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The Finger

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Posts posted by The Finger

  1. Just got back and see I have @ 25+ messages, many likes/up votes, lots of trolling and antagonistic replies, aaaaaaand the warning posted below. But, hell, I've only been here a few hours.


    My goal here was strait forward - to nudge those in their comfort zone, out of that zone to take on some differing perspectives. Everything I posted I stand behind. I don't post conspiracies or frequent such sites. All of D.C. knows the Promise program is real. Every school district knows that when a directive is set in a public school system from the president, it becomes 'the law'. Is the argument, or lack there of, that this program as I described, inexistent? Seriously, who has proven that? And Hitler's quotes are as real, searchable, and as tangible as any facts ever get. They (should) serve as teachable commandments and as a warning for the world to never repeat.


    After being invited here by a friend, one whom I respect, who didn't vote for Trump, who isn't some left wing (or right wing) conspiracy nut, but is a solid 2nd amendment conservative, I signed up. I did so with the goal of nudging some people out of that comfort zone and to arm those, open minded enough, to prepare themselves in battling.... 'The Same'.


    "WHAT!? Things are different with this one, quick, attack it with a stick and kill it!" That's the reflex of the disease of homogeny, and while predictable and prototypical, it is not healthy.  


    'That Same' unrelenting, stale, evil, stagnation that is piloted (did you think I used the word 'plotted'? I didn't) by those who run our lives, and who claim to protect us and our children, which forces one to stay put and wait outside the school, even though armed. And to agree, and be agreeable. 'That Same' government leviathan in charge, forcing us to work to feed it, and now inside of every molecule of our lives for over 70 years. 'That Sameness' is growing exponentially, because make no mistake, 'That Sameness' is now spreading at light speed, in the internet and on social media and every human's mind over the age of three. And soon, that very 'Same' will autonomously drive you where "The Same" 'thinks' you need to go. And when. And how fast. And how often, or perhaps never. Because 'The Same' has deemed it. And will, in the next 50 years, become your life/sex/parent/child... partner. 


    The blue pill. 


    "Oh man, this is really different we hate this! HATE IT! BAN IT!" LOL - It's almost over. "Ordinary" lies only a few minutes away. The queasy uneasiness will soon be gone.


    But, this 'Same' is as destructive as any fascist movement. More so, because it is so seductively comfortable and is now intertwined in our social electronic "thought" process and flow. In everything we do. And all that we have become.  Find yourselves impulsively 'thinking' something like the following? - "We are all one planet, one country, one city, one community, one person and now one mind - we are all 'The Same' - we must be - and will shame anyone who is not. No winners, no losers, no rich, no poor, no men, no women... ONE." 


    I'm not talking about anarchy here or an internet "Obey" meme. I'm talking about homogeny of thought. Same, complacency, in the unspoken name, of the warm embrace of homogeny - it is the ubiquitous and infamous - Blue Pill . Take a look at the current president of the US - does he look 'Same' to you? "But he doesn't look sane either!" I know what you think, because you are told what to think. Resist and BE 'THE SAME', my once free thinking Americans. 


    And so it's come to this, bottom line, if all this is perceived as "Trolling" here, then I am not the person to continue furthering any discussion on this site. 


    Good luck, Huskers. Good luck, to you all.






  2. 8 minutes ago, ZRod said:

    Sure would be nice if he followed his own advice about thinking.


    Since Hitler was a Nazi and Nazis were socialist, then it stanslds to reason all Americans are racist, genocidal, homophobes.


    Since Hitler was a Nazi and Nazis were ALSO socialist (along with being fascists), then it stands to reason all socialists are wrong or risk being like Fascist Socialist.

  3. 10 minutes ago, knapplc said:

    People here know all about the history of the Democrat party. Very few people who post here are Democrats, and nobody really cares much if you slander that party. What we all care about are fair facts, be we conservative, moderate or liberal. That's why this is such a good forum, and why extremists don't last long with their left or right wing propaganda. 


    Are you telling me that you're not a Democrat? Here's a news flash, when someone introduces new material, but counter or different to yours, that doesn't instantly qualify as '"extreme". Nor is it "propaganda" because it differs or offends your comfortable middle-of-the-road-kill position.  


    You can't define what I posted as extreme or propaganda. Today I posted facts, quotes, presidential programs and laws, and facts buttressed by the links that support them. You either open your mind, or stay entrenched, and shrouded comfortably in the media blankie.

  4. 22 minutes ago, commando said:

    there you go again...trying to tell me that hitlers words were the truth.   i am giving you the finger for trying to preach hitlers words to me


    "Hitler was a liar, so when he said he would kill the Jew, that was a lie."

    - commando logic


    Look these facts and quotes are all documented.


  5. 16 hours ago, The Finger said:


    You see these facts I am presenting? Others are reading them. Others who may just lurk and disagree with you or I. Or perhaps only mildly disagree. Thing is, your rope pic does nothing to dissuade, contribute, bolster your point or change anyone's mind about me. Maybe at this point, in ten years from now, your pals at; Google, Youtube, CNN, Fakebook... can sensor things out that frighten you. Maybe the peeps out there honestly don't believe that facts are tantamount to one hanging themselves.


    But you know what the beauty thing is? You will never ever really know for sure what they are thinking, now that they might have a new set of facts to digest. Perhaps when I come here tomorrow, I will be banned and all my posts removed, because others are "offended", now have "hurt feelings" and their therapy puppies are all ill now. But even if that's the case, you will never ever know who decided to read the facts for themselves, and started thinking something that's outside of the box of your comfort zone.


    Sorry, too many rage replies for me reply to them all, folks. So if I don't get to your posts, please sleep tonight with the delusion that you have vanquished me to depths ofHell and you won. But if my account is still active tomorrow, I'll open class to the fact that the Democrat party was the party of slavery and racism, so get your HuffPoo, Salon, & Snopes links ready.


    So, just who am I? Surely someone with a different perspective and new facts MUST BE a "Racist, bigot, sexist, homophobe, Nazi, Hitler, and Insane". Right, open minded progs? Or a Russian! Well, I'm no fan of the KKK or Hitler or racists - these people are sick, violent filth, that should be wiped off the face of the earth, along with Muslim terrorism. Also, my wife and I are not white, have no shaved heads or tattoos and live in CA. Hardly envisioned prototypical "racist".  People shouldn't be forced to defend something they are not (the ubiquitous 'racist' label), because their views differ from your own. 


    All I want is for you to do this one simple thing - think. That's it - JUST THINK. Not regurgitate what the LW Legacy media and the broken (and now dangerous) school system, media, music, art, video, social media... world, has taught you to think for the last 50+ years.




    • Plus1 1
  6. 5 minutes ago, zoogs said:

    Oh man, of course he’s a “Hitler loved animals and was vegetarian” type of dude. You’d think it’s a false flag meant to make conservatives look ridiculous, if not for the reality that these people are genuine in their convictions. If you were Scott Adams you might even regard such people (or person) as Master Persuadors.


    Trump is persuasive, in a way. He could actually convince his base to give s#!t all about due process. That latent authoritarian tendency in our populace has always been there, just rarely embraced so openly.



    Is this what you do here? Defend Jew haters? You're absence of facts speaks volumes. Hitler was a sick and deranged animal. And was a Nationalist/Socialist/Fascist Jew hater. Much of that are embraced by modern day progs, like you. It's disgusting to vomit - "Everyone who disagrees with me is a "Racist, bigot, sexist, homophone, Nazi, Hitler, and insane" every single time you and your disgusting violent ANTIFA thugs are busted attacking some disabled vet in a wheelchair.

  7. Check this out. The bold and underlined below are from Hitler's NSDAP program. Sick and disgusting Jew hating Hitler and sick and disgusting prog dogma are below. Yes, there is plenty of Nationalism, but the extent of this program is SOCIALISM. Are you going to use Snopes to debunk Hitler's Socialist NSDAP Scheme?


    This is basically the National Socialist German Workers Party Platform. It included measures that in effect would redistribute income  and war profits, profit-sharing with large industries, nationalization of trusts, extensive development of old-age pension (just like FDRs Social Security Program), and free education.
    Clearly this demonstrates Hitler was indeed a left winger and here is startling proof. 
    The points of his NSDAP Program were composed by Adolf Hitler himself and Anton Drexler. They were publicly presented "to a crowd of almost two thousand and every single point was accepted amid jubilant approval." (Mein Kampf, Volume II, Chapter I) Hitler explained their purpose in the fifth chapter of the second volume of Mein Kampf:
    1. We demand the union of all Germany in a Greater Germany on the basis of the right of national self-determination.
    2. We demand equality of rights for the German people in its dealings with other nations, and the revocation of the peace treaties of Versailles and Saint-Germain.
    3. We demand land and territory (colonies) to feed our people and to settle our surplus population.
    4. Only members of the nation may be citizens of the State. Only those of German blood, whatever be their creed, may be members of the nation. Accordingly, no Jew may be a member of the nation.
    5. Non-citizens may live in Germany only as guests and must be subject to laws for aliens.
    6. The right to vote on the State's government and legislation shall be enjoyed by the citizens of the State alone. We demand therefore that all official appointments, of whatever kind, whether in the Reich, in the states or in the smaller localities, shall be held by none but citizens.
    We oppose the corrupting parliamentary custom of filling posts merely in accordance with party considerations, and without reference to character or abilities.
    7. We demand that the State shall make it its primary duty to provide a livelihood for its citizens. If it should prove impossible to feed the entire population, foreign nationals (non-citizens) must be deported from the Reich.
    8. All non-German immigration must be prevented. We demand that all non-Germans who entered Germany after 2 August 1914 shall be required to leave the Reich forthwith.
    9. All citizens shall have equal rights and duties.
    10. It must be the first duty of every citizen to perform physical or mental work. The activities of the individual must not clash with the general interest, but must proceed within the framework of the community and be for the general good
    11. The abolition of incomes unearned by work.
    12. In view of the enormous sacrifices of life and property demanded of a nation by any war, personal enrichment from war must be regarded as a crime against the nation. We demand therefore the ruthless confiscation of all war profits.
    13. We demand the nationalization of all businesses which have been formed into corporations (trusts).
    14. We demand profit-sharing in large industrial enterprises.
    15. We demand the extensive development of insurance for old age.
    16. We demand the creation and maintenance of a healthy middle class, the immediate communalizing of big department stores, and their lease at a cheap rate to small traders, and that the utmost consideration shall be shown to all small traders in the placing of State and municiple orders.
    17. We demand a land reform suitable to our national requirements, the passing of a law for the expropriation of land for communal purposes without compensation; the abolition of ground rent, and the prohibition of all speculation in land. *
    18. We demand the ruthless prosecution of those whose activities are injurious to the common interest. Common criminals, usurers, profiteers, etc., must be punished with death, whatever their creed or race.
    19. We demand that Roman Law, which serves a materialistic world order, be replaced by a German common law.
    20. The State must consider a thorough reconstruction of our national system of education (with the aim of opening up to every able and hard-working German the possibility of higher education and of thus obtaining advancement). The curricula of all educational establishments must be brought into line with the requirements of practical life. The aim of the school must be to give the pupil, beginning with the first sign of intelligence, a grasp of the nation of the State (through the study of civic affairs). We demand the education of gifted children of poor parents, whatever their class or occupation, at the expense of the State.
    21. The State must ensure that the nation's health standards are raised by protecting mothers and infants, by prohibiting child labor, by promoting physical strength through legislation providing for compulsory gymnastics and sports, and by the extensive support of clubs engaged in the physical training of youth.
    22. We demand the abolition of the mercenary army and the foundation of a people's army.
    23. We demand legal warfare on deliberate political mendacity and its dissemination in the press. To facilitate the creation of a German national press we demand:
    (a) that all editors of, and contributors to newspapers appearing in the German language must be members of the nation; 
    (b) that no non-German newspapers may appear without the express permission of the State. They must not be printed in the German language; 
    (c) that non-Germans shall be prohibited by law from participating financially in or influencing German newspapers, and that the penalty for contravening such a law shall be the suppression of any such newspaper, and the immediate deportation of the non-Germans involved.
    The publishing of papers which are not conducive to the national welfare must be forbidden. We demand the legal prosecution of all those tendencies in art and literature which corrupt our national life, and the suppression of cultural events which violate this demand.
    24. We demand freedom for all religious denominations in the State, provided they do not threaten its existence not offend the moral feelings of the German race.
    The Party, as such, stands for positive Christianity, but does not commit itself to any particular denomination. It combats the Jewish-materialistic spirit within and without us, and is convinced that our nation can achieve permanent health only from within on the basis of the principle: The common interest before self-interest.
    25. To put the whole of this programme into effect, we demand the creation of a strong central state power for the Reich; the unconditional authority of the political central Parliament over the entire Reich and its organizations; and the formation of Corporations based on estate and occupation for the purpose of carrying out the general legislation passed by the Reich in the various German states.
    The leaders of the Party promise to work ruthlessly -- if need be to sacrifice their very lives -- to translate this programme into action.




    Now, you either debate the facts as I have presented them, or risk being a fan of Jew Hating Hitler, the slaughtering socialist animal. Your choice.

    • Plus1 1
  8. 2 minutes ago, commando said:

    lol.....hitler lied a lot.   prove me wrong and i will believe what you copied from mein kamf

    It's from Mein Kamf. Gregor Strassor & Adolf Hitler co-wrote Mein Kampf

    Written works -
    • Hitler and I (translated by Douglas Reed) [Hitler und Ich. Asmus-Bücher, Band 9. Johannes-Asmus-Verlag, Konstanz 1948.]
    • A History in My Time (translated by Douglas Reed)
    • Germany Tomorrow (translated by Douglas Reed)
    • Gregor Strasser (written under the pseudonym of “Michael Geismeier”)
    • We Seek Germany (written under the pseudonym of “D.G.”)
    • Whither Hitler? (written under the pseudonym of “D.G.”) [Wohin treibt Hitler? Darstellung der Lage und Entwicklung des Hitlersystems in den Jahren 1935 und 1936. Verlag Heinrich Grunov, Prag I 1936.]
    • Europe Tomorrow (written under the pseudonym of “D.G.”) [Europa von morgen. Das Ziel Masaryks. Weltwoche, Zürich 1939.]
    • Structure of German Socialism [Aufbau des deutschen Sozialismus. Wolfgang-Richard-Lindner-Verlag, Leipzig 1932.]
    • The German St. Bartholomew’s Night [Die deutsche Bartholomäusnacht. Reso-Verlag, Zürich 1935.]
    • European Federation
    • The Gangsters Around Hitler
    • Hitler tritt auf der Stelle. Oxford gegen Staats-Totalität. Berlin – Rom – Tokio. Neue Tonart in Wien. NSDAP-Kehraus in Brasilien. Die dritte Front, Band 1937,6. Grunov, Prag 1937.
    • Kommt es zum Krieg? Periodische Schriftenreihe der „Deutschen Revolution“, Band 3. Grunov, Prag 1937.
    • Der Faschismus. Geschichte und Gefahr. Politische Studien, Band 3. Günter-Olzog-Verlag, München (u.a.) 1965.
    • Mein Kampf. Eine politische Autobiografie. Streit-Zeit-Bücher, Band 3. Heinrich-Heine-Verlag, Frankfurt am Main 1969.




    8 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    Yeah...you actually did.


    Quote that.

    • Plus1 1
  9. 5 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:

    So...you're saying a conversation with you is shameful?  Yeah.....probably about the first factual thing you've posted.


    Did I say I was anywhere within that circle? Dig deeper.


  10. 3 minutes ago, BigRedBuster said:


    You actually have a copy of Mein Kamf to pull this from.


    I'm not surprised.


    Is it OK in the rules here to call people "NAZIS"? That was the implication. Psssst..... most scholars have a copy of  Mein Kamf - brilliant study of evil. And his co-author as well.


    <clap clap clap> Plastic participation trophy for effort though.

  11. 2 minutes ago, dudeguyy said:


    First of all, the term "token fro"... whoo boy.


    Secondly, I take it you remember this image.



    You should, because the outstanding irony of what you said in the bolded is that he was relentless mocked & harangued by conservative America for daring to shed tears for fallen children.

    But, of course, they refused to actually do anything about it.


    Token FOR 8 years.  I haven't seen a pic of Hussein with a fro since his pot smoking days with that white Fedora. Anyway, you're Emotional Hustling me w/ a pic of Obama CRYING?!?! That's a rebuttal? That was a joke, right?

  12. 3 minutes ago, commando said:


    SNOPES!?!?!?! OMFG! LOLOLOL You're preemptively defending with SNOPES-4-DOPES!?!?!?! Wow. What, no HuffPoo or CNN links?


    This is a direct quote from Mein Kamf:


    "We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." 
    - Leftist Jew Hater buddy - Adolf Hitler
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  13. 39 minutes ago, TGHusker said:


    Knapp I agree that isn't the implication of the thread and I agree with where you are going wt your post copied above.  However, the Finger did try  a 'gotcha question'  to redirect us and get us off his tail with the "which law would have stopped this shooting? question.   Thus my reply to him. 


    I would encourage him to ask honest questions that would be applicable to our society if he wants a real discussion on policy and not a non-starter like the one he asked. 


    Again I answered. You ignored that. And when *I* asked a question, as is my right, you ran and hid. Deflection peppered w/ projection. Not a new or neat trick - passe' and predictable actually. Will you be graduating to spelling and syntax nazi next?

    59 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    You've linked an MOU (Memo Of Understanding). 


    Once again, this is not a law. 


    I'll ask for the third time (fourth?):  What law allows schools to remove students who own guns?


    It was for the school. Are you claiming they ignored it? And I'll ask for the second time (third?) time - what law would have stopped this shooting? 

  14. 1 hour ago, commando said:

    notice it was an accident.  different hunting party and he didn't see me.   accidents happen.  glad the shot was at that range and not 20 feet.   but please continue to spout off 


    Since you asked me to spout off, I'm going to do that. Did you know Hitler was a socialist? Since I baited most into the circle of shame today, be very careful before you answer.

  15. 1 minute ago, Guy Chamberlin said:


    Fair enough.


    You're bats#!t. 


    She's gonna run again, or so HuffPoo bleats. You gonna vote for her again? That's rhetorical - you and I both know the answer to that.

  16. 34 minutes ago, Guy Chamberlin said:

    √ Democrats

    √ Chicago

    √ FBI

    √ Baaarack Hussein

    √ Joke Biden

    √ Hollywood

    √ Rap

    √ Silicon Valley

    √ Leftist Cop Killers



    Sorry, but if you're 14 posts in and still haven't mentioned Hillary Clinton, I'm gonna have to question your bats#!t credentials. 




    I understand. You're needing to pluck some sense of sanity from the ethers of "Hillary lost because Russia and Kolluzion", to convince your "I'm With Her" estrogen heroes that you're not all bats#!tty. Hey, if it gets you through he next 7 years, go with that. 

  17. 15 minutes ago, RedDenver said:

    This made me laugh. I don't think you understand what the word "designed" means. Try again.


    This post made no sense. You're questioning whether shotguns/shotgun ammo has ever been "designed".

  18. 3 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    What law allows schools to remove students who own guns? I'm genuinely curious, because about half the kids in Nebraska's rural schools are facing expulsion if this is an actual law.


    That's a joke, right? Did that half of kids threaten to kill like Cruz did? AND were they tossed in and out of schools in their district, like Cruz was? AND was the FBI called on these Nebraska kids, like it was on Cruz?

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  19. 16 minutes ago, knapplc said:


    Why isn't the Brietbart article this is taken from cited in the post?  That's a violation of board rules.





    Because the very law itself IS right there in my post above. And here it is again for all to read - https://www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/letters/colleague-201401-title-vi.pdf


    Are you claiming because Breitbart picked it up too, that the law Hussein imposed is not true? I'm noting here you're avoiding debating the facts contained in the Promise Program. I understand.

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