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Posts posted by mhamden

  1. Yeah I agree they may be the worse team in the Big 12, but you also have to look at how they plaid agaist KU and they are a good program. We beat them weather by 28 pts or by 60 it dosnt matter. A wins a win and I'm happy with that. We could have scored alot more points on them but what was the point, we came out took care of business in the 1st half, and in the second half we went out to have fun. And they also gave our 2nd and 3rd string a chance to play. And I must say our running game seems to be getting better and better. All three I backs had a great night. But anyways that was in the past and now I'm looking for the same point spread agaist Baylor. Go Big Red!!

  2. Well don't understand this thread....but I better at a reply just so I can say I did. Can't wait till Saturday have been looking forward to it since last Saturday. Go Big Red!! Hopeing to get off work early tonight, I have a physical fitness test in the morning for the Army.
















    Oh and for now I win

  3. This is whats going to make him a great coach, he hates to loose. He knows why there loosing and he knows how to get it fixed. He is already addresssing the penalties, by doing mass punishment for every penalty they get in a game. I think thats good stuff. Can't wait to see what he does with the program in the next year or two.

  4. Without the penalties, this team is maybe 5-1. Penalties being NU's only problem? Hmm. Might want to take a look at the defense.


    I agree I have watched the last 4 games, and the only one I seen we couldnt have won was agaist MU, but VT and TT was lack of discipline. They didn't beat us we beat ourselves and if we didn't rack up a bunch of penalties then we would be sitting at 5-1. I believe the team knows this to and are kicking themselves for the losses they should of had. I agree with Bo's plan of action though. Mass punishment for all penalties in a game. Make the players feel bad that there friends are getting punished for something they did. Hopefully this will clean up the dumb penalties.

  5. I agree if we keep with the spread we will be able to run the ball at will, but with 3 running backs swiching in and out I don't think Lucky will get 130. I do think we could get between 150-200 yds on the ground but not with the same back. But hopefully he can atleast get 100 by himself, it would also be nice to see Helu come out and show is true potential and gain some big yards.

  6. A few years ago someone made up a wallpaper for one of each of the teams NU played I was wondering if someone can make some up again atleast for the remainder of the Big 12 teams, starting with ISU. I enjoyed them and they help me get ready for the next week. Anyways if someone has the time and imangination could you help me out with this. Thanks.

  7. I agree we have the talent on recieving we just need to utilize it more. I would love to see some more pass's throw to Holdt and Paul. I think both of them will make some great plays. Swift and Peterson are the go to guys right now, but I think Holt and Paul will only get better as the season goes on and will have 4 threats in the passing game to make it a little more difficult for the defences to key in on are playmakers when we have more then just a couple Ganz likes to throw to. Also I know Lucky isn't the greatest rusher but he can catch the ball and if we throw him in on some pass plays we have 4-5 recievers out there Ganz can choose from.

  8. I think it will be ugly TT wont pull back they didnt last time they played and I think we had a better team then. But anything can happen I'm still saying NU is going to win, but if not I won't be surprised. The only teams that I think we have a chance of beating are KSU, CU, ISU, and Baylor. But hopefully we can pull off a couple upsets as well. Maybe in a cource of a week are team has improved, but I'm doubtful. Also are Huskers are hopefully tired of loosing and TT will come in overconvident and screw up turning the ball over 3+ times and we score off each of them, also need are special teams to show up and run another punt or kickoff back for a TD.

  9. Well, it looks like it won't be a 70 hung on us....thank God!!

    No you should know that Pinkel has to much respect to do that to us. When a team is behind there is no since in rubbing dirt in there face. What I am trying to figure out is why everyone is blaming the coaches on this loss. This is Bo's first year and he is haveing to fix everything Callhan has screwed up over the last few years. I predicted going into the season are losses would be to(VT, MU, TT, OU, and possibly Kansas) So as long as we beat ISU, Baylor, Colorado, and KSU I will be happy. I still think we have a shot of atleast being bowl contenders but this is a rebuilding year so you cant expect to much. I still have faith that Bo will turn this program around he just needs to get some good recruits in over the off season. We lost this game because MU is better then us this year and so are alot of other teams. Penaltys didnt help but its not the only reason why we lost this game and neither is the coaches. Just look at this as a learning experice for the team they stayed with it till the end and when they look back at the game films they will know what they need to work on before faceing TT. I'm not saying we will win but I'm hopeing they will atleast improve and not get beat by 35 points.

  10. NU-38






    I believe that the Huskers can pull off the upset provided the defense shows up again, the offense whens the time of possesion battle, special teams can score, and the defense is atleast +2 on turnovers. Everyone is looking past the Huskers to win this game dosnt think they stand a chanse but they have a sour taste in there mouth after last week. Also found out alot about the team and what they need to fix. MU has not had to face a good opponent this year and Nebraska has. So MU really dosnt know what there weekness's are. I'm also looking at MU has had a bye week giving them two weeks to prep for the game. Which could also benefit the Huskers. MU could have been over coached the team in the two weeks or under coached thinking this will be a easy win. You also have to look at the motivation the Husker defense has on Chase Daniels comments after last years match up. I could be wrong, but I sure hope not.

  11. The losses I can see is agaist MU, TT, and OU. But I think we can pull off wins agaist Iowa State, Baylor, KU, K-State, and Colorado. But you never no so for the worse I am saying is 7-5. I'm atleast hopeing for a Bowl Game and a better record then last year. I also think the team learned alot about the team this weekend and now now what they need to work on to improve both on offense and D.

  12. Yeah to bad maybe next year. This was the only game I was able to make it to this year. Next year I will be at the one here in Columbia, MO. I'm friends with one of the atletic directors and he will either get me tickets in the stands or tickets in the press box. Last year I went to the game here and the one in Lawerence. My dad new a back way in but we didn't get there till around 5. I think he got off in Independance somewhere and took Blue Ridge straight there. Anyways great pics.

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