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Posts posted by TheOneAndOnly1

  1. Well because an elephant is sooo large, and its a herbivore, and its has to do with a time when there was a king, maybe since its a nobleman he has land, and the king gave him the elephant because as big as an elephant is its gonna eat a crap load of grass and whatever else plants the eat everyday, and drink alot of water, so pretty much jus havin an elephant around would make it way harder for the man to live, if its even possible for him to sustain the elephant at all.

  2. Maybe since the nobleman did somethin that the king didnt like, the king gave him the elephant because he knew he wouldnt like it, the elephant was possibly too much for the nobleman to take care of?

  3. Well maybe when they built things, if they brought stone and things from places to temples being built that would mean that carts going into a temple would be full of stone, and the ones leavin would be empty, meanin that once they come out they would be alot lighter, concluding the ruts on one side of the would be deeper than the other.

  4. possibly by the wheels? since they drove on the left, that would mean left turns were shorter, and right turns were longer, probally showin a difference in the wearing down of the wheels.

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