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Posts posted by Huskerhottie

  1. Everyone brought up some good points. Me, I dont know what to believe. Part of me says Steve is just doing his best, after all this is his job on the line. The other part of me says he is being dishonest, and will say whatever it takes to make himself look better. But you know what, I cant know for sure about that stuff.


    Im not even that put off by the fact that he is taking a little longer than we hoped. I would rather he make the right decision than the easy one.


    The one thing about him and his PC today that really bothered me, is his condescending nature. Especially when he said that the Pitt fans did not have as much of a problem "understanding" the process. And that Nebraska fans are different, in that we just dont get it and understand how these things work.


    Listen jackass, dont talk AT us like we are some kind of little kids. WE GET IT. You explained ZERO to us about YOUR process, and then wonder why there is speculation.


    I also find it curious that he is now trying to rally the very people he snubbed over the past month. Now all of a sudden I hear all these "We's" and "Us's" and "Husker Nation needs to be unified". A bit of a change from "dont worry, I'll handle everything, you dont need to know how I do it, you're on a need to know basis, and you'll thank me later."


    This is NOT PITT Steve-o. There was nothing to UNDERSTAND b/c you gave us nothing of substance to work with, so we and the media were left to conjecture. And guess what happens when you leave a gaping hole for people to read into?? Yes Little Stevie, exactly the fiasco that you are now tap dancing your way out of. I highly recommend hiring a PR manager, b/c you are in dire need of one. If you can find one that will work for your arrogant ass that is.


    Smooches. ;)

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