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Posts posted by muzicman0

  1. ok, really, I'm not looking for you to prove evolution. My point, per the post above is that you can't prove evolution to me. I probably can't prove God to you. That doesn't mean I am wrong. It just means that I can't prove it. Neither can you.


    Evolution has a mountain of evidence in support of it. Scientific observation is different from lightly drawn conclusions from some story or anecdotal evidence. I don't think you have a good grasp of what is meant by 'evidence.'

    I have read a lot of the evidence...won't say I understand it all. Most of the evidence takes about as much faith to believe as I have to believe in my God.

    Evolution is also the central foundation of modern biology. It's not optional. You don't get biology without it. It's not some tangential, unrelated idea that doesn't have to be right. Of course it's not completely understood, but few things are. A good comparison is let's say, quantum theory. Without it, modern computing does not exist. The fact that I am typing this says otherwise.

    LOL! Modern biology requires evolution? That's assuming you don't believe there was a creator.

    Some people don't "believe" in evolution simply because they don't want to, or believe they should not, based on their religion. It's simply denial. How you want to reconcile our knowledge of life and evolution with your religion is entirely your choice, but it's not possible to make a serious challenge to it.

    but I say evolution is a fantasy. So, based on this thread, it is your job to prove it to me...so prove it.

    • Fire 1
  3. FWIW Mrs. carlfense said that gas is the most likely cause.


    Surely we are not going to presume to diagnose this cause of pain over the internet, are we? :)

    That's the problem...she is trying to diagnose after the fact. It's easy to say it was gas after the pain went away, simply because the pain went away...Kidney stones don't go away on their own, so it must be gas...unless of course God healed it.

  4. Calling it an argument would be generous. I deliberately chose a thoroughly ridiculous example in the hopes that it would be illustrative of exactly how ludicrous many non-believers find stories like this to be. Hopefully that bit of hyperbole can help you recognize how many people view stories like this one. After all, I think we'd both agree how completely laughable the idea of a bacteria blasting big foot is.


    And to be clear, my issue isn't with what you're claiming, regardless of how silly I might think it is. You're free to believe whatever you want, and to attribute any natural occurrence to whatever supernatural entity you wish. That's your right. I'm merely challenging you on the fact that you essentially said 'oh, I don't want to get into a theological debate over this theological assertion I just made.'

    OK, I understand your point. But, in my OP, I did state: "I know this will probably be met with skepticism, and that’s OK, but I wanted to share this, so that if anyone else needs something from God, they can be encouraged by this."


    So, I think I made it clear what the point of the post was up front.

  5. You can't make a post like this, containing what many of us will consider to be a patently ridiculous story, and not expect people to attempt to engage you on the subject. Claiming after the fact that you're not looking to get into a discussion when you make a provocative post is more than a little weak. Put yourself in other people's position for a minute. What if someone posted that while suffering from explosive diarrhea, a sasquatch burst into their WC and magically cured them of food poisoning? What if the thread title was "My bigfoot is an amazing god" or some such? Think you might be more than a little incredulous?

    Then ignore the post. I didn't say I wouldn't get into a discussion, I said I wouldn't get into a theological discussion on why God does/does not do certain things. The point of the post was to encourage someone who might need encouragement, not to get into a debate on theology. Just because you may think it's foolish doesn't mean everyone will.


    And your argument is a little weak. There are millions of people who believe God is amazing. I can't think of a single person I have ever met that thinks Bigfoot is a God.

    • Fire 1
  6. I'm not looking at getting into a theological discussion on why or how, or even why not.


    Then you might have been better served by choosing a different subject line for the post.


    That being said Husker_x's advice is worth following. Get checked out by a Doctor. After all YHWH helps those who helps themselves.

    nope, my subject line was perfect for what this post is about. The point of this post was about an experience I had, not other peoples confusion.

  7. I've been a member here for a number of years, but don't post much (but read a lot), I thought I would share this story that happened to me about 3 or 4 weeks ago. Sorry this is so long.


    I work about 30 minutes from my home. I was probably about 5 minutes from work when I started having a small pain in my left side, right below my rib cage. By the time I got to work (5 minutes later), I stopped off at my boss’ office and told him about it, but by this time, it’s hurting pretty bad. This would be about 7:20AM. By 8:15 it is bordering on un-bearable and I start researching online what might be causing the pain, but nothing really jumps out at me, so I still think at this point that it will pass.


    By 8:30, I am in agony. The problem is that there is nothing I can do to alleviate the pain. I have a bad back, but even when it is so bad that I can’t get out of bed, I can usually find some position that will give me relief. Not so with this…I have tried laying down, walking, sitting, standing, and everything in between, and no relief. So, I call my doctor to make an appointment. I just changed my health insurance to something with no co-pay, so I am really trying to avoid going to the emergency room.


    I get a hold of my doctor around 8:30 and make an appointment for (iirc) 10:00AM. So I go in and tell my boss that I gotta go. I have a great boss, and he understands, and wishes me well, and asks that I let him know how it goes. I hop in my car and head back down south.


    I don’t know how many of you live in, or have driven in Orange County, but on a Friday morning heading south on I-5…not a good place to be. Like the idiot that I am, I get all the way over to the left lane before I realize that I’m not sure I am going to be able to make it home because I’m not sure it is safe for me to drive with all this pain…unfortunately, the 5 is now a parking lot, and I can’t get back over. I’m thinking at this point I need to call my wife and have her come get me, but I can’t get off the freeway!


    By this point, the pain is now shooting down into my groin area…with the research I had done earlier, I now believe that I have a Kidney stone. Fast onset of pain, and the pain moving down into my groin, these were all things I remembered being associated with kidney stones. I’m not a doctor, and I could be totally wrong on that, but that is my thought in the moment.


    I am literally crying out to God now asking him to do something (why didn’t I do this earlier???!!!??). I am desperate for God. IIRC, my exact words were “God, please, do something”.


    Within a few minutes the pain is starting to go away. By the time I get home, it is 100% gone. I have no other explanation other than God healed me.


    I know this will probably be met with skepticism, and that’s OK, but I wanted to share this, so that if anyone else needs something from God, they can be encouraged by this.


    Steve W.


    Edit - fixed a typo

  8. get a live CD of a linux operating system (I recommend Kubuntu), and boot with the CD. There will be a built in file explorer (called Dolphin). All of your files are on the disk, I had a client who had something similar happen. Copy the files onto a external hard drive, and then format and reinstall windows. Make sure you virus scan the files before copying them back to the new windows install.

  9. My example is not exactly subject to that kind of error. The ultrasounds will show that a massive chunk of the fetus' head is missing.


    For the sake of the hypothetical let's assume that we can determine with absolute certainty that the fetus will be born without a brain. Would you still argue that it is human life?

    Does it meet the scientific criteria of human life? If so, then yes, I would. If the fetus doesn't show the criteria for life, then no I wouldn't. Hypothetical situations aren't really a basis for a debate though.


    I'm not wanting to make this a religious debate, so I will leave my answer to the above, but there is more I could say on the subject.


    I think you are right in the above post though...you won't change my mind, and I won't change yours. But...what I do know, is that I have a great job, and if I don't go do something...well, then, I won't have a great job...so, I'm signing off for a while...will check in later!

  10. and so, it seems that you admit, that 2-3 cells is human life. and I'm not sure you will like where that leads. If you believe that it is human life, then if you support abortion, you support murdering human life. period. whether you want to argue the difference between a human life and a person (in my mind a subtle difference), is irrelevant.


    If you mean human in that it could eventually be a person, I would agree. It's like saying "Ah! you agree that that sand, water, and cement is the Coliseum!" It's potentially a human, but is not a human yet.


    So you do agree that a fetus is not a person? I'd argue that sometime between conception and birth it is a "person," or a "human life," if you prefer. I cannot agree that 2 cells is a human life or person.


    Would you be morally opposed to aborting a fetus that is proven to suffer from anencephaly? Would you make the mother carry the brainless fetus to term . . . knowing that there is a 0% chance that it will survive birth? It's an extreme example but far from unheard of. If you argue that every time 2 cells join in the womb it is a human life worthy of protection I think you must argue that the mother must birth the brainless child regardless of this knowledge.


    That's why I try to have a less rigid definition.

    And I have heard countless stories (ok, countless is probably an exageration), of parents getting bad news, and it turning out to be false. Including me. We were told that our second child could have all kinds of problems, including downs syndrome. Well, she is healthy, and she has no health issues.


    And again, the difference (in my mind) between human life and person, is irrelevant. But, I think we look at the definition of person differently. In my mind, a person has a name, favorite color, etc. a human life is just that. So, a person is more of a concept, where human life is the physical being.

  11. and just because it's legal, we should fund it???


    We don't fund abortions. Again, the money can't go towards it.


    That money goes towards other medical care. If you don't think we should be funding HIV testing, cancer screening, contraception, sexual education, etc...then make a case for that.

    But if you don't think we should fund Planned Parenthood because they do abortions. And you specially create a bill because you you think federal funds help PP free up other funds for abortions...then that's a bill of attainder. You've specifically targeted a group trying to defund them for an action that you think is criminal...when it's not.

    That's a weak argument. Let's look at this. I have an organization the does two things. X and Y. I have only so much income that I can really only do one...X or Y. The government won't fund X, but they will fund Y...so all I do is move my money around so I can fund both. In other words, if the government gives money to an organization that does abortions, they are funding abortions. It's just accounting at that point.

  12. and so, it seems that you admit, that 2-3 cells is human life. and I'm not sure you will like where that leads. If you believe that it is human life, then if you support abortion, you support murdering human life. period. whether you want to argue the difference between a human life and a person (in my mind a subtle difference), is irrelevant.

  13. I don't get how people don't think even 2-3 cells is a human life. By what criteria are you making this decision???? By ALL scientific definitions, this would not only be considered life, but human life. The only thing I can figure is that it is convenient and helps people justify their actions and or beliefs to ignore the facts.




    Meh. There are at least 500 policy issues that are more important to me than abortions. In fact, I think the whole debate is largely a result of politicians not wanting to tackle real issues.


    You can argue that 2 cells is a person. Fine. That's your opinion. It's not fact. In my opinion, 2 cells is not a person.

    I didn't say it was a person, I said it was a human life. And it is fact. look up the definition of life. look up the definition of human.

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