconsin. Probably isn't justified, but I really don't care.

    Listen, I hope you're right, but with the personnel we lose after this season, my thoughts are if we win 8 or 9 next season that'll be good. Just replacing a pretty decent Senior QB alone is a tall task.



    If we can build up some depth on the O-line and get a good group of starters there I like our chances. Either Tanner Lee or POB should do OK with a decent line in front of them. Tommy would be doing a lot better this year with a better line protecting him and opening up lanes for the run game.







    Against a terrible Luke Fickell coached OSU who lost their starting QB at home...good job Pelini

    So help me out here...are you saying a Bo Pelini win against Ohio State was less of an accomplishment than a Mike Riley loss against Wisconsin? If not, what are you saying?


    Be careful, you are boxing yourself into a corner.

    No, we are trying to shed some light on how tOSU comeback wasn't exactly the huge accomplishment you tried to make it out to be. Fun as it was, it did nothing in the long run, they piddled out that year and we did what we didn't win our division.

    If you want to compare the two games it's apples and oranges, and you know and understand that.

    Part of your statement is incorrect :) . The game actually helped us get MR. Bo already thought he was hot sh!t before the game and the win made him even more determined to take his NU success and ride away to the SEC - unfortunately for him and us it didn't happen. Luckily his future actions got him over the hump.

    actually i think that win put it in bos head that he was getting the Ohio st gig after that season. It was that night "they can all kiss my ass out the door"



    Maybe in Bo's head but I highly doubt he had a legit shot at that job. I really don't get why some Husker fans can't move on from Bo. He isn't that good of a coach and he wasn't going to win championships at Nebraska. I am surprised you stuck with him as long as you did.


    I agree. That's why i said in his head.


    In 2010 after his total meltdown at Texas A&M, which is probably the most obvious and egregious screwjob in the history athletics at any level in any sport, so his behavior was seen by many as warranted. But not by our Chancellor. Perlman was a tool. Instead of addressing down a chain of command through the AD or directly with Bo in private, Perlman went public and answered questions about it, condemning it publicly. That pretty much set Bo off, and if youre really honest, the Pelini era was never the same after that. Bo is a hypersensitive dude obviously, and that little thing that most guys would just brush off and move along really irked him. So everthing after that was more about "I'll show him" or "i'll show these ppl then i'll leave". Combine that with all the negativity following the Wisconsin blowout in 2011 leading up to that Ohio St game, Bo being a well known Ohio St alum, and Ohio St being in a market for a coach after the Tressel issues, I think that win that night really cemented in Bo's mind he was gonna get a serious look at that job. it was gonna be his "I showed you f'ers" moment.


    Just a little detailed history around that dynamic and why it's mentioned. Obviously Bo wasnt a serious candidate.



    That AtM game was a screwjob, and Pelini wasn't wrong to go off on the officiating. But he was reprimanded, not for going off on the officiating, but for going off on HIS OWN QUARTERBACK. It was the sort of out-of-control rage-panic that we'd get to see a lot more of from Bo in the coming years.


    Perlman certainly could have handled that situation better, and I'm sure Bo felt betrayed. But goddam if you're not right that Pelini held that grudge for the rest of his time here at NU, and never got over being butthurt about it. I too would tab that AtM game and aftermath as the beginning of the end of the Bo Pelini era.


    One of the sweetest benefits if we were able to beat OSU next week is shutting up BTN and all the sports pundits who have done nothing but talk about the Michigan-OSU game all year. If we beat OSU, that game isn't so big anymore.



    Maybe, maybe not. If we beat OSU and they win their next two after, all that needs to happen is Penn State to drop one and Michigan to drop one for "The Game" to be the B1G East decider.



    (I think. PSU is at 2 conf losses but holds tiebreaker over OSU, Michigan needs to lose one and then lose to OSU and OSU would have the tiebreaker over them).



    Sure, lot's of hypotheticals. But assuming everybody else wins the games they're "supposed" to. If we beat OSU then lost to Iowa or Minny, or Maryland, we're right back in the same boat as if we were to lose to OSU and win the rest.


    And assuming everybody wins the games they're supposed to, if we beat OSU we would likely get Michigan in the CCG. That would be fun.



    So beat Ohio State and suddenly you have talks of Nebraska eyeing a playoff spot.

    This may set up better for our playoff bid if we can pull out the win




    The nice thing (although this is a huge hypothetical based on us beating OSU) is since they have 2 losses, we wouldn't have to play them again as long as Michigan has 0 or 1 conference losses. So even if OSU beats Michigan, they won't have a revenge game against us.



    One of the sweetest benefits if we were able to beat OSU next week is shutting up BTN and all the sports pundits who have done nothing but talk about the Michigan-OSU game all year. If we beat OSU, that game isn't so big anymore.

  14. My God. I've done my share of responding to this troll but at some point we all need to pretend he doesn't exist.


    It's hard to pretend both the blocked trolls in this thread don't exist when people keep responding to them by quoting them. But it's sometimes fun to read their butthurt, pelini-loving crap. If you're a fan of deconstructing political spin, it's pretty interesting.

    • Fire 1
  15. 1Alabama 8-0 1599 63 1 0 1/1

    2 Michigan 8-0 1492 0 2 0 2/8

    3 Clemson 8-0 1488 1 3 0 2/3

    4 Washington 8-0 1434 0 4 0 4/18

    5 Louisville 7-1 1322 0 5 0 4/23

    6 Ohio State 7-1 1269 0 8 2 2/8

    7 Texas A&M 7-1 1207 0 10 3 6/NR

    8 Wisconsin 6-2 1147 0 11 3 8/NR

    9 Florida 6-1 1039 0 12 3 9/25

    10 Nebraska 7-1 963 0 6 -4 6/NR

    11 Oklahoma 6-2 907 0 15 4 3/NR

    12 Auburn 6-2 896 0 17 5 12/NR

    13 Baylor 6-1 810 0 6 -7 6/21

    14 Louisiana State 5-2 652 0 19 5 6/NR

    15 West Virginia 6-1 642 0 9 -6 9/NR

    16 Utah 7-2 523 0 16 0 16/NR

    17 North Carolina 6-2 500 0 20 3 16/NR

    18 Western Michigan 8-0 448 0 21 3 18/NR

    19 Florida State 5-3 432 0 14 -5 2/21

    20 Colorado 6-2 394 0 23 3 20/NR

    21 Virginia Tech 6-2 335 0 25 4 19/NR

    22 Oklahoma State 6-2 298 0 28 6 17/NR

    23 Penn State 6-2 296 0 27 4 23/NR

    24 Boise State 7-1 266 0 13 -11 13/NR

    25 Washington State 6-2 146 0 26 1 25/NR

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