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Posts posted by Redtildead

  1. Do you think seeing how Bo Pelini and Bob Stoops grew up together we are witnessing the possible return of a great rivalry with OU? I know we don't play Oklahoma every year like it should be, but could possibly if we get back to winning the Big 12 North every year. It started with Fairbanks vs Devaney, then came Switzer vs. Osborne. Man those were the days ,remember when we did not care about anything else but beating Oklahoma to win the big 8? Could the next chapter be Stoops vs Pelini? I sure hope so I think it is shaping up to be a real great battle between two really good coaches at two very storied programs. Here's to the good ole days :cheers and reviving a great great rivalry. Now what say you?

  2. I believe bo pelini is are NEXT head coach i read it on the bottom of the tv screen lol dont hate just clap :lol::thumbs

    it's offical, we don't matter any more.


    Would you like some cheese with that whine :asshat


    Why don't you go back to her house get some whiskey play some depeche mode and watch endless replays of the good old days with Turner and the boys have yourself a good cry while reminiscing on the good ole days you'll feel better once you have.

  3. Thanks for posting I bleed Red, as you will find out all of the Pelini supporters will come out and thank you profusely for your updates. All of the anti pelini supporters will call you a liar and label all your posts rumors because they still are under the dillusion that Osborne will name Gill, Johnson or anybody else not named Pelini coach. Get over i people Pelini is coming back to claim the position that should have been his 4 years ago. We are damn lucky he didn't get picked up by another school the last 4 years and don't give me the well nobody else thinks he's a good coach comment, they just don't know what talent and potential is, its a good thing Osborne does :bonez

  4. BTW no " unless there is a snag" reference.


    They stated that he WILL be named coach Monday.

    That wouldn't be happening at a press conference, would it?


    Im hoping for an 11:30am press conference on Monday to announce Bo Pelini as the next coach. That is what I entered last week on the 1620 who's next contest.


    I told them to bank on it and I may just be right.


    I also told 1620 the zone to bank on it only I said 3:00 on Monday, looks like one of us will be right :horns2

  5. Redtildead, your post is well thought out and you are strong in your opinion, so I wont bash on you.


    "he has big time experience with big time schools." My thing about that particular view is... big time experience doing what? Defense? Yes, absolutely. But there are other specifics that only a head coach can gain as big time experience, like managing an entire game, special teams, offense, the whole coaching staff, the entire team, etc, etc.


    Although I do not agree with some of the things you said, it's because I do consider all those things more importantly than a defensive coach who's been successfull at extremely talented schools as OU and LSU.


    Just one example - He has never had to decide whether to kick a game tying field goal or go for it on fourth down with two minutes left of the clock. And own responsibility with his decision. Does he already know what plan A,B,C,D are and counter acting, or does he get to guess what to do while at NU and learn on the job? Now that does not cover all my points. It's one small fraction within a game only, that I believe where big time experience helps. Just my thoughts on it..


    Very good points addison. I agree with you there are a lot of things a HC has to take into account such as game management, crucial decisions on whether to go on fourth or kick the field goal, etc. The reason I am so adiment on Bo's big time experience with NU, OU, LSU as well as his pro experience is the fact that I think these experiences weight far heavier under the bright lights of primetime on national television with national championships on the line. I just don't believe that these same in game situations are the same at Buffalo where I believe they only draw around maybe 10,000 to their home games. Don't get me wrong in game decisions that TG makes at Buffalo are still crucial I just don't think they carry the same wait as Bo's decisions, granted they are only on defense, but to me just the fact that he has had nothing but big league experience makes up for experience at low end schools and I am not just talking about TG either, it is the rest of the coaches supposedly in contention for the NU job. Just my thoughts as a arm chair QB/HC :)

  6. Bo in my mind is the best candidate for the job. He is a motivator, he has big time experience with big time schools. He coached in the NFL alongside, he has been D - Cordinator at big time schools such as NU, OU, LSU. Folks he has the resume to warrant the NU job. All the other candidates are winners at glorified high school programs i.e. Buffalo, Cinci, Navy, and although WF is not a glorified high school program they play in a crap conference and is coached by a 100 year old man who has only landed average to well below average coaching jobs in his 100 years on this earth.


    I like Turner just as much as the next guy but come on husker fans need to realize that 1983 is never coming back. Just because TG wore the helmet does not make him the best coaching candidate. Remember NU has had a good record of hiring a coach with no prior experience. His name was Tom Osborne who Devaney hand picked having only been at the school for a few years because his offensive mind was bordering on genius. Their have been numerous reports by the media and former players raving about BP's same genius on the defensive side of the ball and that he could be the next Bob Stoops/Urban Meyer. Yes I know he could very well flop as well, but I would rather take a chance on someone who has held coordinator positions at big time schools than head coaches at glorified high schools.


    So in summary as you can tell with my emphasis on the words "big time" I want a coach who has this experience with the big boys of college football even if he was only a coordinator rather than a coach who have led nobody schools to the point where people almost care about them.


    So there's my rant, fire away TG and high school coach lovers :)


    Thanks for sharing. Truly! I do appreciate your opinion. Here are a couple of things to think about:


    *How will Bo do on offense? He may have a brilliant defensive mind but as we learned with Bill Callahan being brilliant on one side or the other does not make an effective head coach.


    *How will Bo handle the general public? I'm sorry but I see him as a hot head. The last thing we need is someone who cannot handle his emotions during a game or off the field. We've been embarrassed enough for the past 4 years, we simply don't need that now.


    *How will he handle recruits? Some people say this isn't important but it is in this state. The defensive recruits will probably love him but what about the offensive recruits?


    *How will he handle the boosters? Unfortunately, they are the 'money'. Again, this is something that has to be taken into consideration.


    *How will he handle the media? Whoever is chosen for the position of Head Coach at Nebraska will be under incredible media scrutiny. Can Bo handle this?


    Just some things to consider. Thanks again for sharing your opinion. :)


    I agree with what you are saying and yes that is a big part of being the HC at a BCS school, to me I like Bo because of the fact he is more coach than politician who only wants to glad hand the boosters. I think just winning football games will be enough to placate the boosters.


    Another thing I don't believe Bob Stoops is a media darling or just loves chatting with boosters, but I think they are pretty happy with him down in Oklahoma.

  7. I like Turner just as much as the next guy but come on husker fans need to realize that 1983 is never coming back. Just because TG wore the helmet does not make him the best coaching candidate.



    So the "he played for Nebraska in '83" argument didn't work...how about the "he was named MAC Coach of the Year" argument?


    Sorry MAC coach of the year award doesn't impress me. I don't believe any MAC school is even close to being ranked are they? I am guessing you are a TG fan, which is great, again I loved TG when he played here he is easily one of the best QB's ever to play at NU, I just can't justify if I were TO hiring a guy who has one a total of 7 games in 2 years, granted it was at Buffalo but come on. Now if he was turning around a program such as Washington State or a similiar program in a BCS conference I would be more impressed that's all.

  8. This is why I love message boards, opinions are like a - holes everyone has one :lol:


    I found this on one of the lsu message boards, sounds like someone down south is getting email rumors from supposed lsu boosters that Pelini is taking the NU job. But like everything else it is just a rumor but lsu message boards seem to gaining steam on Pelini to NU rumors, kind of interesting, but again I am biased toward Pelini.



  9. Bo in my mind is the best candidate for the job. He is a motivator, he has big time experience with big time schools. He coached in the NFL alongside, he has been D - Cordinator at big time schools such as NU, OU, LSU. Folks he has the resume to warrant the NU job. All the other candidates are winners at glorified high school programs i.e. Buffalo, Cinci, Navy, and although WF is not a glorified high school program they play in a crap conference and is coached by a 100 year old man who has only landed average to well below average coaching jobs in his 100 years on this earth.


    I like Turner just as much as the next guy but come on husker fans need to realize that 1983 is never coming back. Just because TG wore the helmet does not make him the best coaching candidate. Remember NU has had a good record of hiring a coach with no prior experience. His name was Tom Osborne who Devaney hand picked having only been at the school for a few years because his offensive mind was bordering on genius. Their have been numerous reports by the media and former players raving about BP's same genius on the defensive side of the ball and that he could be the next Bob Stoops/Urban Meyer. Yes I know he could very well flop as well, but I would rather take a chance on someone who has held coordinator positions at big time schools than head coaches at glorified high schools.


    So in summary as you can tell with my emphasis on the words "big time" I want a coach who has this experience with the big boys of college football even if he was only a coordinator rather than a coach who have led nobody schools to the point where people almost care about them.


    So there's my rant, fire away TG and high school coach lovers :)

  10. Bo Pelini is my choice, there have been a lot of people saying well he has never been a head coach before so he doesn't have the experience. Well how many of you would like to see us pass on him AGAIN only to find out that he becomes the next Pete Carroll. Yes I do realize that he could very well flop also, but I would at least want to be the school that gave him his shot. Also remember that Bill Callahan had "proven coaching experience" also when he took this job and see how all that experience helped us :angry: Turner Gill does have all the Nebraska ties that people just drool over, but let's not put our blinders on just because of that fact. He has done a great job with Buffalo BUT tell me Gill backers how many other jobs is he linked to besides Nebraska? None that come to my mind. Just something to think about.



    Nebraskans for Bo Pelini

  11. I've seen Sam only a few times, one during the spring and in a couple fall practice pics. What is with him wearing one short sleeve on the right arm and one long sleeve on the left arm? I don't care really just wondering if this is some sort of new fad or something. Anybody else notice this?

  12. With all the excitement starting to build for the great Sam Keller one year experiment beginning shortly, do you think the UNL athletic department will start a aggressive Keller for Heisman campaign to get his name out there in the national scene (remember he was a heisman candidate for ASU when this season started)? Or does the fact the he will only be here one year kind of put that out of the question, what are your thoughts?

  13. one thing that comes to mind is the amount of trust and respect that is needed in the huddle. you can be the best qb in the world and if the players do not trust you or like you it will be very difficult. Zac had that trust and respect. he never once pointed fingers at any of the players and that is what made him stand out and be able to do what he did.


    if Sam starts pointing and blaming, he will lose his teammates and wont be worth a crap.


    Keller was named the scout team offensive player of the year, this tells me that the players respect him, since I am guessing it is the team that votes for these awards, also rumor has it that Keller and Chris Brooks have looked really good in scout practices, I wondered what ever happened to Brooks.

  14. When spring football comes around in another 4 months or so I think we could possibly be seeing the best QB battle ever. Now I am very confident in saying that Keller will be our starter in '07 but I am very excited about all the QB's we are going to see come Apirl in the spring game. Keller with his wealth of experience, Ganz with his knowledge of the WCO, Witt the unproven but extremely intelligent mind (he will be a sophomore in standing when he enrolles at UNL in January :o ), Lee with his strong arm and mobility, Hildebrand with a lot of potential. Can I get my spring football tickets right now!!!!!! :horns2 Last thought on Keller, I really believe that this guy is going to be a very important player in Husker history even though he only will play one year, he provides a very crucial gap to the younger QB's, if we did not get Keller we would be looking at inexperience at the QB position which would have been devastating for us next year, remember the WCO only works with a solid QB see Joe Dailey :lol: Also in my opinion one of the best QB's that NU ever had was a kid who only started one year his name - Gerry Gdowski.



    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. This guy from Oklahoma writes an article about how horrible it is that Oklahoma has to play outdoors in chilly weather and thinks the big 12 is stupid for not playing these games in domes every year. Am I the only one who thinks football is MEANT to be played outside!!!!! Now I really hope NU puts the beating on OU. GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!! I really hate football played in domes maybe I'm just a traditionalist, what are your thoughts?



  16. I had forgot we play Nevada next year. Next year's schedule is shaping up to be pretty darn difficult, home against Nevada, Ball State (took Michigan to the wire a few weeks ago) USC, KSUcks, road games at Texas, Wake Forest which is a very good team. This schedule next year has to be rated one of the toughest in the country. Hope Keller is getting good workouts with the scout team :horns2

  17. ESPN reports that thug U will play Nevada in sunny, warm Boise :sarcasm Personally I couldn't stop laughing when I heard this. I always wanted to play Miami in Lincoln in late November, see how they like playing in cold weather for once. Seriously have the canes ever played in weather below 50 degrees I sure don't remember it. I wonder just how many fans thug U will have? I'm guessing maybe 3 or 4, since its like 10,000 miles away or whatever. Here's hoping for low teens with whiteout conditions in Boise come December 31st :woo

  18. I have been watching my huskers play football all my life and I look forward to each and every husker gameday and for the most part I really don't have bad feelings for any team we play. I consider OU to be our rival and I will always feel this way, but I by no means hate OU, I respect them very much and sincerely miss playing them the day after thanksgiving every year the way it was meant to be. Having said this there is one team in our conference that brings out the dark side in me, that team my friends is the University of Colorado better known as sCUm. Ever since Bill McCartney showed up at CU it seems like the whole state of Colorado became nothing but a bastion for a$$holes and scumbags. Their players are cocky and arrogant much like Miami and their fans are 10 times worse. I thought it would get better out there once McCartney retired but each coach after him seemed to pick right up where he left off, and it looks as though Hawkins will continue the proud tradition of arrogant a$$hole coaches at CU. With the tOSU & Michigan game tomorrow it got me thinking about rivalries and specifically whether or not we should consider sCUm our rival. I feel that CU is our rival, but I would relate this to the OU & UT rivalry, this rivalry is a blood rivalry with absoulutely no respect at all between the two teams just hate. I would say OU & NU is a respect rivalry, but sCUm & NU is a blood rivalry. What are your thoughts, do you hate sCUm like I do or is there another conference team you hate more?

  19. This game comes down to putting a lot of pressure on Colt McCoy, you have to remember he is still a very very green freshman QB. If we can rattle him early and shut down the run, we have a great shot at pulling off the upset.



    GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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