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I See Red People

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Posts posted by I See Red People

  1. Dude, there is about a 100% chance that he gets fined for that little lesson in how to commit personal fouls in the NFL, and if he pulls one of those every few games, he will be suspended by the middle of the season. I love Suh as much as the next guy, but that was not a good football play. Wrap the QB up and carry him with you to the ground. Don't egregiously facemask him from behind and then wrap your arms around his helmet and slam him into the turf, no matter how fired up or pissed off you are. If somebody did that to one of our QBs we would curse him up and down.


    I'm willing to bet that when Suh watched the video of that afterwards he was not happy with himself.


    ugh, not that word again...

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