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Posts posted by motorboatjonesNU

  1. Bo gets a pass if he gets to eight wins - either in the regular season or with a bowl win.


    Agreeing with Hercules in that it's dicey at six or seven wins.


    Seven wins or less and it'll be up to how big a cesspool of lies, favoritism, bad chemistry, etc, Eichorst discovers.

    Less than 9 wins and he's out. That means we lose two more regular season games and definitely do not make the CCG, and play int he insight bowl or some sh#t. Bo wont survive that. Or we lose maybe on more reg season game, but then we have to lose both the CCG and bowl again. Dont think he survives that either at this point. Be serious. He's set his standard at 9 wins minimum, and folks are tired of that. Anything less than that is reason to pull the plug.

    The problem with breaking Bo off with less than nine wins - especially if he gets to 8-4 in the regular season - is that it makes Nebraska less attractive of a job than it already is. Personally, I think we get to 7-5 this year and who knows about the bowl. It's possible (but in my opinion, unlikely) that Eichorst deems the situation is so bad he decides to can Bo with one or two games left in the year.

  2. Bo can't win. if we would have stayed focused into the second half and won he would have been the best thing since sliced bread. He lost and we have a train ready to pick his bags up at the station. When is the last time we won a championship ummmmmmm 1997? about 16 years ago. This is not the 90's check yourselves. Can you say BANDWAGON



  3. Giving up an 18-pt lead, 38 unanswered and losing by 20 at home in the 6th year of a coach's tenure is not the sign of a coach that has it together.


    I was happy when Bo was hired in 08, but I'm hoping Eichorst is looking around for Bo's replacement.

    • Fire 1
  4. Bo is 4-10 vs higher ranked teams.


    For comparison's sake, over the course of 14 games vs higher ranked teams, Ozburn was 6-8 (took from 1973 to 1985 to have 14 games vs higher ranked teams).


    Frank was 3-7 in his career.


    Billy C kinda doesn't matter.

  5. So as a PSU fan who used to live in Nebraska... I am one who truly appreciate what Nebraska football is and I cheer for you guys in every game except against PSU. I thought when Nebraska hired Bo that you guys had hired a game-changing coach who would do amazing things for you guys. He was an exceptional DC at a national championship school, and one would have expected that you would have the Blackshirts back.




    This game today is a pretty good representative for Bo Pelini's tenure at Nebraska. It started off well and Nebraska looked really good...and the improvement on defense was amazing. Then everything fell apart.


    If you guys end up being crushed by a large margin after leading by 18 points late in the second...which is what looks like is going to happen... I'm afraid it's time to lay down the law and get rid of Bo and the entire top staff of the Nebraska football time. This isn't a knee jerk reaction...this is just a simple realization that Nebraska has pretty much gone as far as it can go under Bo Pelini...which is to say that it's an okay football team but not great. If Bo... who was such a great DC at LSU... can't rebuild the Blackshirts with as much talent as Nebraska can get... how is one supposed to expect him to go any further? I honestly don't think he is... and when Taylor Martinez leaves.... well, offensive productively will likely go down a good bit.


    The state of Nebraska...The B1G... and honestly college football as a whole is better when Nebraska is a good, strong football team. Not when it's as impressive as a wet noodle. I know some will disagree with this opinion, and that's fine...but ask yourselves what you want out of Nebraska football. Ask yourself what you want a Nebraska football team to look like. Does that include a defense that gives up 28 points in one quarter? An offense that just ceases being productive due to lack of creativity?


    Do what's right. Get rid of Bo, etc. now, state that you want to take Nebraska football in a different direction, and start rebuilding and looking for who is the right person to take over this program.


    Problem is we will still likely win 9 games this year. If we fire the coach it will give us a black eye because Espin will only talk about how we fired a coach with 6 9 win seasons, not one who was consistently out coached


    Spot on here with both these posts.


    Bo isn't getting NU to where it needs to be. But he's good enough for 9 wins a year - which ain't gon' do it.

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