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Posts posted by huskerinark

  1. Wow, another bash cally thread. How original.






    BEAT CU!!

    Yea, it is almost as boring as all those "Callahan is great and once he gets his players and they understand his system. he will lead us back to the top. After all he is doing an excellent job in all areas.

  2. Don't expect Mark May or any one else to eat crow after the Huskers win. They will either make excuses for USC or will say nothing at all and none of thier buddies will bring it up either. That's why I pay little attention to the experts because they are never held accountable for anything they run off the mouth about.

  3. I would like 10-2, think we will be 9-3 but could also be 7-5. For me it is just to tough a call until I see some consistent play on the road. I know CU and MU were huge wins and hopefully they took care of our road woes. Just curious about those predicting three and four losses. do you think they will be in conference? If we lose two in conference and to USC, we still should win the north but if we lose three or four in conference no way do we win the title. Maybe three losses but four will knock us out of the championship. My concern is what happens if we fail to win the north with so many so sure we will. I don't want to go back to the middle of last season with all of the bickering and fighting going on among the faithful.

  4. Let's say the cop lets him off with a warning and turns him over to one of his friends. The friend takes him home but he decides to go out and get something to eat so he gets behind the wheel of another car and causes an accident that kills or injures someone. It is then found out that he was stopped earlier and let go even thou the officer felt he was too impared to drive. What do you think happens to the police officer in a civil suit bought on by the relatives of the those killed or injured. Not only would he lose he job but he could be found liabel and have to pay thousands of dollars to the family of those killed or injured. That is why officers these days don't let people off in these types of incidents. Not only that but how does being a Husker footbal player equate to being alowed to violate the law. Would you say the same if the person was a janitor somewhere?

  5. I think any road game will be pivotal. A&M, OSU and ISU will be tough to beat on the road. The fact that this staff has not had a good road win with one week to prepare worries me a lot. Hopefully the last two games from last year will help them get over the hump so to speak. I know we will be a better team next year on paper but KU and MU still jump out at me as games that the team quit at some point during the game. This cannot happen next year. There are no bye weeks so they must be ready to play every week, home or away.

  6. I was wondering what some of you think about the Wagner's idea for having the olinemen learn differant positions. I think that if you recognize your best lineman at each position, two deep, have them stay at that one position and practice there instead of always moving around they will become beter players. It just makes sense that the more they practice at one position the better they will become. Keep in mind that I make a ton of money each year off my knowledge of football, so you can take this with a grain of salt. I just don't know if I am in favor of all these guys trying to learn so many positions. Learn one, stay there and become the best player you can.

  7. The Huskers could go anywhere between 11&1 to 7&5. Games against USC and Texas will be diificult to win but it can be done. USC has lots of talent but will be playing a ton of new starters and we get them early in the year. Texas we get at home so that always gives us a chance. The pivotal games to me are OSU, A&M and Iowa State. Reason these cause me concern is they are all on the road. Let's be honest here, the Huskers have struggled on the road in Big 12 play under this staff. Will this continue, time will tell. Until they can go out and win some of these games on the road, confidence will never be gained. OSU and A&M both played Texas tough at home this year and as good as we all think the Husker will be next year, they won't be Texas of 05. Iowa State returns a lot of talent on the offensive side of the ball but their defense will be suspect to say the least. These three games will be pivotal to next year. Win them and all is well, lose them and Husker Nation will be in dire straights. Those three games could very well determine if and how long this current staff stays intact. I promise if we lose all three of those games along with the USC and Texas games last years Kansas lost will look small by comparison. All that being said here's to winning those three plus one of the others and to brighter things ahead the next five years.

  8. Does anyone think that the move of Jackson back to running back and the recruitment or Wilson means the coaches aren't exactly sold on Lucky and Glenn just yet? The recruitment of Wilson made me wonder if they weren't bringing him in as insurance for the position. As hyped as Lucky and Glenn were coming in, we all saw things about thier game that kept them off the field. Blocking and recieving

    are two things that come to mind. I have read several articles about Wilson and everyone of them mentioned his ability to block and catch the ball out of the backfield. He seems to be this years Taylor in that he was bought in to meet a specific need.

  9. Until the team and coaches prove it on the field, I won't be expecting any championships of any kind. We all talk a good game and some are very quick to rag on any one who is even remotely critical of this staff but the truth is that the Huskers should have won the north title last year and didn't get the job done on the field. If and when the staff proves they can get this team ready to play on the road against even a medocre team with only one week to prepare, then I will say they are ready to take the next step. In two years so far they haven't been able to do that at alll.

  10. I think Arkansas will surprise a lot of people next year. I am not a fan but they have some good young talent on the team. For those who have not seen him, the McFadden kid at running back is the real deal. He looked every bit as good as a freshmen as Peterson at OU did. The Hogs usually play very well in Fayetteville. I think we will find out alot about how good USC will be after this game. I hope the Hog defense lays the wood to USC and softens them up a bit for the Huskers.

  11. Thanks for the nice welcome. Everyone I am sure has their own opinion on how the coaching search was handled. I don't know if it would have been better to name a new coach before the game and let the old staff coach the bowl game or wait until after the game to basically let the old staff go. I know a new coach is going to hire his own people and so does everyone else including the staff at that time. I am sure most of them knew when Callahan was hired that they were gone but my question at the time was if the staff thought that Pelini or Gill had a real shot at the job or did they all pretty much know someone outside was coming in. If they knew someone outside was getting the job and most of them would be out of work, I applaud them even more for the job they did in the bowl game thinking it could be their last game at Nebraska. Of course hiring a new coach before the game and letting the old staff finish the bowl game didn't work well for Colorado or Boise State so who's to say which way is best.

  12. I have been a Husker fan for over 35 years and it saddens me to see our fans acting like this towards each other. That being said, I understand how all of us are not going to agree with everything that happens and probably never have. It's just in todays world with internet and message boards, we all have a chance to express our feelings without having to be responsible for anything we say. I have been banned from a couple of boards because I did not always agree with what was being said. I also think that the gap betwen fans will close some if Callahan turns this team around and starts to propduce 9 and 10 win seasons most every year. In todays game a few off years should be expected. We will never again see forty years of greatness like in the past. There will always a some gap with Pederson as AD. Makes no differance what he did to upset them, he did and that will always cause a problem. My biggest problems with his search for a new coach was that he led Pellini and Gill on making them think they had a realistic chance at the job and he never intented to hire either one. He let old staff think they had a chance to hold onto their jobs until after the bowl game and then pulled the rug out from under them. Just my opinion. that is history and nothing is going to change what happened. If Callahan proves to be a winner, he will win over the intire Husker fan base but nothing Pederson does will ever make some like him.

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