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Posts posted by I.M. OLD

  1. All you have to do is look to Colorado’s dial a doctor, oh I have a headache, ok here’s a prescription. My toe hurts, ok here is a prescription! Again show me “Real” science. The VA HAS, and it’s exactly opposite of empirical data. Much higher suicide rates. Weed is as bad or worse than tobacco for lung cancer. Any terminal or cancer patient can use any confiscated drug as far as I am concerned. Tell me Gregory isn’t addicted to weed with a straight face. If you are choosing it over your livelihood you are addicted. He is one of many that have ruined their lives because of it. My job depends on my class A license. I like to have 1-2 beers with my meal, but I know I risk my job in doing so, so I don’t. When you can’t make that choice, you are addicted. Today’s GMO pot is not in the same league as the ditch weed from the 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. It has been cross polinated to raise the THC. It’s not legal, it’s against the rules so possibly unless he wants to be a broken homeless man he should have stopped. 

    • Plus1 4
  2. 5 minutes ago, Nebfanatic said:

    Just don't. Not even in the same league as perscription drugs when it comes to addiction and that is scientific fact. Its also scientific fact that cannabis protects the brain and speeds recovery of concussions so it is really ridiculous the NFL bans the substance. 

    Show me the studies. What is really ridiculous is the NFL bans HGH, because there’s “actually “ scientific data showing how it aids in rapid healing. Don’t give me the whining about legalizing pot for medical reasons when 99% of medical use is to get stoned. Take the THC out of weed and use it all day long for medical use. If it’s truly not for getting stoned this should be the perfect solution 

    • Plus1 3
  3. I think possibly the D looks worse than it is because they split the 1’s and 2’s up on D and on O, there appears to be more of the top units players on the field. I am anxious to see how S&C shows up against other teams we play, as horrible as it has been the last few years. In every interview every player just smiles and raves about how much faster they move and how much stronger they are. It’s going to be fun to go along for the ride. 

  4. On 4/29/2017 at 12:31 PM, Huskerchussetts said:

    It's sad that the NFL bans players over smoking weed..guess they would rather have them addicted to torodol or opioids

    Because we all know weed isn’t addictive. He just likes it much more than the millions he could have made. 

    • Plus1 3
  5. On 12/31/2017 at 3:02 AM, NWHuskerfan said:

    Did you see what the Big Powerful D line of Ohio State did to USC.  8 sacks.  The Big Ten has all kinds of speed across the board.  That Badger Defense has several NFL draft picks.  I find it funny that people think the Big Ten is slow just because they play old school Football.   Ohio State is complete across the board.  The Badgers just went 13-1.  

    So would you say that The Auburn line was weak? UFC’s line handled them pretty well 

  6. 3 hours ago, Mavric said:


    Eh, his recruiting results weren't that great either.

    His recruits were much better than a 4 win, 2 plays away from a 2 win season. When every kid on the roster got worse, that’s coaching or lack there of. I am all for better athletes, but if you can not coach them it doesn’t matter. 

    • Plus1 3
  7. 22 hours ago, Mavric said:


    I think your numbers are exaggerated.  He did have quite a few drops but Most of them were on shorter throws.  It seemed to be the easy catches that he had trouble with - the 5-10 yard hitch routes where he was standing still.  Would have been first downs but I don't think there were hundreds of yards left out there on those plays.  Not like he was always running free 50 yards down the field and dropped it.

    More than a few long balls dropped, like 50 yard plus. Possible 1500 a stretch but he left several hundreds of yards on the turf and more importantly multiple scores.

  8. 17 hours ago, PasstheDamnBallGuy said:


    In 11 freakin' games!! Would have easily had 1k if we made a bowl. 

    I love the toughness of SM but the only reason he did not have over 1500 yards, is he dropped a TON of balls that were in his hands. Many of these would have been long catches and several TD's. If he works on focus, he has all the tools he needs.

  9. Just now, spurs1990 said:

    It's probably a case of they matter when you are getting them and don't when you're not and need justification for a class still being good. In the end development is key either way. I think you do need some top end talent that can be the face of a class but athletes like this can be game changers and pieces needed for a program to make a jump.

    The services don't always catch the top end talent. Usually the 5 star guys are almost a sure thing if they stay out of trouble, but there are lots of 4  star busts.

  10. So now he is a failure because in less than two weeks he has not pulled recruits away from Ohio State that he has never had contact with?????? I want kids that are willing to work their butts off, no matter how many stars they have. Ask Texas all those years how important getting 4 and 5 star players are. You want the most athletic players, but not if they are not the hardest workers. The "experts" miss on kids all the time. If Alabama would get a 3 star player from Nebraska he would instantly turn into a 4 star. If we got a 5 star player from Alabama he would drop to a 4 star. I have watched this for years, where kids gain or loose a star for switching schools.I want FAST, football smart kids that will work as hard as they have to, to win.

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