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Vitalis Jackson

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Everything posted by Vitalis Jackson

  1. Well, you know, squeeky wheels and all that. The folks with the flaming hair have a hard time restraining themselves in message boards. They just have to post their frustration. It's like the 15% of eligible voters that vote in off-year national elections--if you assumed they represented 100% with the incompetent shysters they nominate/elect, the country would indeed be crazy. IOW, don't listen too much to the howlers. Stay calm and carry on.
  2. Defensive backs are taught--correctly--to read the eyes of the receiver. Otherwise, it's much too easy for a receiver to make a last-minute break to a well-timed pass. When defensive backs turn to look for footballs, it's generally because they sense in the receiver's pace and eyes that the football is underthrown and playable. C'mon, folks, this team isn't doing all that bad. They're right in every game until the last minute. Except for the W/L columns, they play fairly well for a team with a new coach that was trained and recruited for a different system of football. If you are calling for this coach's firing, I think you might be part of the problem.
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