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Posts posted by cornstar






    -Calls women fat, pigs, and nasty

    Well, Rosie is a nasty woman.


    Mocked a person for their disability

    This isn't true so I'm not sure that the rest of it is.



    That being said, watching clips of the inauguration yesterday was surreal.

    That's a good question. I'm wondering about The President allegedly mocking a person for their disability, too.








    Keep pretending you don't get it.

    Oh, this must be the fake news I keep hearing about. The weak minded bit though, hook, line and sinker.


    The President made that same gesture about more people than just that one reporter. It had to do with the reporter fumbling around with his words, not his disability.


    It's sad how many people fall for the fake news.


    So, continue with the party line rhetoric.

    • Fire 2



    Just flipped on CNN to see what these looked like... Pretty cool to see this many people getting active for what they believe in.

    Which is?


    Their candidate lost, get over it.


    It's not about a lost election. Get a clue.

    So clue me in please.









    If you did catch him, Carriker was on Unsportsmanlike Conduct earlier giving his insights on the 3-4:



    Says it's going to take a while to learn the new system... as in Years.


    Says new system is total opposite of old system... could not be more different.

    He also says that it immediately creates a much more unpredictable alignment for offenses to decipher. That is a big bonus in my opinion.


    You are right that it sounds like an awful lot of education that is about to come our players way, but I trust that he is a solid teacher and we definitely have position coaches that will get buy in fairly quickly. He did also state that these are young guys and as opposed to NFL guys don't have a huge amount of muscle memory in the 4-3. They will be able to pick it up I think. Won't be perfect right away obviously, but I don't think it will be years till we see the benefits.

    We don't have the players to run the new system...


    And even if we do eventually recruit the needed players (who knows when ?)... it will take them years to learn it.



    Sound familiar ?

    Outside of NG what other positions do you think we are lacking players in for this system?

    Adam said that OLBs are the most important position in Diaco's defense, and the NG is 2nd most. I don't know if we do have the OLBs to run his system. I know we don't have the prototype NG.


    An article I read on his defense said that the NG is the most important, and the SS is second most important. Not sure which is true.


    When I heard his name being thrown around for DC, I really liked it. I'm sure he's better than Banker, but the more I learn about this hire, the less excited I am about it.

    • Fire 1



    -Calls women fat, pigs, and nasty

    Well, Rosie is a nasty woman.


    Mocked a person for their disability

    This isn't true so I'm not sure that the rest of it is.



    That being said, watching clips of the inauguration yesterday was surreal.


    That's a good question. I'm wondering about The President allegedly mocking a person for their disability, too.

  5. -Calls women fat, pigs, and nasty

    Well, Rosie is a nasty woman.


    Mocked a person for their disability

    This isn't true so I'm not sure that the rest of it is.



    That being said, watching clips of the inauguration yesterday was surreal.

  6. He also tweets as "mistymountains" @wirelessonez or something like that. It appears that he had numerous troll accounts on Twitter and primarily targets Nebraska, Oklahoma, Missouri, and Kansas recruits. Ours mostly.


    I couldn't imagine having a life so void of meaning and value that I would create multiple Twitter accounts to troll recruits, let alone recruits of a school that's not even in my own conference.


    I don't tweet, but I thought about getting an account just to report this guy and get him banned.

  7. I hate to bag on a college athlete, but missing a layup then pissing away 2 free throws to win, AND then f*cking up 2 more throws to ice the win.......


    I'm trying really hard not to say F that guy.


    Seriously, may have just wore the team out and screwed our chance at the dance.






    This thread doesn't seem appropriate in this forum, maybe try rumorville

    This thread wasn't remotely necessary.
    While it may deserve to be in rumorville, why is the report of who one of our divisional foes is targeting for their head coaching vacancy unnecessary?

    It certainly affects our future.

    Because it's simply an excuse for you to continue bagging on the staff.

    Before you respond, let me remind you that the title you selected for the thread about Minnesota pursuing Fleck was: With all the talk about Nebraska falling behind other programs

    Your opinion of Nebraska's current staff must be pretty low.

    Now, let's get this thread back on course. Thanks.

    By all means, get this thread back on course. That must mean you have some info on the whole Fleck to Minny rumor?
    As I stated originally, it was mentioned on a sports brief on the radio that his name was being mentioned as a target.


    The more I see if this Minnesota mess, the more it looks as if they may have a tough time finding a guy to take the job.




    This thread doesn't seem appropriate in this forum, maybe try rumorville

    This thread wasn't remotely necessary.

    While it may deserve to be in rumorville, why is the report of who one of our divisional foes is targeting for their head coaching vacancy unnecessary?

    It certainly affects our future.

    Because it's simply an excuse for you to continue bagging on the staff.

    Before you respond, let me remind you that the title you selected for the thread about Minnesota pursuing Fleck was: With all the talk about Nebraska falling behind other programs

    Your opinion of Nebraska's current staff must be pretty low.


    Now, let's get this thread back on course. Thanks.

    • Fire 1



    Pretty much all reported news is fake news.


    This is one of the must unfounded, bold and absurd claims I've ever seen on this board.

    If you believe everything that the media reports then that is part of the problem.

    I learned years ago through first hand experience with the media that they don't report the news, they manufacturer it.

    I used to work for the all-treacherous "media," so your claims that they "don't report the news, they manufacture it" are inaccurate, broad and inane. You're creating blanket statements to generalize a work force where the vast majority of the employees are honest, hard-working people trying to do the best job they can.


    Thanks for the chuckle.





    It is a damn good thing that there was no message boards during the late 70's and early 80's. Some of you idiots would have run TO out of town. It was bad enough that the papers tried to do it.

    Tom Osborne didn't start out 14 and 11 with some of the most embarrassing losses in school history including a losing season.

    People need to quit insulting Osborne and stop that comparison yesterday.

    The same comparisons were made between TO and Bo. And TO and Callahan. And TO and Frank.

    At least the comparisons to Bo and Frank made sense, from a wins perspective.

    And the comparisons to Riley make sense if you look at them from a personality and process point of view.

    Any comparison makes sense to the person making it.

    It's clearly a comparison based on on-field success, and it needs to stop.


    It's embarrassing, really.

  12. It is a damn good thing that there was no message boards during the late 70's and early 80's. Some of you idiots would have run TO out of town. It was bad enough that the papers tried to do it.

    Tom Osborne didn't start out 14 and 11 with some of the most embarrassing losses in school history including a losing season.


    People need to quit insulting Osborne and stop that comparison yesterday.


    Pretty much all reported news is fake news.


    This is one of the must unfounded, bold and absurd claims I've ever seen on this board.

    If you believe everything that the media reports then that is part of the problem.


    I learned years ago through first hand experience with the media that they don't report the news, they manufacturer it.




    Pretty much all reported news is fake news.

    Just watched a local news report about raccoons being illegally trapped in the city. The local fake news reported that the "coon cuff" traps they showed on TV were dangerous to pets and humans.

    Either they are stupid or liars, take your pick. Most likely both.

    In other fake news, the White House keeps telling us that Russia hacked the last election, yet they have not provided any proof.

    Provide quotes where the White House says the election was hacked. I don't recall hearing them say that.
    Heard it on the national news, ABC. Not sure how to provide that quote.

    Also, what would proof that the Russians interfered with the election look like to you, the layman?

    To me it would look like the CIA and FBI saying they interfered.

    I'd say to describe exactly how they interfered and how that interference affected the election outcome. Also, maybe show how they were able to find this info. Some specifics would be nice.

    Right now, just a "take our word on it" doesn't hold much water to me.

    They have described it for the layman. They hacked into the DNC/Podesta and released everything they possibly could that was negative about Clinton and nothing negative about Trump. Additionally, they created all sorts of fake news headlines and articles using various fake internet accounts. All negative about Clinton.

    Oh. That. Lol.


    I thought that there was some alleged evidence that the Russian hacked into voting machines or some how changed vote tallies.


    Do you really think you'd understand a detailed explanation of how the hacking occured?

    Why wouldn't I?



    Do you think we should let other countries know how it occurred?

    Good point.


    Lastly - I've yet to see the White Houqse says the Russians hacked the election. That's the headline some channels/newspapers are using, probably because it's short, but I haven't found a single quote from the WH saying it. If you're gonna say they said it, you should find the quote. Surely if the WH said it you'll be able to find it.

    As I previously stated, it was on the ABC national news. If you'd like to search YouTube for a clip you're free to do so.


    I won't be looking for anything on the WH website for quite a few reasons.

  15. Again. James Franklin went 7-6, 7-6 in his first two years. Last year PSU fans were probably moping about how they were soft, had no heart, their coordinators sucked, etc, etc, etc.

    Weren't they coming off a near death penalty? It wasn't like they had a streak of 9 and 10 win seasons previous to Franklin being hired.



    Do people forget that TM completed like 63% of his passes...Yet NU still couldn't win the conference. What magical freaking # do the PP lovers want? I mean, you are not getting much higher than 70%...


    It's the 2004/2005 mindset all over again.


    "Oh, just you wait until Coach Callahan gets his guys in here, then the offense will be humming."


    It's fools gold.


    Thank You

    I find it interesting that those who are most ardent in their support of this staff also look back fondly on the 2004 to 2007 seasons. I'm not really sure that they are actually Husker fans.


    I'd prefer taking advice from our last great coach. Have a power-run based offense, a fast, ass kicking attitude defense, with nasty special teams to boot.




    Oh please dont go Wildcat formation and uptempo. How about line up, and beat the other line and wear them down? Sure go ahead and pass the ball, but enough of this gimmick stuff.

    What is gimmicky about uptempo offenses? If anything that says "my guys are in better shape than your guys and we're gonna whip you up and down the field".

    Usually you have to give up something to get something. To get uptempo offense you have to give up the big nasty O-Lineman. Your lineman are usually more athletic, and slimmer. In this case, you go up against anyone in the SEC and you lose with that personnel on the front.


    Sure you might run circles around some B1G teams, but Ohio State, Michigan, Wisconsin, Iowa, are going to have bigger lineman then you and get penetration into the backfield and your uptempo cute offense becomes stopped.


    Let's go the route of how team wins national titles. The slow, methodical, football way. I feel the hurry up no huddle offense has sort of run its course.

    But the best offenses will run uptempo is certain situations. Alabama does it from time to time. Also, under Osborne, NU would huddle up only 2 yards from the ball so they could play with more tempo. While it wasn't exactly no-huddle, it was a form of an uptempo offense. I think there are certain circumstances where a no-huddle offense can gash a defense that isn't prepared for it.

    True. Osborne was a tough guy, not always demonstrative but a tough guy. He went up tempo, huddled 3 yards from the LOS, and beat the opponent into submission.


    If you want to see a gimmicky offense, see what Langsdorf did against Maryland, and watch what he does next year with out a dual threat quarterback.

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