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Posts posted by Nigel87

  1. Yeah I've had it with ESPN/ABC, which is why I'm glad the Cotton Bowl is on Fox.


    I've also got the bad habit of having watching for hours for just a brief mention of the 'Skers. :dunno

  2. Okay, I saw this on AU Nation when I was checking out the competition.


    But what was your first computer or the first computer you remember using?


    For me it was a secondhand Apple IIe. It may be gone, but not forgotten... I've still got the 5 1/4 floppies (real floppies) and an Apple IIgs put away in a closet that I’ll occasionally pull out to putter around with.


    As well as my dad's work Toshiba 486 laptop with Windows 3.1 that he'd bring home. I remember playing Wolfenstein and Doom on that thing. I remember when we beat Wolfenstein we acted exactly the same as when the Huskers won the National Championship, and then they did (that was in '94). It also had America Online on it and unaware what the internet was my parents wouldn't sign up for it because you had to give your credit card number. I'll never forget when my little brother tried getting me off that thing by telling my parents I was on 'surfing the net'. Boy did they come running fast!


    My parents never bought a computer until I was in middle school, and they bought a Compaq Presario that had changeable faceplates, and I was one of the only kids that had a CD burner. That one is still our family computer, but I've got my own 3 month old ThinkPad.

  3. That clip reminded me of my freshman year in High school.


    It was in science class, and there was this one kid that was lazy and had a TA do everything for him. So we were marking the tests, and I happened to get that kid's. All the answers were written very nicely in handwriting (obviously the TA's), and surprise, surprise he gets 100%. So after I mark it, I go to return it to him, and as I set it down on his desk (with the TA beside him) I say, "Here you go Ms. So-and-so, you got 100%!"




    Not too much has changed since :lol:

  4. As a college aged person here, I have to say that yea, college students get outta hand rather easily. But are you going to be able to stop college kids from partying?? More than likely not. Some put liquor in a flask to sneak it into games. Maybe thats Security's fault for not checking thoroughly. I'm sure that some of the fans that are mild mannered now, probably were the same when they were in college. I'm sure that most of these "roudy kids" will become more mild mannered as they get older. But you never know. I've seen middle aged men get outta hand at some games. Can you have a good time without getting drunk? Yea. But you're not gunna stop it from happening. You can't expect to attend a COLLEGE sporting event, and not have crazy drunk COLLEGE kids. It happens everywhere. I know I've done things at games that I'm not particularly proud of and I've been trying stop myself from swearing so much. But what can you do? Not let tailgaters into the games?



    Growing up, I played football, while my brother went the hockey route. Hockey was (and still is) something that's not my taste. Anyways I don't go to his games, not because I don't care for hockey, but because of the parents. These parents make soccer hooligans look tame! :hellloooo and the kid must be proud when his father (or mother) is thrown out because of their behavior.


    Being a college student myself, I know firsthand that students can get out of control. But having more self-control (someone told me I was born 40 years too late), I just have to stop cussin' (someone else told me that I've got a mouth that would make a trucker blush :o ).

  5. There's a difference between people who are homophobic and people who just don't approve of homosexuality. A homophobic person is one who has an irrational fear or hatred of homosexuals. You can disapprove of homosexuality without being homophobic.



    Coming from a Catholic and Republican family, it was something that was never discussed. I never fully understood what 'being gay' meant until I was at least in middle school (asides from being happy)... I've never known a gay person until earlier this year when we hired a man who is homosexual (he's not really some that discusses it, but he talks with a lisp, and has mentioned his boyfriend). As his direct supervisor, I have to look past that and treat him as I would any other cashier; in a professional manor. I think because of that, it has allowed me to view him without judgment, but that lifestyle is something that I fully do not endorse, nor approve. So I guess I am not homophobic, because I do not fear him, nor act in a judgmental/unprofessional manor towards him. And I know that he doesn't want to discuss his personal life (relations) as much as the next heterosexual person.


    As for those of you have lost family and friends to AIDS, my condolences go out to you. Although I've never known someone with AIDS, I know what it is like to loose someone close to you.

  6. 6C is pretty hot. Theres nothing wrong with what she's wearing except the ND crap on it.


    Yeah she's a looker. I just hate pleats man. Her hair tied back is also hot, in a catholic school girl kinda way.


    sh#t, no no no I meant 9C. Crap that was a close one. I'm just happy 6C was at least a girl or I wouldn't have ever heard the last of it.

    :rollin:rollin Yeah 6C is kinda hot in a jailbait sort of way.


    But there's something about 13B &C that bothers me... :o


    It's a shame that it wasn't in the catalog, but this was around the time they made Disney/Looney Toons Sports clothing (for adults) :LOLtartar:dumdum

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