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Posts posted by Redrover

  1. I’m sick and tired of people complaining of the actions and words of some people while defending or excusing the behavior of the person in the highest office in this country.  trump calls someone low I.Q, horse face and other things, and people give him a pass or say he was wrong to do that but I’m still going to defend him and criticize others.  Everybody should behave better than the President.  What low standards have been set for that position.  How pathetic is that!

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  2. 37 minutes ago, HuskerNation1 said:

    You are making a completely false equivalency to Trump and the events from the past week.  Trump is guilty of one thing...winning the 2016 election which has triggered the entire left to go crazy. Many still cannot accept the will of the American people two years later which is sad


    Can’t you see that trump’s rhetoric has allowed hate to fester and grow.  Is it a complete coincidence to you that the maga bomber went after the people trump insults and criticizes?And the Synagogue shooter hated HIAS, which is an organization dedicated to helping refugees.  While trump is whipping up fear and hatred towards the scary caravan that is coming.  trump is guilty of plenty

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  3. 18 hours ago, commando said:

    mosques also....right?

    Of course Trump wouldn’t mention Mosques.  I can’t remember if he ever mentioned the heroes who were killed defending Muslims in Portland.


    Like Temple Israel, the American Muslim Institute has armed security during major events.




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