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Posts posted by EbylHusker

  1. I do not have any empathy or sympathy for people that riot in response to a GJ decision that, by all sane reasoning, appears to be appropriate and just. Not only that, there are many people looting and burning their own community. Of course, the people rioting are not intersested in facts or whether the justice system worked in this case. f#*k them. As far as I'm concerned, they can be arrested and tear gassed every night for the next week if they so choose.


    Notice I said rioters, not protestors.

    • Fire 1
  2. You missed one of the major contributing factors. Court decisions in the past have given officers a relatively wide lattitude in justifying the use of deadly force. So in fact, it is not insanely easy to indict an officer for use of deadly force. I'm not making any judgements on those court rulings or their applications today with this post, but facts are facts. And those court cases are a big, big reason that officers are rarely indicted on the use of deadly force.

    • Fire 1
  3. Either Wilson is a fast healer, or he wasn't necessarily hit that hard.


    But I get it. Heat of the moment. Guarantee that 95% of us would do the exact same thing based on reflex alone.


    I wasn't saying Wilson is guilty. All I'm saying is I feel like no progress has been made in the last 3 months. Of course, "progress" would have only been made if the grand jury had decided to indict Wilson. It's a miserable situation for everyone involved.


    The justice system worked. I'm not sure how "progress" is the GJ bringing a ridiculous, unfounded indictment. There is a lot of progress that can be made on the larger issues surrounding all this that doesn't involve the GJ essentially saying, "Well, even though there's no good reason under law to actually indict, f#*k it, because hey, some people are mad. Whatevs."

  4. The shittiest thing about this decision is that we are right back at square 1. As long as we don't fully know if Officer Wilson was attacked, there will never be peace on the matter.


    The evidence the GJ saw is being released to the public. I've yet to see or hear anything about this entire thing that warrants an indictment. No sane prosecutor would ever want to take this to trial because it's an automatic loss. There's just nothing there. It was tossed to a GJ because public outcry was so ridiculous that they were left with no other viable option.

  5. Saw Interstellar at the IMAX again. I'm even more impressed with the movie the second time around. It'll proably get another couple viewings from me before it leaves IMAX. The docking scene toward the end is probably one of the most epic, ridiculously awesome things ever put on film. Here's an approximation of the music, since the actual music from that scene is a mix of a couple tracks.


  6. I'm starting to wonder if we have become apathetic. If most people's frustration level isn't at an all time high then that would mean we'very come to expect the failures. Unfortunate.


    Or people that have been around a while have aged/matured some and realized coming unhinged when a sports team loses is not worth it.


    If the person you know has published, peer reviewed works refuting AGW, then please post which those are and in what journal. If they're published, they're out there anyway and there's no reason to hold that back. What a person says in interviews or on a personal basis is pretty much irrelevant when compared to their published works on a topic. So let's have the paper titles and journals they were published in.

    Correct me if I'm wrong...but I don't recall saying he is published on this topic.


    As I suspected. The end.

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