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Posts posted by HuskerJosh82

  1. Lucky had one hell of a catch last night. If he could of stayed inbounds he could of taken it in for a TD. I agree, Helu Jr. is a bad a$$, he is hard to tackle and blows threw the line. Lucky does a great job at picking up the blitz. I'm glad I don't have to make the to name a starter.

  2. I don't see Nebraska winning anymore games this season. :sarcasm



    I think they can get 7 wins this season. If they execute like they should be, then they can get 8 wins. Theres too many mistakes going on out there. Penalties are are too many. Get those things fixed, then they will be the team that there are supposed to be.

  3. Asante was supposed to have the corner, he let the guy blow right by him. That is a costly blown assignment.



    Hell yeah he did, he went untouched. These are the mental mistakes the coaching staff has been talking about.

  4. My take on the offense is this, Lucky could be such a better runner if he would just explode out of the line of scrimage. He stutters, falls downs, and then gets tackled. Mr. Ganz did not play good at all. pretty much sucked the 1st half of the game. With all the problems, I think they need to adress is penalties. They are killing themselves. As far as I'm concerned, Nebraska gave them the game.

  5. Mizzou is going to torch the secondary next week. The thing is, is that Taylor sucks, but it's not hard to look good when all of his recievers were WIDE OPEN! Not a DB in sight! Mizzou will put the hurt on us next week, especially since they haven't won in Lincoln in a long time.

  6. I think I dis -liked last years trojan team more than this years. Booty was the most over rated QB in the country last year and that sh_t pisses me off more than anything. Booty sucks huge **** everyday! With that said, Sanchez is far better than Booty and is not overrated, so look for them to bounce back and be there next year.

  7. Nebraska will DOMINTATE Va tech then beat the $hit out of Missery cuz they are overconfident and think they can handle the blackshirts...HAHA!! Bring it missery pu$$ies......


    .....sry kinda drunk and kinda late but FU** MIZZOU!!!!!!!!! :hellloooo



    So, tell us how you really feel?

  8. That was a totally different OSU team than what everybody has seen. Now, if Nebraska can go out and play with that kind of intensity, then Nebraska will do the same thing. Major props to the Beavers, they were the far better team last night.

  9. I'll be wearing my red jersey, but have my black, blackshirts shirt that say's 3 and out underneath it. Now I know what it feels like to be in congress, black, no red, no black! Democrat, republicans!!!!!!

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