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Vitalis Jackson

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Posts posted by Vitalis Jackson


    When they lowered the scholarship level and NU decided it needed to be a finesse passing team instead of being a power football team.

    Not sure when the wheels fell off the wagon. Was it the Callahan years that stole their desire? Pelini and his antics? Eichorst? Not the same NU program I grew up with in the 80's and the 90's, for sure.

    I think it goes all the way back to that short guy that Osborne named as his successor. Recruiting died and never returned, except for a sprinkling of JC transfers Callahan grabbed out of desperation.


  2. Is it still a zone read if the QB is not an option?

    I agree with the EXPN commentator, if NU comes back today it won't be with Armstrong. I wonder if Barney's wrist is worse than we've been told, it seems as though it's TA no matter how horrible it gets. I long for the day when we have a real QB that throws real passes.


    This team just sadly played an entire half with a "ho-hum" attitude.



    You cannot win championship level football with that kind of attitude.


    You need a confident, border-line nasty, fire-in-your-belly, PHYSICAL attitude in a 3 phases of the game.



    Nebraska's got a long way to go folks.

    then when the camera pans to the sideline. Everybody has "is the game over yet" look. Reilly looks like he wants to do something but can't/won't.


    These are still mainly Pelini spawn, though. The options are limited.




    I just don't understand why they keep going for the Home Run ball. The short passes seem to be working. take it out in chunks.

    Because these coaches don't operate on common sense. They are opposed to using common sense.


    In all truthiness, though, many of these players just aren't that good.


    Recruiting rankings say otherwise.


    These seniors haven't been recruited for years, so I don't think that's pertinent.




    Voice of reason here.


    TOMMY ARMSTRONG IS A WARRIOR. He has given EVERYTHING he has to the team and shouldn't be bashed like he is here. He is the best option for us RIGHT NOW!

    I love Tommy. He is the toughest man alive. He is a great zone-read QB. It's not his fault that he is being coached by morons. All he can do is go out and try to execute the game plan he is given. If he is not doing what the coaches want, then perhaps his offensive coordinator and QB coach (cough, cough Langs), could coach him to do the right thing. Or come up with a game plan that plays to his strengths.


    He can't run and he can't throw and, somehow, that's the coaches' fault? Flawed logic that.


    I don't like to call out players. They go in the game and do their best. So, let's just for a moment say you're correct. Let's say that Tommy can't throw and can't run. Then answer me this...why the hell is he in the game? If you can't see how this is the coaches fault, then it is you who lacks the ability to understand logic.


    This. I agree, except the supply of real quarterbacks at NU was curiously zilch after Pelini was fired. He apparently forgot to recruit any. At any rate, I'd certainly love to see Barney start the second half--Armstrong is incompetent, he's the worst best qb the NCAA has ever seen.




    I'm witnessing the worst beat down ever of NU. Do we have 100 yards yet....

    considering we had 123 at halftime...
    Losing your starting quarterback can do that...
    Let's not act like the game was going much different with our starting qb.


    Agreed. Tommy's only TD pass this game went to Ohio State. I can't honestly say there was much drop-off when Barney Fife came in. Did Pellini forget to recruit QB's or something?



    Final stats for the year: 434 rushing plays and 439 pass plays.


    Also, what I don't understand is just because a passing offense failed under BC at Nebraska doesn't mean a pass offense will never work here. That's a pretty small sample size, but everyone loves to extrapolate from it. I'm not saying one way or the other that this will work under Riley, but just because it didn't work under Callahan doesn't mean we can apply that experience here.


    It's not "just" that it didn't work under Callahan.


    Tom Osborne directly "advised" Riley that it was important to be able to run the ball. Osborne "might" have some insight into the matter.


    And it doesn't help that the only three losing seasons in modern Husker football history have been recorded by Callahan and Riley.


    Osborne wasn't exactly stellar with selecting head coaches, though.

  8. Squeaky wheels, you know. Internet America has become a shoddy world of squeaky wheels. I do feel that most Husker fans understand quite well what a train wreck Pelini left behind. We all probably know some of those odd Pelini fans that still inexplicably defend him. I think those people will continue to be the loudest, and I think that the haters will always outnumber everyone else on any message board about any given subject.


    So, no, I don't think opinions gathered from this message board are very meaningful relative to actual perceptions of this coaching staff in the real world.

    • Fire 2

    How about calling plays that take advantage of TA's running abilities?


    Exactly this. It's unbelievable people are blaming Tommy for our loss yesterday or others during the season. This is squarely on a coaching staff that is asking a QB with tremendous running capabilities to pass the ball when everyone knows this is not his skill set. If Tommy was handing the ball off, running the option and occasionally a pass or two were added to the mix, we win vs. Iowa and probably a few more games as well this season.


    I think this is just plain wrong-headed. As a coach, I'm not going to let the players dictate my philosophy based upon what they aren't good at. I'm going to run my offense/defense and force the players to adapt. Players have to learn the system . . . not the other way around. Coaches don't play fantasy league football, BTW.

    • Fire 3




    I got money on TA starting as a senior

    Seriously? It's possible, I suppose, but it looks unlikely.

    3 year starter beating out a true frosh. It does sound highly unlikely.

    The QB spot is unique and critical to an offense . . . look at the difference a QB change made for Iowa this year! Honestly, there have been some games this season that TA's shortcomings have created losses. One could easily argue that TA alone lost the game with Iowa . . . but, that's football sometimes. We'll see what the fall brings, I guess, but I'm fairly certain TA won't be the starting QB at the end of next season.

    You described the word 'plausible'. A true frosh replacing even a three year starter is plausible, under the right circumstances. However, I would warn anybody that it is very common for coaches to stay with experience, especially at the QB position.


    The most important thing is not to treat O'Brien unfairly because of one's opinion of Armstrong.


    From what I've read about some problems that TA has had with coaching relationships, though, it may be that experience might not be enough to ensure his job. He has to want to succeed, and he has to understand how other people are important for attaining that goal. He cannot simply blow off coaching--next year, these coaches will not be as forgiving of these players as they were in the first year. That's my story, and thanks for reading!

  11. Greeting Huskerboarders,


    My time has been cut short at this destination for multiple reasons, but majorly my own. I'm not a person that enjoys a ban from the mods here at HB, BTW they are pretty good people, you should stop forcing their hands. Unfortunately, I'm a person that will always be at odds with them because of the way many of you post about the big red machine.


    I'm a person that is easy to get along with, just ask Redux. I'm a person that is undying and a never give up type of breed. I'm a man that never throws in the towel and always gives our players the benefit of the doubt. I'm a person that will go to hell and back to defend this fan base, these players and this program.


    Unfortunately, it's become very clear lately that there are many fans that do not show the same appreciation as I for the program over the past few months. I used to believe that I was a man that could change the minds of many with only a few words. Actually, that is true, but I have been very unlucky in doing so at HB. I haven't been able to do what I feel is the right thing to do here, so therefore, I'm withdrawing my posts from here no out. Every time I've stuck my neck out for this program, I've been punched in the gut, figuratively.


    I want so bad for this program to be successful, that I've decided to step away. I feel that i'm going to be greater for this program in a difference capacity than I am here. As I type this post 20 beers deep, I plan to peruse this site occaisionally, but I'm moving to a new location. In the end, I just feel I can't cooperate with certain posters here and in the end, this is for the best.


    Hey, if some of you look back a year ago, this is probably for the best! I love Husker Nation and hopefully we'll see you all in a bowl game!


    Good luck with the beer, though! LOL


    He leads that nation in turnovers and has personally lost 5 of the 7 games (Purdue and Miami were not his fault) this year. If you want to try to say it was on the coaches then you are just lazy and ignorant.


    Who keeps starting Armstrong, who never pulls him, who watches Armstrong throw off of his back foot all season and is okay with it, who calls passing plays for Armstrong when they (should, by now) know he's not capable of making good throws or good decisions? Here's a hint: They are all the same two people and neither one is 74husker.


    So if you have a quarterback who can't or won't improve and the coaches can't or won't bench him or develop him or the guy behind him, who's at fault? Cripes, I think I could have taken Jamal Turner and turned him into a better quarterback by now than what we have in Armstrong...and if I couldn't, I wouldn't make him the showpiece of the offense.


    Maybe you should stop with the name calling and insults and thinkjust a little deeper in your analysis Then you might come off a little better in your posts.


    I don't think you have much familiarity with team dynamics. Do you understand that TA is a team captain? The atmosphere left behind after the stench of Bo & company was absolutely poisonous. Players transferred, conspired, and bitched. The best ones graduated, and the remaining recruits from that prior coaching staff lacked good QB's, running backs, receivers, etc., etc. Bo's recruiting--in terms of on the field success--was hideous. Solich did it, then Callahan came in and tried to fix it. He was fired before he could even use a lot of his own recruits, but Pelini got to use them and benefited . . . until they were gone. That's where we are, now.


    Trust me, if there were any viable alternatives to using TA this season, it would have happened. As it was, staff had to just grit their teeth and deal with him. TA obviously has several issues to work out before he can be a successful QB. He has the physical traits, but the emotional and intellectual ones are the challenges.


    This is a quality coach, an intelligent coach, a classy coach, and so is his staff. Please allow them to succeed.

    • Fire 3
  13. I will never stop supporting the Huskers, will love them til the die I die, but the reality is we are an average program and after 15 years of this it's hard to think differently. i just don't see us returning to the elite level. Makes me very sad.

    And it all started when we allowed an outgoing coach and a gang of boosters to select the heir apparent coach.


    It's earned if you are chosen to go. I don't know what other parameters you need, and you should remember this isn't 1975 anymore . . . there are many bowl games and many opportunities these days, because college football fans love bowl games.


    It's earned if a team goes 6-6, otherwise it's akin to being crowned Miss America because the other 49 contestants died when the stage collapsed...and it is the city fathers and chambers of commerce that love bowl games that bring in fans. THAT is why every city with a stadium that seats over 500 clamors to have a bowl game.


    But this is something you just made up. It isn't reality at all.



    So who is responsible for that fourth and 1 fade route? Is that a hot read by tommy and the wr? That has to be one of the stupidest things I have ever seen in college football

    I'll say it again . . . if it would have been completed for a TD, it would be called a "genius" play call. This is part of football; get used to it.

    I don't think the majority would call it a genius call. Most would say a gutsy, but ill advised, very lucky call. You have a QB who is not good on touch passes, but a gifted runner, so you ask him to make one of the most difficult throws in football. When you need one frickin yard.


    Do you recall the scenario on 3rd down and 1, in just the previous play? What play did we run? Up the middle, for no gain. Why do you believe that the same play would have different results on an even more obvious 4th down? C'mon, people. This is called Monday morning quarterbacking.

    • Fire 2


    I got money on TA starting as a senior

    Seriously? It's possible, I suppose, but it looks unlikely.

    3 year starter beating out a true frosh. It does sound highly unlikely.


    The QB spot is unique and critical to an offense . . . look at the difference a QB change made for Iowa this year! Honestly, there have been some games this season that TA's shortcomings have created losses. One could easily argue that TA alone lost the game with Iowa . . . but, that's football sometimes. We'll see what the fall brings, I guess, but I'm fairly certain TA won't be the starting QB at the end of next season.

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