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Posts posted by HuskerinSE

  1. Why didn't you just link to the image?


    Also, look closely at the x-axis in all these graphs. The bottom is always zero, but the top number varies by team. This gives a skewed look when you are trying to compare apples to apples, as this guy/gal is doing.


    For example, the top of the huskers graph is 80% and the top of Ohio state is 120%. This makes Nebraska look better.


    I don't think there is an agenda there, but just laziness. Excel automatically chooses the value range based on the data. You have to manually set the range to be the same on each graph.


    Lazy and misrepresentative. Pretty, though.

    1.) copied the wrong link.

    2.) I was most intrigued by our line graph over the last few years. "This looks good." Was pretty far from my mind lol.

  2. I feel I have a good perspective on this subject. I'm a former player (Mississippi State) and a private technique and conditioning coach in the South East. I work a lot with young men from a couple of the best JUCO programs in the country and some high schoolers looking to make an easier transition into the next step of football.


    Over the past few years of watching my beloved Huskers I have, on more than one occasion, noticed that our guys seem to be inconsistency conditioned. You have a number of players at several positions who are rock solid, show focus, hard play, high motors, and consistency in techniques. And another part of guys who look lost, a bit out of shape at times, and TIGHT. Watching guys look like they were afraid to miss a tackle instead of attacking.


    This IMHO comes from lack of focus, accountability, and attention to detail starting at ground level (weight room) and working its way up the ladder. Everything I have read about Coach Phillip's training method is consistent with how I train guys. If you get your motor running on the ground floor you'll keep it running on the top floor. Mix circuits, Olympics, high impact, and calisthenics. Your only competition in the weight room is yourself.


    When guys are held 100% accountable at all times, Pushed hard, and made to constantly beat themselves on a day to day basis it translates to the field and the rest of life. Guys who know they own the weights hit the field knowing they can own their assignment.


    I won't really know what's up (like everyone else.) until toes hit turf. However at this moment I'd bet my first born that our guys come out like they are trying to break opponents willpower next year.

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